Peter Richter
Peter Richter

Reputation: 805

Converting cookie string into Python dict

In Fiddler, I captured an HTTPS request with the following cookie string sent from the client (visible in Inspectors > Raw):

Cookie: devicePixelRatio=1; ident=exists; __utma=13103r6942.2918; __utmc=13103656942; __utmz=13105942.1.1.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided); mp_3cb27825a6612988r46d00tinct_id%22%3A%201752338%2C%22%24initial_referrer%22%3A%20%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pion_created_at%22%3A%20%222015-08-03%22%2C%22platform%22%3A%20%22web%22%2C%%22%3A%20%%22%7D; t_session=BAh7DUkiD3Nlc3NpbWVfZV9uYW1lBjsARkkiH1BhY2lmaWMgVGltZSAoVVMgJiBDYW5hZGEpBjsAVEkiFXNpZ25pbl9wZXJzb25faWQGOwBGaQMSvRpJIhRsYXN0X2xvZ2luX2RhdGUGOwBGVTogQWN0aXZlU3VwcG9ydDo6VGltZVdpdGhab25lWwhJdToJVGltZQ2T3RzAAABA7QY6CXpvbmVJIghVVEMGOwBUSSIfUGFjaWZpZWRfZGFzaGJvYXJkX21lc3NhZ2UGOwBGVA%3D%3D--6ce6ef4bd6bc1a469164b6740e7571c754b31cca

I'd like to use this cookie in a Python Requests request. (I modified the cookie slightly, so that it can't be used by readers for nefarious purposes!).

However, Requests appears to use a dictionary format for sending cookies, and I'm having trouble converting the above string/blob into a dictionary format.

My question is:

Upvotes: 31

Views: 36837

Answers (3)

Bijaya Behera
Bijaya Behera

Reputation: 41

Try this function. It supports more cookie attributes like comment, priority, version and Max-Age:

def Robotcookie(cookie: str, parent_domain: str):
    items = cookie.split(';')
    SameSite = HttpOnly = Secure = Domain = Path = Expires = Comment = MaxAge = CookieName = CookieValue = Size = Sessionkey = Version = Priority = None
    CookieName = CookieValue = None
    idx = len(items) - 1
    while idx >= 0:
        item = items[idx].strip()
        idx -= 1
        if not item:
        SameSiteMatched = re.match(r'^SameSite(.*)?', item, re.I)
        HttpOnlyMatched = SameSiteMatched or re.match(r'^HttpOnly(.*)$', item, re.I)
        SecureMatched = HttpOnlyMatched or re.match(r'^Secure(.*)$', item, re.I)
        DomainMatched = SecureMatched or re.match(r'^Domain(.*)?', item, re.I)
        PathMatched = DomainMatched or re.match(r'^Path(.*)?', item, re.I)
        ExpiresMatched = PathMatched or re.match(r'^Expires(.*)?', item, re.I)
        CommentMatched = ExpiresMatched or re.match(r'^Comment(.*)?', item, re.I)
        MaxAgeMatched = ExpiresMatched or re.match(r'^Max-Age=(.*)?', item, re.I)
        VersionMatched = MaxAgeMatched or re.match(r'^Version=(.*)?', item, re.I)
        PriorityMatched = VersionMatched or re.match(r'^priority=(.*)?', item, re.I)
        matched = SameSiteMatched or HttpOnlyMatched or SecureMatched or DomainMatched or PathMatched or ExpiresMatched or CommentMatched or MaxAgeMatched or VersionMatched or PriorityMatched
        if matched:
            val = matched.groups(0)[0].lstrip('=')
            if matched == SameSiteMatched:
                SameSite = val if val.lower() in ['strict', 'lax', 'none'] else None
            elif matched == HttpOnlyMatched:
                HttpOnly = True
            elif matched == SecureMatched:
                Secure = True
            elif matched == DomainMatched:
                Domain = val
            elif matched == PathMatched:
                Path = val
            elif matched == PathMatched:
                Path = val
            elif matched == ExpiresMatched:
                Expires = val
            elif matched == CommentMatched:
                Comment = val
            elif matched == MaxAgeMatched:
                MaxAge = val
            elif matched == VersionMatched:
                Version = val
            elif matched == PriorityMatched:
                Priority = val
            CookieMatched = re.match(r'^(.[^=]*)=(.*)?', item, re.I)
            if CookieMatched:
                CookieName, CookieValue = CookieMatched.groups(0)

