Reputation: 1312
I was trying to get working FormidableLabs/radium · GitHub with reagent-project/reagent · GitHub, but I've come to a dead end.
I was able to get it working partially by "hacking" reagent function create-class
like this (It's almost the same as original, I just added js/Radium
(ns myproject.components.radium
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[reagent.impl.component :as c]
[reagent.impl.util :as util]
[reagent.interop :refer-macros [.' .!]]))
(defn create-class
(assert (map? body))
(let [
spec (c/cljsify body)
res (js/Radium (.' js/React createClass spec))
;res (.' js/React createClass spec)
f (fn [& args]
(r/as-element (apply vector res args)))]
(util/cache-react-class f res)
(util/cache-react-class res res)
Then I made function for component like this
(defn radium []
(fn []
[:button {:style
[{:backgroundColor "red"
:width 500
:height 100
"@media (min-width: 200px)" {:backgroundColor "blue"}
":hover" {:backgroundColor "green"}}
{:height 200}]}
"Heres something"])}))
And I use it somewhere in some other reagent render function like: [radium/radium]
:hover :focus :active
doesn't work at allI was digging in Radium code to found out what's wrong.
Good sign was that Radium properly assigns onMouseEnter
props to the component and sets :hover
state of component to true.
This gets properly fired:
The problem is that render
function, which is supposed re-render component based on new state (changed by Radium) is not fired at all.
This render
Whereas when I run JS Radium examples (no Clojurescript and Reagent), this render function gets fired on every onMouseEnter
. With reagent not at all.
Does Reagent somehow block re-rendering when component state changes?
Upvotes: 8
Views: 562
Reputation: 1113
I've translated the basic button Radium example to be used with Reagent:
(def Radium js/Radium)
(def styles {:base {:color "#fff"
":hover" {:background "#0A8DFF"}}
:primary {:background "#0074D9"}
:warning {:background "#FF4136"}})
(defn button
(let [kind (keyword (:kind data))]
{:style (clj->js [(:base styles)
(kind styles)])}
(:children data)]))
(def btn (Radium. (reagent/reactify-component button)))
(def rbtn (reagent/adapt-react-class btn))
(defn hello-world
[rbtn {:kind :primary} "Hello Primary"]
[rbtn {:kind :warning} "Hello Warning"]])
The key thing is that I converted button
reagent component to a React component (using reactify-component
), then passed it through Radium and then converted it back to something which I consume in reagent (using adapt-react-class
In my example, hover
Hope this helps.
I've placed the working version on GitHub.
Upvotes: 5