Reputation: 55
Very kindly, an intelligent member of stack overflow showed me how to loop with 'Do Until' and generate messages boxes to enable a user to save a file or rename one, if it already exists. However, I'm still hitting a wall. I can't save the ListView data in my for loop, with the file name I have chosen in the Input Box (see code below). Its like I have two separate pieces of code because rtb is saving data in a Rich Text File called Test.txt and saveFile has nothing to do with this! Please help
Dim fileSaved As Boolean
Do Until fileSaved
Dim saveFile As String = InputBox("Enter a file name to save this message")
If saveFile = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim docs As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments
Dim filePath As String = IO.Path.Combine(docs, "Visual Studio 2013\Projects", saveFile & ".txt")
fileSaved = True
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(filePath) Then
Dim msg As String = "File Already Exists. Do You Wish To Overwrite it?"
Dim style As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo Or MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2 Or MsgBoxStyle.Critical
fileSaved = (MsgBox(msg, style, "Warning") = MsgBoxResult.Yes)
End If
'THIS NEXT bit of code saves content to Test.txt NOT saveFile as desired!
Dim rtb As New RichTextBox
rtb.AppendText("Generation, Num Of Juveniles, Num of Adults, Num of Semiles, Total" & vbNewLine)
For Each saveitem As ListViewItem In ListView1.Items
saveitem.Text & ", " &
saveitem.SubItems(1).Text & ", " &
saveitem.SubItems(2).Text & ", " &
saveitem.SubItems(3).Text & ", " &
saveitem.SubItems(4).Text & vbNewLine)
rtb.SaveFile("C:\Users\SMITH\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\Test.txt", _
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1582
Reputation: 216293
When you try to save the file with the RichTextBox method SaveFile you need to be able to use the variable filePath
that receive the input from your user. But this variable is declared inside the block Do Until .... Loop and according to scope rules of variables in VB.NET is not available outside that block. You could move the declaration of the variable before entering the loop
Dim fileSaved As Boolean
Dim filePath As String
Do Until fileSaved
Dim saveFile As String = InputBox("Enter a file name to save this message")
If saveFile = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim docs as String = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments
filePath = IO.Path.Combine(docs, "Visual Studio 2013\Projects", saveFile & ".txt")
fileSaved = True
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(filePath) Then
Dim msg As String = "File Already Exists. Do You Wish To Overwrite it?"
Dim style As MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo Or MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2 Or MsgBoxStyle.Critical
fileSaved = (MsgBox(msg, style, "Warning") = MsgBoxResult.Yes)
End If
' The remainder of your code can be left unchanged until the SaveFile line
Now you could use it in the call
rtb.SaveFile(filePath, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText)
Upvotes: 2