Reputation: 1980
I have been some time without programing in Synfony and I have some doubts.
Is posible that and Action Controller return a variable (for example and integer) instead of a Response Object or Json Object.
What I need is call a function inside another function in a different Controller. If the 2 functions live in the same Controller it has no problem (like this):
class AController{
public function AAction(){
$var = $this->BAction(); //Do whatever I want with $var
return Response ("Hello");
public function BAction(){
return 34; //return an integer instead of a Response
THE PROBLEM IS when the BAction is in another Controller. If I use a forward, Symfony expect that BAction return a Response object or a Json array, but I only want to return a simple variale.
Is this posible?? Return a simple integer...
Thanks a lot!!
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Views: 1938
Reputation: 93
A controller should never use another controllers action. Thats not the problem that Controllers solve. Symfony business logic structure is SOA based. ( Therefore for custom business logic you should always use either:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3697
No a Action must return a Response Object. But if you have two controllers (that will say two different classes) then you could create a service.
class: AppBundle\Services\OwnService
entityManager: "@doctrine.orm.entity_manager"
namespace AppBundle\Services;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
class OwnService {
* @var EntityManager
private $em;
public function __constructor(EntityManager $entityManager)
$this->em = $entityManager;
public function doSomething(){
// you could use the entitymanager here
return 'Okay i will do something.';
$myOwnService = $this->get('app.my_ownservice');
$text = $myOwnService->doSomething();
// echo $text;
Upvotes: 2