Reputation: 575
Filename1: Data_A_2015-07-29_16-25-55-313.txt
Filename2: Data_B_2015-07-29_16-25-55-313.txt
I need to compare all Fils in the Folder to make sure that for every TimeStamp, there's ONE A and ONE B File.
The second and centisecond part of the Filename is not always the same in both Files so what counts is the Date_%H:%M --> 2 Files for every Minute is what I'm looking for
and Data_B_2015-07-29_16-25-54-200.txt
belong together)
I tried following code:
for root,dirs,files in os.walk(source):
for a_items in files:
if a_items.__contains__("A"):
A_ALL_List.append(a_items) # One List with all A Files
a_1 = a_item.split('_')[1] # A Part
a_2 = a_item.split('_',)[2] # Date Part
a_3 = a_item.split('_')[3] # TimeStamp %H%M%S%SS incl. .txt
a_4 = a_3.rsplit('.txt',1)[0] # TimeStamp %H%N%S%SS excl. .txt
a_5 = a_4.rsplit ('-',1)[0] # TimeStamp %H%M%S
a_6 = a_5.rsplit ('-',1)[0] # TimeStamp %H%M
a_lvl1 = a_1 + '_' + a_2 +'_' + a_3 # A_Date_FULLTimeStamp.txt
A_Lvl1.append(a_lvl1) # A_Date_TimeStamp.txt LIST
a_lvl2 = a_lvl1.rsplit('.txt',1)[0] # Split .txt
A_Lvl2.append(a_lvl2) # A_Date_TimeStamp LIST
a_lvl3 = a_1 + '_' + a_2 + '_' + a_5 # A_Date_(%H%M%S)TimeStamp
A_Lvl3.append(a_lvl3) # A_Date_(%H%M%S)TimeStamp LIST
a_lvl4 = a_2 + '_' + a_4 # Date_FULLTimeStamp
A_Lvl4.append(a_lvl4) # Date_FULLTimeStamp LIST
a_lvl5 = a_2 + '_' + a_5 # Date_(%H%M%S)TimeStamp
A_Lvl5.append(a_lvl5) # Date_(%H%M%S)TimeStamp LIST
a_lvl6 = a_2 + '_' + a_6 # Date_(%H%M)TimeStamp
A_Lvl6.append(a_lvl6) # Date_(%H%M)TimeStamp LIST
for b_items in files: # Did the same for B now
if b_items.__contains__("B"):
That way I got Lists for both filenames containing only the Parts I want to compare --> e.g. if i'd compare the Lists A_Lvl6 with B_Lvl6 i'd would compare only the Date Part and the Hour and Minutes from the Timestamp.
I figured out, that there are more B Files than A Files so I moved on:
for Difference in B_Lvl6: # Data in B
if Difference not in A_Lvl6: # Not in A
That way I got an output of Data where I had no A Files but B Files --> DiffList
Now I would like to look for the corresponding B Files from that DiffList (since there are no matching A Files) and move those B files into another Folder --> In Main Folder should only be A and B Files with matching TimeStamps (%H%M)
My question (finally):
How can I manage the last part, where I want to get rid of all A or B Files with no TimeStamp Partner.
Is my method a proper way to tackle a problem like this or is it completely insane? I've been using Python for 1.5 weeks now so any suggestions on packages and tutorials would be welcome.
Solution I used:
import os
import re`
import datetime as dt
def test_list(l):
return (len(l)==2 and {t[1] for t in l}!=set('AB'))
def round_time(dto, round_to=60):
seconds = (dto - dto.min).seconds
rounding = (seconds-round_to/2) // round_to * round_to
return dto + dt.timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dto.microsecond)
for fn in os.listdir(source):
p=os.path.join(source, fn)
if os.path.isfile(p):
if m:
d=round_time(dt.datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f'), round_to=60)
fnames.setdefault(str(d), []).append((p,
for k, v in [(k, v) for k, v in fnames.items() if not test_list(v)]:
for fn in v:
print fn[0]
Upvotes: 2
Views: 5057
Reputation: 104102
Given these five file names:
$ ls Data*
You can use a regex to locate the key info: Demo
Since we are dealing with time stamps, the time should be rounded to the nearest time mark of interest.
Here is a function that will round up or down to the closest minute:
import datetime as dt
def round_time(dto, round_to=60):
seconds = (dto - dto.min).seconds
rounding = (seconds+round_to/2) // round_to * round_to
return dto + dt.timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dto.microsecond)
Combine that with looping though the files, you can combine into a dictionary of lists with the key being the time stamp rounded to a minute.