    Sessionkey = True if not Expires else False
    Size = (len(CookieName) if CookieName else 0) + (len(CookieValue) if CookieValue else 0)

    Domain = parent_domain if CookieName and not Domain else Domain
    Path = '/' if CookieName and not Path else Path
    Priority = 'Medium' if CookieName and not Priority else Priority.title() if Priority else 'Medium'

    Cookie = {
        CookieName: CookieValue,
        'Domain': Domain,
        'Path': Path,
        'Expires': Expires,
        'Comment': Comment,
        'MaxAge': MaxAge,
        'SameSite': SameSite,
        'HttpOnly': HttpOnly,
        'Secure': Secure,
        'Size': Size,
        'Sessionkey': Sessionkey,
        'Version': Version,
        'Priority': Priority
    return Cookie if CookieName else None

Example code:

cookie = 'name=bijaya; comment=Comment1; expires=Mon, 26-Jul-2021 06:34:02 GMT; path=/;; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=none; Max-Age=244114; Version=1.2; priority=high;'
CookieDict = Robotcookie(cookie, parent_domain='')
# Output:
# {'name': 'bijaya', 'Domain': '', 'Path': '/', 'Expires': None, 'Comment': 'Comment1', 'MaxAge': '244114', 'SameSite': 'none', 'HttpOnly': True, 'Secure': True, 'Size': 179, 'Sessionkey': True, 'Version': '1.2', 'Priority': 'High'}

Upvotes: 4

Smart Manoj
Smart Manoj

Reputation: 5851

For a plain cookie string (document.cookies)

cookies = (dict(i.split('=', 1) for i in rawdata.split('; ')))

Upvotes: 6


Reputation: 906

You should be able to use SimpleCookie which is available in the standard Python library:

from http.cookies import SimpleCookie

rawdata = 'devicePixelRatio=1; ident=exists; __utma=13103r6942.2918; __utmc=13103656942; __utmz=13105942.1.1.1.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=(not%20provided); mp_3cb27825a6612988r46d00tinct_id%22%3A%201752338%2C%22%24initial_referrer%22%3A%20%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pion_created_at%22%3A%20%222015-08-03%22%2C%22platform%22%3A%20%22web%22%2C%%22%3A%20%%22%7D; t_session=BAh7DUkiD3Nlc3NpbWVfZV9uYW1lBjsARkkiH1BhY2lmaWMgVGltZSAoVVMgJiBDYW5hZGEpBjsAVEkiFXNpZ25pbl9wZXJzb25faWQGOwBGaQMSvRpJIhRsYXN0X2xvZ2luX2RhdGUGOwBGVTogQWN0aXZlU3VwcG9ydDo6VGltZVdpdGhab25lWwhJdToJVGltZQ2T3RzAAABA7QY6CXpvbmVJIghVVEMGOwBUSSIfUGFjaWZpZWRfZGFzaGJvYXJkX21lc3NhZ2UGOwBGVA%3D%3D--6ce6ef4bd6bc1a469164b6740e7571c754b31cca'
cookie = SimpleCookie()

# Even though SimpleCookie is dictionary-like, it internally uses a Morsel object
# which is incompatible with requests. Manually construct a dictionary instead.
cookies = {k: v.value for k, v in cookie.items()}

If you are using Python 2, you will have to import from Cookie instead of http.cookies.


Upvotes: 71

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