Reputation: 2421
So I'm trying to bind this mutable property to the string signal.
func bindViewModel() {
let stringProp = MutableProperty<String>("")
let (stringSignal, stringSink) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
stringProp <~ stringSignal
My understanding is that the types match with this function signature:
func <~<P : MutablePropertyType>(property: P, signal: ReactiveCocoa.Signal<P.Value, ReactiveCocoa.NoError>) -> Disposable
Yet the compiler seems confused about which operator to use and prints out this error:
error: ambiguous operator declarations found for operator
stringProp <~ stringSignal
the types seem to checkout in my opinion but not according to the compiler ... Any idea how to resolve this bind ?
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Views: 391
Reputation: 2421
it appears the compiler is unable to distinguish between the ReactiveCocoa.<~ and
infix operator <~ {}
public func <~ (rac: RAC, signal: RACSignal) {
which was create by Created by Colin Eberhardt.
I am not sure yet how to work around it. the arguments are completely different ...
--- EDIT ----
infix operator <~ {
associativity right
precedence 93
public func <~ (rac: RAC, signal: RACSignal) {
Seems like Ash Furrow already solved this. Found this in GitHub search.
Apparently setting both operators to the same priority forces the compiler to pick the right function.
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