Reputation: 692
I am trying to define the rev function on a vector, the size of it is embedded in it and I can't figure out how to define the rev function on it.
Here is my type definition:
Inductive vect {X : Type} : nat -> Type -> Type
:= Nil : vect 0 X
| Cons : forall n, X -> vect n X -> vect (S n) X
I have defined some useful functions on it:
Fixpoint app {X : Type} {n m : nat} (v1 : vect n X) (v2 : vect m X)
: vect (n + m) X :=
match v1 with
| Nil => v2
| Cons _ x xs => Cons _ x (app xs v2)
Fixpoint fold_left {X Y : Type} {n : nat} (f : Y -> X -> Y) (acc : Y) (v : vect n X)
: Y :=
match v with
| Nil => acc
| Cons _ x xs => fold_left f (f acc x) xs
And now, I want to define rev. My first tentative was through fold_left but it turned out to be a total failure.
Fixpoint rev {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : @vect X n X) : @vect X n X :=
fold_left (fun {X : Type} {k : nat} (acc : vect k X) (x : X) => x ::: acc) {{ }} v.
I don't understand the error Error: The type of this term is a product while it is expected to be a sort.
My second tentative is almost good but Coq can't see that "S n = (n + 1)" natively and I don't know how to tell Coq so.
Fixpoint rev {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : @vect X n X) : @vect X n X :=
match v in (vect n X) return (vect n X) with
| Nil => Nil
| Cons _ x xs => app (rev xs) {{ x }}
The error being The term "app (rev X n0 xs) {{x}}" has type "vect (n0 + 1) X" while it is expected to have type "vect (S n0) X"
If you have any other remarks on the coq code do not hesitate.
Upvotes: 7
Views: 1257
Reputation: 107879
Fixpoint rev {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : @vect X n X) : @vect X n X := fold_left (fun {X : Type} {k : nat} (acc : vect k X) (x : X) => Cons x acc) Nil v.
The first explicit argument to fold_left
must have a type of the form ?1 -> ?2 -> ?1
, i.e. a function of two arguments whose return type is the same as the first argument. [Dependent] “product” is Coq terminology for a function. You're passing a term of the form fun (X:Type) b c d => …
, so ?1
is Type
, and the term fun c d => …
(which obviously has a product type) must have the type ?
given the context, so it must have the type Type
, i.e. it must be a sort.
If you try to fix this, you'll realize that your fold_left
function doesn't work here: you need to vary the length of the vector during the iteration, but the iterator argument to fold_left
has a type that's constant during the iteration. With the fold_left
function that you have, if you start from the accumulator Nil
, which is a vector of length 0, you'll end up with a result of the same type, again a vector of length 0.
I haven't thought about how to define a more general iterator that would let you define rev
, but I'm sure it's possible.
As to your second attempt, the problem with vect (n0 + 1) X
and vect (S n0) X
is that they are not the same type, because n0 + 1
is not convertible to S n0
. The terms n0 + 1
are equal but not convertible, and terms used as types are only interchangeable if they're convertible.
If two types are equal, you can write a function that “casts” a term of one type into a term of the other type. In fact, the general function to do that is eq_rect
, the destructor for the equality type family. You may find it to define a specialized function to cast a vector to a vector of provably-but-not-necessarily-convertibly equal length.
Definition vect_eq_nat {X : Type} {m n : nat} (H : m = n) v :=
eq_rect _ (fun k => @vect X k X) v _ H.
If the usage of eq_rect
doesn't immediately stand out, you can define such functions through tactics. Just be sure that you're defining a function that not only has the right type but has the desired result, and make the definition transparent.
Definition vect_eq_nat {X : Type} {m n : nat} : m = n -> @vect X m X -> @vect X n X.
rewrite <- H.
exact X0.
Print vect_eq_nat.
You can also use the Program
vernacular to mix proofs and terms.
Program Definition vect_plus_comm {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : @vect X (n+1) X) : @vect X (S n) X :=
vect_eq_nat _ v.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Omega.
Solve Obligation 0 using (intros; omega).
Now you can use this auxiliary definition to define rev
Fixpoint rev {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : @vect X n X) : @vect X n X :=
match v in (vect n X) return (vect n X) with
| Nil => Nil
| Cons _ x xs => vect_plus_comm (app (rev xs) (Cons _ x Nil))
You can use Program Fixpoint
to define rev
directly, once you've put that casting step in place. The one proof obligation is the equality between S n0
and n0 + 1
Program Fixpoint rev' {X : Type} {n : nat} (v : @vect X n X) : @vect X n X :=
match v in (vect n X) return (vect n X) with
| Nil => Nil
| Cons _ x xs => vect_eq_nat _ (app (rev' xs) (Cons _ x Nil))
Solve Obligation 0 using (intros; omega).
Upvotes: 4