Reputation: 559
A few days ago I asked this question
An open point was that it was not clear how to handle values (-23.0 in my example). The string shall be parsed as a value (expressed as a string type) and not as an option.
I now tried to extend the proposed grammar but again without success. I also tried to relaxe my requirements so I think it is valid to define an argument with double dashes "--". The idea was to get an unique identifier for the argument. This is my current grammar but the parsing fails and I have no clue why:
#include <boost/fusion/adapted.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Structure stores the parsed command line information:
struct CmdData
typedef std::string Name;
typedef std::string ArgName;
typedef std::string Value;
typedef std::vector<Value> Values; // Type defines a list of values:
typedef std::map<ArgName, Values> Args; // Type defines a map storing the relation between a argument and the corresponding values:
Name cmd; // Stores the command name as a string.
Args arg; // Stores the arguments and the corresponding values as strings.
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(CmdData, (CmdData::Name, cmd)(CmdData::Args, arg))
namespace Grammar
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
// This class implements the grammar used to parse a command line.
// The expected format is as follows:
// - command
// - command value0 ... valueN
// - command -arg0 ... -argN
// - command -arg0 value0 ... valueN ... -argN value0 ... valueN
template <typename It>
struct decode : qi::grammar<It, CmdData()>
decode() : decode::base_type(data)
using namespace qi;
token = +( ~char_( "\r\n -" ) );
values = +( ~char_( "--" ) >> +token );
entry = (lexeme[ "--" >> token ] >> -values | attr( "empty" ) >> values );
args = *entry;
data = skip(qi::blank) [ token >> args ];
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES( (token)(values)(entry)(args)(data) )
qi::rule<It, CmdData()> data;
// The following variables define the rules used within this grammar:
typedef std::pair<CmdData::ArgName, CmdData::Values> Entry;
qi::rule<It, CmdData::Values(), qi::blank_type> values;
qi::rule<It, Entry(), qi::blank_type> entry;
qi::rule<It, CmdData::Args(), qi::blank_type> args;
// lexemes
qi::rule<It, std::string()> token;
} // namespace
bool parse(const std::string& in)
CmdData data;
// Create an instance of the used grammar:
Grammar::decode<std::string::const_iterator> gr;
// Try to parse the data stored within the stream according the grammar and store the result in the tag variable:
bool b = boost::spirit::qi::parse(in.begin(), in.end(), gr, data);
std::cout << "Parsing: '" << in << "' ok: " << std::boolalpha << b << "\n";
if (b)
std::cout << "Entries parsed: " << data.arg.size() << "\n";
return b;
int main()
parse(" cmd0");
parse(" cmd0 value0 value1 value2 -23.0");
parse(" cmd0 -23.0 value0 value1 value2");
parse(" cmd0 --arg0 --arg1 123 --arg2 -23.0");
parse(" cmd0 --arg0 value0 --arg1 value0 value1 --arg2 value0 value1 value2");
Upvotes: 1
Views: 98
Reputation: 16214
Ok, I played with your grammar, and I think I got it to work.
Let me make the disclaimer that I am not an expert in boost spirit and I have only a medium level of experience.
Here were the things I changed:
I don't know what the ~
operator is in spirit, it's not documented here: In my version I removed it.
I think you were using ~ to try to mean "not these characters". The way I do that is usually using -
operator. That is I make a "general" expression and then exclude things from it using -
I got rid of all your skip grammars and just added a whitespace rule. As long as the whitespace rule has no attribute, it won't affect the automatic attribute deduction, it will have qi::unused_type
. That probably wasn't necessary / optimal but it was faster for me to make a working answer that way.
I think the two major problems that I fixed in your grammar were, using ~char_( "--" )
when you should have used something like - "--"
or - lit("--")
as pointed out by cv_and_he in comments, and the part where you parse the argument classes "--" >> token
and weren't using lit
, which surely confused the automatic attribute collection system.
Here's what I ended up with:
#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_object.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_fusion.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_stl.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Structure stores the parsed command line information:
struct CmdData
typedef std::string Name;
typedef std::string ArgName;
typedef std::string Value;
typedef std::vector<Value> Values; // Type defines a list of values:
typedef std::map<ArgName, Values> Args; // Type defines a map storing the relation between a argument and the corresponding values:
Name cmd; // Stores the command name as a string.
Args arg; // Stores the arguments and the corresponding values as strings.
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(CmdData, (CmdData::Name, cmd)(CmdData::Args, arg))
namespace Grammar
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
// This class implements the grammar used to parse a command line.
