Reputation: 8018
I am using R to create some basic machine learning models. I use the klar, caret and e1071 packages. Here is the code that generates my model
x = iris[,-5]
y = iris$Species
model = train(x,y,'nb',trControl = trainControl(method='cv',number=10))
i was wondering,is it possible to save this model somewhere and reference it later ? For example, in python we can use the pickle package to do
nbClassifier = nltk.NaiveBayesClassifier.train(featureSets)
saveNBClassifier = open("abtNBClassifier.pickle","wb")
pickle.dump(nbClassifier, saveNBClassifier)
and later
open_file = open("abtNBClassifier.pickle", "rb")
classifier = pickle.load(open_file)
is something similar possible in R ?
Upvotes: 8
Views: 5276
Reputation: 23608
If you only want to save a single object, you can also use:
saveRDS(model, file = "model.rds")
Afterwards you can use
loadedModel <- readRDS(model.rds)
ReadRDS() does not load the object as it was named when you saved it, but can be loaded in a new name.
For more information on the difference between save() and saveRDS() see this link
Upvotes: 8
Reputation: 4995
Yes you can just use:
save(model, file="model.Rda")
and later:
Upvotes: 3