Reputation: 183
I know this question has been asked repeatedly, apologies, but I just can't see the error... Trying to convert a factor to a date as below and no matter what I've tried I still get N/A.
> class(cd$StartDate)
[1] "factor"
> head(cd)
StartDate Phase Cancer
1 Dec-89 Phase 2 breast
2 Jul-89 Phase 2 breast
3 Sep-92 Phase 1 breast
> cd$dates <- as.Date(cd$StartDate, format = "%b-%y)
> head(cd)
StartDate Phase Cancer dates
1 Dec-89 Phase 2 breast <NA>
2 Jul-89 Phase 2 breast <NA>
3 Sep-92 Phase 1 breast <NA>
Upvotes: 1
Views: 4333
Reputation: 1
I also tried:
as.Date(as.character(cd$StartDate),format = "%m/%d/%y")
but below one works
b<-as.Date.character(a, format = "%m/%d/%Y")
The Y
in capitals in the format makes the difference.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 18612
I think you need to supply a day value for the conversion to work:
cd$dates <- as.Date(
paste0(as.character(cd$StartDate), "-01"),
format = "%b-%y-%d")
R> str(cd)
#'data.frame': 3 obs. of 4 variables:
#$ StartDate: Factor w/ 3 levels "Dec-89","Jul-89",..: 1 2 3
#$ Phase : chr "Phase_2" "Phase_2" "Phase_1"
#$ Cancer : chr "breast" "breast" "breast"
#$ dates : Date, format: "1989-12-01" "1989-07-01" "1992-09-01"
cd <- read.table(
text = " StartDate Phase Cancer
1 Dec-89 Phase_2 breast
2 Jul-89 Phase_2 breast
3 Sep-92 Phase_1 breast",
header = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cd$StartDate <- as.factor(cd$StartDate)
Upvotes: 3