How to do the same thing with implied do loops? I want to replace the existing loop for Vcvo and Vcvonew with two implied do loops?
This is my code:
Program DO_LOOPS
Implicit none
Do i=0,BrCv-1
do j=1,BrSat
end do
End do
Do i=1,BrCv-1
do j=1,BrSat
end do
End do
End program DO_LOOPS
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An implied do loop will be:
Vcvo = reshape([((i + j*real(BrCv)/real(Brsat), i=0,BrCv-1), j=1,Brsat)],[BrCv,BrSat])
for the first one.
For the second one you don't need an implied loop. A simple array assignment, as already suggested, will do:
Vcvonew = vcvo(1:,:)
The first one doesn't look to me clearer than an explicit loop. But if you want a more compact solution you can use do concurrent
do concurrent (i = 0:BrCv-1, j=1:Brsat)
Vcvo(i,j) = i + j*real(BrCv)/real(Brsat)
end do
You spare a couple of lines.
I have also taken the liberty to transform BrCv and BrSat to real before dividing them. It may not be what you want, but it is something you have pay attention.
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