(I suspect that your files are all in the same directory, so I am showing this with os.listdir instead of os.walk since os.walk recursively goes through multiple directories)
import os
import re
import datetime as dt
for fn in os.listdir(source):
p=os.path.join(source, fn)
if os.path.isfile(p):
if m:
d=round_time(dt.datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f'), round_to=60)
fnames.setdefault(str(d), []).append((p,
print fnames
{'2015-07-29 16:28:00': [('/tmp/Data_A_2015-07-29_16-27-54-201.txt', 'A')], '2015-07-29 16:27:00': [('/tmp/Data_A_2015-07-29_16-26-56-314.txt', 'A'), ('/tmp/Data_B_2015-07-29_16-26-54-201.txt', 'B')], '2015-07-29 16:26:00': [('/tmp/Data_A_2015-07-29_16-25-55-313.txt', 'A'), ('/tmp/Data_B_2015-07-29_16-25-54-200.txt', 'B')]}
The five files have one file that does not have a pair. You can filter for all the the file lists that are not length two or do not have an A and B pair match.
First, define a test function that will test for that:
def test_list(l):
return (len(l)==2 and {t[1] for t in l}==set('AB'))
Then use a list comprehension to find all the entries from the dict that do not meet your conditions:
>>> [(k, v) for k, v in fnames.items() if not test_list(v)]
[('2015-07-29 16:28:00', [('/tmp/Data_A_2015-07-29_16-27-54-201.txt', 'A')])]
Then act on those files:
for k, v in [(k, v) for k, v in fnames.items() if not test_list(v)]:
for fn in v:
print fn # could be os.remove(fn)
The same basic method works with os.walk
but you may have files in multiple directories.
Here is the complete listing:
import os
import re
import datetime as dt
def test_list(l):
return (len(l)==2 and {t[1] for t in l}==set('AB'))
def round_time(dto, round_to=60):
seconds = (dto - dto.min).seconds
rounding = (seconds+round_to/2) // round_to * round_to
return dto + dt.timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dto.microsecond)
for fn in os.listdir(source):
p=os.path.join(source, fn)
if os.path.isfile(p):
if m:
d=round_time(dt.datetime.strptime(, '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f'), round_to=60)
fnames.setdefault(str(d), []).append((p,
for k, v in [(k, v) for k, v in fnames.items() if not test_list(v)]:
for fn in v:
print fn[0] # This is the file that does NOT have a pair -- delete?
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3736
I think simply ignoring the second and the millisecond part isn't a good idea. It can happen that one of your files has 01:01:59:999 and another one has 01:02:00:000. The difference is only one millisecond, but it affects the minute part too. A better solution would be parsing the datetimes and calculating the timedelta between them. But let's go with the simple stupid version. I thought something like this could do the job. Tailor it to your needs if it isn't exactly what you need:
import os
import re
pattern = re.compile(r'^Data_(?P<filetype>A|B)_(?P<datetime>\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d_\d\d\-\d\d)\-\d\d\-\d\d\d\.txt$')
def diff_dir(dir, files):
a_set, b_set = {}, {}
sets = {'A': a_set, 'B': b_set}
for file in files:
path = os.path.join(dir, file)
match = pattern.match(file)
if match:
sets['filetype')]['datetime')] = path
print("Filename doesn't match our pattern: " + path)
a_datetime_set, b_datetime_set = set(a_set.keys()), set(b_set.keys())
a_only_datetimes = a_datetime_set - b_datetime_set
b_only_datetimes = b_datetime_set - a_datetime_set
for dt in a_only_datetimes:
for dt in b_only_datetimes:
def diff_dir_recursively(rootdir):
for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
diff_dir(dir, files)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# use your root directory here
rootdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'dir')
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 15182
I wanted to post a partial answer to point out how you can assign the results of the split to names, and give them meaningful names. This usually makes solving the problem a little easier.
def match_files(files):
result = {}
for filename in files:
data, letter, date, time_txt = filename.split('_')
time, ext = time_txt.split('.')
hour, min, sec, ns = time.split('-')
key = date + '_' + hour + '-' + min
# Initialize dictionary if it doesn't already exist.
if not result.has_key(key):
result[key] = {}
result[key][letter] = filename
return result
filename1 = 'Data_A_2015-07-29_16-25-55-313.txt'
filename2 = 'Data_B_2015-07-29_16-25-55-313.txt'
file_list = [filename1, filename2]
In [135]: match_files(file_list)
{'2015-07-29_16-25': {'A': 'Data_A_2015-07-29_16-25-55-313.txt',
'B': 'Data_B_2015-07-29_16-25-55-313.txt'}}
Upvotes: 1