Reputation: 27
I have written a code to extract filenames from a folder where I can manually select the path and all the filenames and the date of modification is extracted. However, I want a to modify the code so that it extracts filenames of only those files which starts from Alphabet "A". Below is the code:
Option Explicit
Function BrowseForFolder(Optional OpenAt As Variant) As Variant
Dim ShellApp As Object
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objFile As Object
Dim i As Integer
Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application"). _
BrowseForFolder(0, "Please choose a folder", 0, OpenAt)
On Error Resume Next
BrowseForFolder = ShellApp.self.Path
On Error GoTo 0
Set ShellApp = Nothing
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\Users\rd4470\Documents\Test Folder")
i = 1
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
Cells(i + 1, 1) = objFile.Name
Cells(i + 1, 2) = objFile.DateLastModified
i = i + 1
Next objFile
Exit Function
BrowseForFolder = False
End Function
Upvotes: 2
Views: 170
Reputation: 808
I assume objFile.Name returns a string of your filename? You would just need to surround the innards of your for loop in an if, checking if the first character is an 'A'. (I believe this is what you wanted)...
Dim tempString As String
For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
tempString = left(objFile.Name, 1)
If tempString = "A" Then
Cells(i + 1, 1) = objFile.Name
Cells(i + 1, 2) = objFile.DateLastModified
i = i + 1
Next objFile
code to specify folder:
hOwner As Long
pidlRoot As Long
pszDisplayName As String
lpszTitle As String
ulFlags As Long
lpfn As Long
lParam As Long
iImage As Long
End Type
Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _
"SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, _
ByVal pszPath As String) As Long
Private Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" Alias _
"SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) _
As Long
Public Function BrowseFolder(szDialogTitle As String) As String
Dim X As Long, bi As BROWSEINFO, dwIList As Long
Dim szPath As String, wPos As Integer
With bi
.hOwner = hWndAccessApp
.lpszTitle = szDialogTitle
End With
dwIList = SHBrowseForFolder(bi)
szPath = Space$(512)
X = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal dwIList, ByVal szPath)
If X Then
wPos = InStr(szPath, Chr(0))
BrowseFolder = Left$(szPath, wPos - 1)
BrowseFolder = vbNullString
End If
End Function
' insert code anywhere to call function
tempFilepath = BrowseFolder("Choose Folder For Import") & "\"
If tempFilepath = "\" Then
MsgBox "No output path specified, please select a valid output path"
Exit Sub
End If
Upvotes: 2