Hello I'm using Facebook API for PHP (latest version) and I'm trying to get all albums with photos of an user.
I wrote this code:
require_once "common.php";
if( !isset( $_SESSION['facebook_access_token'] ) ){
header("Location: index.php");
$token= $_SESSION['facebook_access_token'];
try {
// Returns a `Facebook\FacebookResponse` object
$response= $fb->get('/me?fields=id,name,first_name,last_name,gender,link,birthday,location,picture', $token);
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e) {
echo 'Graph returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
} catch(Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e) {
echo 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' . $e->getMessage();
$user= $response->getGraphUser();
$albums = $fb->get('/me/albums', $token);
$action = ( isset($_REQUEST['action']) ) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : null;
$album_id = '';
$album_id = $_REQUEST['album_id'];
$photos = $fb->get("/{$album_id}/photos", $token);
<div class="slideshow">
foreach($photos['data'] as $photo)
echo "<img src='{$photo['source']}' />";
echo '<div class="alb">';
$and = '&';
$and = '?';
echo '<p class="hd">My Albums</p>';
foreach($albums['data'] as $album)
if($album_id == $album['id']){
$name = '<b><u>'.$album['name'].'</u></b>';
$name = $album['name'];
echo '<p>'."<a href=".$pageURL.$and."action=viewalbum&album_id=".$album['id'].">".$name.'</a></p>';
echo '</div>';
I've found this example here: Get all images from specific Facebook album with Graph API PHP SDK But is says: Cannot use object of type Facebook\FacebookResponse as array on line 53 (I've changed but don't work at all because API function doesn't exist!)
I've also tried to follow the documentation:
But execute function doesn't exist! What shall I do?
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Here to attach the code retrieve varies size of photo instead of only 100px images from album.
$photos = $fb->get("/{--album_id--}/photos?fields=images&width", $accessToken->getValue())->getGraphEdge()->asArray();
foreach($photos as $photo){
echo "<br><img src='{$photo['images'][0]['source']}' />";//Get largest by 0 index
//foreach($photo['images'] as $photosize){
// echo "<br><img src='{$photosize['source']}'/>";
Upvotes: 0
I've solved...
with $albums = $fb->get('/me/albums', $token)->getGraphEdge()->asArray();
I can get album id and name as an array.
for the photos:
$album_id = $_REQUEST['album_id'];
$photos = $fb->get("/{$album_id}/photos?fields=picture", $token)->getGraphEdge()->asArray();
<div class="slideshow">
foreach($photos as $photo)
echo " <img src='{$photo['picture']}' /> ";
This works!
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 1715
You should use $photos = $fb->get("/{$album_id}/photos", $token)->getGraphEdge();
Upvotes: 1