// The expected format is as follows:
// - command
// - command value0 ... valueN
// - command -arg0 ... -argN
// - command -arg0 value0 ... valueN ... -argN value0 ... valueN
template <typename It>
struct decode : qi::grammar<It, CmdData()>
decode() : decode::base_type(data)
using namespace qi;
ws = char_("\r\n ");
token = +( char_ - ws - lit("--") );
values = token % (+ws);
arg_label = lit("--") >> token;
entry = arg_label >> -(+ws >> values);
args = entry % (+ws);
data = *ws >> token >> -(+ws >> args) >> *ws;
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES( (token)(values)(entry)(args)(data) )
qi::rule<It, CmdData()> data;
// The following variables define the rules used within this grammar:
typedef std::pair<CmdData::ArgName, CmdData::Values> Entry;
qi::rule<It, CmdData::Values()> values;
qi::rule<It, Entry()> entry;
qi::rule<It, CmdData::Args()> args;
// lexemes
qi::rule<It, std::string()> token;
qi::rule<It, std::string()> arg_label;
qi::rule<It> ws;
} // namespace
bool parse(const std::string& in)
CmdData data;
// Create an instance of the used grammar:
Grammar::decode<std::string::const_iterator> gr;
// Try to parse the data stored within the stream according the grammar and store the result in the tag variable:
bool b = boost::spirit::qi::parse(in.begin(), in.end(), gr, data);
std::cout << "Parsing: '" << in << "' ok: " << std::boolalpha << b << "\n";
if (b) {
std::cout << "Entries parsed: " << data.arg.size() << "\n";
for (const auto & p : data.arg) {
std::cout << " " << p.first;
bool first = true;
for (const auto & v : p.second) {
if (first) {
std::cout << " : ";
first = false;
} else {
std::cout << " , ";
std::cout << v;
std::cout << std::endl;
return b;
int main()
parse(" cmd0");
parse(" cmd0 value0 value1 value2 -23.0");
parse(" cmd0 -23.0 value0 value1 value2");
parse(" cmd0 --arg0 --arg1 123 --arg2 -23.0");
parse(" cmd0 --arg0 value0 --arg1 value0 value1 --arg2 value0 value1 value2");
Compiled with gcc version 4.8.4. Here's my output:
$ g++ -std=c++11 main.cpp -o main
$ ./main
Parsing: ' cmd0' ok: true
Entries parsed: 0
Parsing: ' cmd0 value0 value1 value2 -23.0' ok: true
Entries parsed: 0
Parsing: ' cmd0 -23.0 value0 value1 value2' ok: true
Entries parsed: 0
Parsing: ' cmd0 --arg0 --arg1 123 --arg2 -23.0' ok: true
Entries parsed: 3
arg1 : 123
arg2 : -23.0
Parsing: ' cmd0 --arg0 value0 --arg1 value0 value1 --arg2 value0 value1 value2' ok: true
Entries parsed: 3
arg0 : value0
arg1 : value0 , value1
arg2 : value0 , value1 , value2
As pointed out in comments my first answer wasn't correct because it doesn't handle the "empty" argument type. I see now that the answer from part 1 was doing that part correctly. In this version I fixed that and I also fixed up the whitespace so that it's handled more cleanly / more like the original code sample.
#include <boost/config/warning_disable.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_core.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_object.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_fusion.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_stl.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/adapt_struct.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/std_pair.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// Structure stores the parsed command line information:
struct CmdData
typedef std::string Name;
typedef std::string ArgName;
typedef std::string Value;
typedef std::vector<Value> Values; // Type defines a list of values:
typedef std::map<ArgName, Values> Args; // Type defines a map storing the relation between a argument and the corresponding values:
Name cmd; // Stores the command name as a string.
Args arg; // Stores the arguments and the corresponding values as strings.
BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(CmdData, (CmdData::Name, cmd)(CmdData::Args, arg))
namespace Grammar
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
// This class implements the grammar used to parse a command line.
// The expected format is as follows:
// - command
// - command value0 ... valueN
// - command -arg0 ... -argN
// - command -arg0 value0 ... valueN ... -argN value0 ... valueN
template <typename It>
struct decode : qi::grammar<It, CmdData()>
decode() : decode::base_type(data)
using namespace qi;
token = +( char_ - blank - lit("--") );
arg_label = lit("--") >> token;
entry = skip(blank) [
(arg_label >> *token) | ( attr("empty") >> +token)
args = *entry;
data = skip(blank) [ token >> args ];
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES( (token)(entry)(args)(arg_label)(data) )
qi::rule<It, CmdData()> data;
// The following variables define the rules used within this grammar:
typedef std::pair<CmdData::ArgName, CmdData::Values> Entry;
qi::rule<It, Entry()> entry;
qi::rule<It, CmdData::Args()> args;
// lexemes
qi::rule<It, std::string()> token;
qi::rule<It, std::string()> arg_label;
} // namespace
bool parse(const std::string& in)
CmdData data;
// Create an instance of the used grammar:
Grammar::decode<std::string::const_iterator> gr;
// Try to parse the data stored within the stream according the grammar and store the result in the tag variable:
bool b = boost::spirit::qi::parse(in.begin(), in.end(), gr, data);
std::cout << "Parsing: '" << in << "' ok: " << std::boolalpha << b << "\n";
if (b) {
std::cout << "Entries parsed: " << data.arg.size() << "\n";
for (const auto & p : data.arg) {
std::cout << " " << p.first;
bool first = true;
for (const auto & v : p.second) {
if (first) {
std::cout << " : ";
first = false;
} else {
std::cout << " , ";
std::cout << v;
std::cout << std::endl;
return b;
int main()
parse(" cmd0");
parse(" cmd0 value0 value1 value2 -23.0");
parse(" cmd0 -23.0 value0 value1 value2");
parse(" cmd0 --arg0 --arg1 123 --arg2 -23.0");
parse(" cmd0 --arg0 value0 --arg1 value0 value1 --arg2 value0 value1 value2");
My output is now like this:
$ ./main
Parsing: ' cmd0' ok: true
Entries parsed: 0
Parsing: ' cmd0 value0 value1 value2 -23.0' ok: true
Entries parsed: 1
empty : value0 , value1 , value2 , -23.0
Parsing: ' cmd0 -23.0 value0 value1 value2' ok: true
Entries parsed: 1
empty : -23.0 , value0 , value1 , value2
Parsing: ' cmd0 --arg0 --arg1 123 --arg2 -23.0' ok: true
Entries parsed: 3
arg1 : 123
arg2 : -23.0
Parsing: ' cmd0 --arg0 value0 --arg1 value0 value1 --arg2 value0 value1 value2' ok: true
Entries parsed: 3
arg0 : value0
arg1 : value0 , value1
arg2 : value0 , value1 , value2
I had to change things around a little bit in that version, because I was getting an infinite loop with *entry
and then attr("empty") >> *tokens
. I think this is most likely the simplest way to get it to work while still using all automatic attributions, not sure.
Upvotes: 2