Reputation: 93
I'm trying to write a function which takes a Template "xs" and replaces the empty slots with the strings in "strs". Below is an example:
template {}word{}{} ["9", "2", "7"] = 9word27
I'm looking for any help that may be useful. Below is what I have so far:
template :: Template -> [String] -> String
template (Template xs) strs =
Some helper functions:
data Slot = Slot
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Template =
Template [Either String Slot]
deriving Eq
instance Show Template where
show (Template xs) = concat $ map f xs
where f (Left x) = x
f (Right x) = "{}"
data Def =
Def [Template]
deriving Eq
We can always assume that the number of slots is equivalent to the number of strings.
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Views: 208
Reputation: 14598
A very simple solution using the State
monad is possible:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
template :: Template -> [String] -> String
template (Template xs) strs = evalState (foldM f [] xs) strs where
f s (Left s') = return (s ++ s')
f s Right{} = state $ \(r:rs) -> (s++r,rs)
As per your requirements, this crashes (with a pattern match error) in case the number of slots and strings differ.
Upvotes: 1