Reputation: 91
I want to convert an MKMapPoint to a NSValue. In Objective-C i can do it with the following statement:
MKMapPoint point = MKMapPointForCoordinate(location.coordinate);
NSValue *pointValue = [NSValue value:&point withObjCType:@encode(MKMapPoint)];
How can i do that in Swift? Thanks!
Upvotes: 6
Views: 1207
Reputation: 1051
I think Leo's answer isn't correct anymore, I managed to convert array of MKMapPoint to an array of CGPoint with the code below :
let polygonView = MKPolygonRenderer(overlay: overlay)
let polyPoints = polygonView.polygon.points() //returns [MKMapPoint]
var arrOfCGPoints : [CGPoint] = []
for i in 0..<polygonView.polygon.pointCount {
arrOfCGPoints.append(polygonView.point(for: polyPoints[i])) //converts to CGPoint
//prints [(10896.74671715498, 10527.267575368285), (10830.46552553773, 10503.901612073183), (10741.784851640463, 10480.270403653383), (10653.04738676548, 10456.62348484993), (10566.442882657051, 10409.803505435586)]
And to NSValue :
ler someCgPoint = arrOfCGPoints[0]
var pointObj = NSValue(CGPoint: someCgPoint)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2272
It isn't possible in Swift, but you can still create a category in ObjC and use it in your Swift project
// NSValue+MKMapPoint.h
@interface NSValue (MKMapPoint)
+ (NSValue *)valueWithMKMapPoint:(MKMapPoint)mapPoint;
- (MKMapPoint)MKMapPointValue;
// NSValue+MKMapPoint.m
@implementation NSValue (MKMapPoint)
+ (NSValue *)valueWithMKMapPoint:(MKMapPoint)mapPoint {
return [NSValue value:&mapPoint withObjCType:@encode(MKMapPoint)];
- (MKMapPoint)MKMapPointValue {
MKMapPoint mapPoint;
[self getValue:&mapPoint];
return mapPoint;
The usage in Swift:
let mapValue = CGValue(MKMapPoint: <your map point>)
let mapPoint = mapValue.MKMapPointValue();
Upvotes: 4