Reputation: 15967
I am learning purescript and wanted to convert the following javascript/html piece into its purescript equivalent. It simply adds/removes content if I select an element from a list, it is used in a bootstrap dropdown button for in a login form.
"use strict";
var content = $(this).text();
if (content === "Register") {
if ($("#confirm-div").length === 0){
"<div class=\"form-group\" id=\"confirm-div\">"
+ "<div class=\"input-group\">"
+ "<p class=\"input-group-addon\">"
+ "<i class=\"fa fa-fw fa-lock\"></i>"
+ "</p>"
+ "<input class=\"form-control\""
+ " id=\"cpassword\""
+ " type=\"password\""
+ " placeholder=\"retype password\">"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>");
if (content === "Login") {
if ($("#remember-label").length === 0) {
$("#remember-div").prepend("<label id=\"remember-label\"><input id=\"remember\" type=\"checkbox\">Remember Me</label>");
$("#login").attr("action", "/" + content.toLowerCase());
The crucial problem (I think) is that I cannot construct a JQuery value from a blaze rendered string - I think the error happens in the Right
-blocks - at the J.create
part in the examples I saw - div <- J.create "<div>"
which is appently not the string J.create
is expecting is there a way to use the nice "blaze" syntax to construct the input for J.create
. Or do I have to rewrite the html part with the JQuery module.
Here is what I have got so far
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (div, id, append)
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console
import Control.Bind ((=<<))
import Data.Either
import Data.Monoid
import Data.String (toLower)
import qualified Data.Foreign as F
import DOM (DOM())
import Text.Smolder.HTML (Html(), div, label, input, p, i)
import Text.Smolder.HTML.Attributes ( id
, placeholder
, type'
, className)
import Text.Smolder.Markup (Markup(), text, (!))
import Text.Smolder.Renderer.String (render)
import qualified Control.Monad.Eff.JQuery as J
main = do "li" >>= J.on "click" fun
fun :: forall eff. J.JQueryEvent -> J.JQuery -> Eff (console :: CONSOLE, dom :: DOM | eff) Unit
fun _ _ = do content <- (F.readString <$> (J.getValue =<< "this"))
case content of
Right "Register" -> do "#remember-label" >>= J.remove
jqueryDiv <- J.create cpasswordDiv "#confirm-div" >>= J.append jqueryDiv
aux "Register"
Right "Login" -> do "#confirm-div" >>= J.remove
jqueryDiv <- J.create rememberDiv "#remember-div" >>= J.append jqueryDiv
aux "Login"
_ -> return unit
where aux :: forall eff. String -> Eff (dom :: DOM | eff) Unit
aux str = do "#login-btn" >>= J.setValue str "#login" >>= J.setAttr "action" ("/" ++ toLower str) "#login-h2" >>= J.setValue str
return unit
rememberDiv :: String
rememberDiv = render $ div ! id "remember-div" $ do
label ! id "remember-label"
$ do input ! id "remember"
! type' "checkbox"
text "Remember Me"
cpasswordDiv :: String
cpasswordDiv = render $ withAddon "lock" ! id "confirm-div" $
input ! className "form-control"
! type' "password"
! placeholder "retype password"
withAddon :: String -> Markup -> Markup
withAddon addon htmlInput =
div ! className "form-group" $
div ! className"input-group" $ do
p (faIcon addon) ! className "input-group-addon"
faIcon :: String -> Markup
-- | inserts a fontawsome icon (fa) with fixed width (fa-fw)
-- see for a complete set of icons
faIcon str = i mempty ! className ("fa fa-fw fa-" ++ str)
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