Reputation: 303
I am trying to calculate grouped-by averages based on a spatial aggregation.
I have two shapefiles: census tracts and wards. The wards have a value that I would like to average by a factor for each census tract.
Here are the shapfiles:
# Census tracts
destfile = "")
unzip("", exdir="tracts") # corrected typo
census_tracts <- readOGR(dsn = "tracts", layer = "gct_000b11a_e") %>%
# Wards
destfile = "")
unzip("", exdir="wards")
wards <- readOGR(dsn = "wards", layer = "VOTING_SUBDIVISION_2010_WGS84") %>%
Then I subset the census tracts to just those in the wards:
census_tracts_in_wards <- census_tracts[wards, ]
I have data for each ward with a two-level factor:
df <- expand.grid(AREA_ID = wards$AREA_ID, factor = as.factor(letters[1:2]))
df$value <- rnorm(n = nrow(df))
wards@data <- left_join(wards@data, df)
Now (finally getting to my question) I would like to calculate the mean value in each census tract, as an aggregation of the wards within each census tract. I think this is how I calculate the mean for each census tract:
ag <- aggregate(x = wards["value"], by = census_tracts_in_wards, FUN = mean)
Is there a way to do this by factor
? I'd like the ag
dataframe to include a factor
column and a column for mean value
each census tract. Essentially the equivalent of:
result <- df %>%
group_by(AREA_ID, factor) %>%
summarize(value = mean(value))
But, grouped by CTUID
from census_tracts_in_wards
instead of
in wards
As suggested by Pierre Lafortune, the formula syntax seems natural here. But, none of these work:
ag2 <- aggregate(x = wards["value"] ~ wards["factor"],
by = census_tracts_in_wards, FUN = mean)
ag3 <- aggregate(x = wards["value" ~ "factor"],
by = census_tracts_in_wards, FUN = mean)
ag4 <- aggregate(x = wards["value ~ factor"],
by = census_tracts_in_wards, FUN = mean)
Perhaps the grouping belongs in the FUN call?
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Views: 2093
Reputation: 303
Prompted by Edzer Pebesma, a closer read of the sp::aggregate
documentation indicates that FUN is applied to each attribute of x. So, instead of creating a long table with a factor column, creating two separate columns (one for each factor) seems to work.
wards2 <- readOGR(dsn = "wards", layer = "VOTING_SUBDIVISION_2010_WGS84") %>%
wards2@data <- dplyr::select(wards2@data, AREA_ID) # Drop the other attributes
df2 <- tidyr::spread(df, factor, value)
wards2@data <- left_join(wards2@data, df2)
ag5 <- aggregate(x = wards2, by = census_tracts_in_wards, FUN = mean)
ag5@data <- dplyr::select(ag5@data, -(AREA_ID)) # The mean of AREA_ID is meaningless
## Object of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
## Coordinates:
## min max
## x -79.73389 -79.08603
## y 43.56243 43.89091
## Is projected: FALSE
## proj4string :
## [+init=epsg:4326 +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84
## +towgs84=0,0,0]
## Data attributes:
## a b
## Min. :-1.28815 Min. :-1.835409
## 1st Qu.:-0.24883 1st Qu.:-0.289510
## Median : 0.01048 Median : 0.008777
## Mean : 0.02666 Mean :-0.011018
## 3rd Qu.: 0.25450 3rd Qu.: 0.265358
## Max. : 1.92769 Max. : 1.399876
Upvotes: 1