Reputation: 781
I am having huge difficulty to implement simple dropdown list with Polymer 0.5.
I am also parallel migrating from Polymer .5 to 1.0. But that is separate discussion ( Migrating Polymer project .5 to 1.0 error).
Here is the code I am using to define polymer element inside body:
<polymer-element name="x-trigger" extends="paper-icon-button" relative="" on-tap="{{toggle}}" noink="">
I am using the element further down the body like this:
<x-trigger icon="menu" relative="" noink="" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-label="menu">
<paper-dropdown tabindex="-1" class="core-transition" style="outline: none; display: none;">
halign = left
valign = top
I defined following script section in the head section of the page:
Polymer('x-trigger', {
toggle: function () {
if (!this.dropdown) {
this.dropdown = this.querySelector('paper-dropdown');
this.dropdown && this.dropdown.toggle();
The problem is, I do see the icon button in the page but when ever I click on that button, nothing happens.
Further debugging revealed,
I don’t know what is causing the issue
Update: While debugging i got the following error in the line:
Polymer('x-trigger', {
/deep/ combinator is deprecated
Does this mean that i have to upgrade to polymer v1 to resolve this issue or is their any workaround for polymer 0.5?
Upvotes: 13
Views: 986
Reputation: 1009
Move the script
into the actual polymer-element
<polymer-element name="x-trigger" extends="paper-icon-button" relative="" on-tap="{{toggle}}" noink="">
Polymer('x-trigger', {
toggle: function () {
if (!this.dropdown) {
this.dropdown = this. querySelector('paper-dropdown');
this.dropdown && this.dropdown.toggle();
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 14268
The difference between Polymer 0.5 and 1.0 is really quite large. The /deep/ selector you reference was one of the big issues I faced migrating.
I recently migrated a project from 0.5 to 1.0 and in order to do so I had to change all instances of /deep/ to the new notation.
My advice would be to migrate from 0.5 to 1.0 first, then use the new Polymer documentation to come up with a solution.
In that project I implemented a simple drop-down. Here's my approach:
<dom-module id="profile-edit-page">
// Styling
<div class="container-app">
<div class="container-inner">
<!-- Other form elements -->
<input is="iron-input" id="filterInput" type="text" required placeholder="Automotive assistant" label="Occupation" bind-value="{{order.occupation}}" on-focus="startPickingOccupation" on-keydown="updateFilter" on-blur="stopPickingOccupation" class="block field input-reg mb2"></input>
<div class$="[[pickingOccupationClass(pickingOccupation)]]">
<paper-menu >
<template id="occupationRepeat" is="dom-repeat" items="[[occupations]]" filter="isShown">
<paper-item class="option" on-click="pickOccupation">[[item]]</paper-item>
<button class$="inputClass" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" on-click="forward" value="{{order.registration}}">Continue</button>
properties: {
order: Object,
pickingOccupation: {
type: Boolean,
value: false
occupationFilter: {
type: String,
value: ""
occupations: {
type: Array,
value: ["Abattoir Worker",
"Accommodation Officer",
// Etc.
"Zoology Consultant"]
is: "profile-edit-page",
pickOccupation: function(e) {
this.set('order.occupation', e.model.item);
this.set('pickingOccupation', false);
startPickingOccupation: function() {
this.pickingOccupation = true;
stopPickingOccupation: function() {
this.async(function() {
this.pickingOccupation = false;
updateFilter: function() {
if(typeof(this.$.occupationRepeat) === "undefined") {
this.set('occupationFilter', this.$.filterInput.value.toLowerCase());
this.async(function() {
isShown: function(item) {
if(this.order.occupation == '') {
return false;
return (item.toLowerCase().search(this.occupationFilter) !== -1);
pickingOccupationClass: function(picking) {
if(this.pickingOccupation) {
return "picking";
} else {
return "hidden";
Upvotes: 5