Reputation: 95
When I do this:
Dim data_set As DataSet
Set data_set = New DataSet
'some meaningless operations here
list.Add CVar(data_set)
on the list.Add line, I get a run-time error 13, arguing for a type mismatch.
This is the header of the Add sub:
Public Sub Add(ByRef vItem As Variant, Optional index As Long)
What am I missing here?
EDIT: Just enabled all errors, and it fails on this piece of code, now with a Run-Time error 9:
Private Function GetListCount() As Long
On Error GoTo Err
GetListCount = UBound(mList) - LBound(mList) + 1
Exit Function
GetListCount = 0
End Function
And here's the mList definition:
Private mList() As Variant
EDIT2: Here's the constructor:
Public Sub Initialize()
Disposed = False
ReDim mList(0)
End Sub
Public Function CreateInstance() As ListClass
Dim oNew As New ListClass
Set CreateInstance = oNew
End Function
EDIT3: By request here are the entire modules... First the ListClass
Private mList() As Variant
Private mError As Error
Private mDisposed As Boolean
Public Sub Initialize()
Disposed = False
ReDim mList(0)
End Sub
Public Function CreateInstance() As ListClass
Dim oNew As New ListClass
Set CreateInstance = oNew
End Function
Public Property Get Items(ByRef index As Long) As Variant
Items = GetItemAtIndex(index)
End Property
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = GetListCount()
End Property
Public Property Get GotError() As Boolean
If ListError Is Nothing Then GotError = False Else GotError = True
End Property
Public Property Get ListItems() As Variant()
On Error GoTo Err
ListItems = mList
Exit Property
ListError = Err
End Property
Public Property Get ListError() As Error
ListError = mError
End Property
Private Property Let ListError(ByRef vError As Error)
Set mError = vError
End Property
Public Property Get Disposed() As Boolean
Disposed = mDisposed
End Property
Private Property Let Disposed(ByRef vValue As Boolean)
mDisposed = vValue
End Property
Public Property Get ToArray()
ToArray = mList
End Property
'Public Methods
Public Sub Remove(ByRef vItem As Variant)
DeleteElement (vItem)
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveAtIndex(ByRef index As Long)
DeleteElementAt (index)
End Sub
Public Sub Sort()
BubbleSort (mList)
End Sub
Public Sub Clear()
Erase mList
End Sub
Public Function Find(ByRef vItem As Variant) As Long
Find = FindItem(vItem)
End Function
Public Sub Dispose()
Disposed = True
End Sub
Public Sub ResetError()
End Sub
Public Function LastIndexOf(ByRef vItem As Variant)
LastIndexOf = GetLastIndexOf(vItem)
End Function
Public Function IndexOf(ByRef vItem As Variant)
IndexOf = FindItem(vItem)
End Function
Public Sub Reverse()
End Sub
Public Function Exists(vItem As Variant)
Exists = ItemExists(vItem)
End Function
Public Sub Add(ByRef vItem As Variant, Optional index As Long)
If index > 0 Then
AddItemAt index, vItem
AddItem vItem
End If
End Sub
Public Function Contains(ByRef vItem As Variant)
Contains = Exists(vItem)
End Function
Public Function Copy() As ListClass
Set Copy = GetCopy
End Function
Public Sub RemoveAll()
End Sub
'Private Methods
Private Sub ClearError()
Set mError = Nothing
End Sub
Private Function GetListCount() As Long
On Error GoTo Err
GetListCount = UBound(mList) - LBound(mList) + 1 'and error happens here
Exit Function
GetListCount = 0
End Function
Private Function GetItemAtIndex(ByRef index As Long) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err
GetItemAtIndex = mList(index)
Exit Function
ListError = Err
GetItemAtIndex = Nothing
End Function
Private Sub AddItemAt(index As Long, vItem As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err
Dim ar() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = Count
ReDim ar(i)
For a = 0 To index - 1
ar(a) = mList(a)
ar(index) = vItem
For a = index + 1 To i
ar(a) = mList(a - 1)
mList = ar
Exit Sub
ListError = Err
End Sub
Private Sub BubbleSort(ByVal vArray As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err
Dim i As Long
Dim iMin As Long
Dim iMax As Long
Dim vSwap As Variant
Dim swapped As Boolean
iMin = LBound(vArray)
iMax = UBound(vArray) - 1
swapped = False
For i = iMin To iMax
If vArray(i) > vArray(i + 1) Then
vSwap = vArray(i)
vArray(i) = vArray(i + 1)
vArray(i + 1) = vSwap
swapped = True
End If
iMax = iMax - 1
Loop Until Not swapped
mList = vArray
Erase vArray
Exit Sub
ListError = Err
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteElementAt(index As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err
Dim i As Integer
For i = index + 1 To Count - 1
mList(i - 1) = mList(i)
ReDim Preserve mList(Count - 2)
Exit Sub
ListError = Err
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteElement(ByRef vItem As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err
DeleteElementAt (FindItem(vItem))
Exit Sub
ListError = Err
End Sub
Private Sub AddItem(vItem As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err
Dim i As Long
i = Count
ReDim Preserve mList(i)
mList(i) = vItem
Exit Sub
ListError = Err
End Sub
Private Function FindItem(vItem As Variant) As Long
On Error GoTo Err
FindItem = -1
For i = 0 To Count - 1
If mList(i) = vItem Then
FindItem = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
Exit Function
ListError = Err
FindItem = -1
End Function
Private Function GetLastIndexOf(vItem As Variant) As Long
On Error GoTo Err
GetLastIndexOf = -1
Dim i As Long
For i = Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
If mList(i) = vItem Then
GetLastIndexOf = i
Exit Function
End If
Next i
Exit Function
ListError = Err
GetLastIndexOf = -1
End Function
Private Sub ReverseList()
On Error GoTo Err
Dim ar() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
If Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
i = Count - 1
j = i
ReDim ar(i)
For a = 0 To i
ar(a) = mList(j)
j = j - 1
Next a
mList = ar
Erase ar
Exit Sub
ListError = Err
End Sub
Private Function ItemExists(vItem As Variant) As Boolean
If FindItem(vItem) > -1 Then
ItemExists = True
ItemExists = False
End If
End Function
Private Function GetCopy() As ListClass
Dim list As New ListClass
Set list = list.CreateInstance
For i = 0 To Count - 1
list.Add mList(i)
Next i
Set GetCopy = list
i = GetCopy.Count
End Function
And now the function where the error is happening...
Function ReadData() As ListClass
'instanteate list
Dim list As ListClass
Set list = New ListClass
'get sheets
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Set sheet = Sheets("Data")
Dim dataSheet As Worksheet
Set dataSheet = Sheets("DataSet")
'read lines and store them on list
Dim i As Integer
i = 2
Do While sheet.Cells(i, 1) <> ""
Dim data_set As DataSet
Set data_set = New DataSet
data_set.entry_spread = CSng(dataSheet.Cells(i, 7).Value)
data_set.result = CSng(dataSheet.Cells(i, 12).Value)
data_set.lot = CInt(dataSheet.Cells(i, 13).Value) = IIf(UCase(dataSheet.Cells(i, 15).Value) = "YES", True, False) = CInt(dataSheet.Cells(i, 20).Value)
data_set.atr = CSng(dataSheet.Cells(i, 21).Value)
data_set.pdr = CSng(dataSheet.Cells(i, 22).Value) = CSng(dataSheet.Cells(i, 23).Value)
data_set.fib = dataSheet.Cells(i, 24).Value
data_set.slipage = CSng(dataSheet.Cells(i, 25).Value)
data_set.slipread = CSng(dataSheet.Cells(i, 26).Value)
list.Add CVar(data_set) 'error happens here...
i = i + 1
ReadData = list
End Function
Upvotes: 0
Views: 117
Reputation: 34045
You don't need to create your own constructor as you are not passing any arguments - so you can just use the Class_Initialize event. Replace this:
Public Sub Initialize()
Disposed = False
ReDim mList(0)
End Sub
Public Function CreateInstance() As ListClass
Dim oNew As New ListClass
Set CreateInstance = oNew
End Function
with this:
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Disposed = False
ReDim mList(0)
End Sub
and remember to remove this line from the GetCopy function:
Set list = list.CreateInstance
Edit: forgot to mention that because you are passing Objects, you need to use Set
when assigning them to the array mList
Upvotes: 1