Reputation: 1299
I am trying to create a game using Haskell + Netwire 5 (+ SDL). Now I am working on the output part, where I would like to create wires that read in some game state and output the SDL surfaces to be blitted on screen.
However, the problem is that SDL surfaces are contained in IO
monad, so any function that creates such surfaces must have type a -> IO b
. Of course, arr
does not construct a Wire
from a -> m b
. However, since the type signature of a wire is (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m a b
, it looks quite like a Kleisi Arrow, but I cannot find a suitable constructor for making such a wire.
I am new to FRP and Arrows, and have not programmed a lot in Haskell, so this may not be the best way to implement the graphics output. If I am wrong from the beginning, please let me know.
Some SDL functions related:
createRGBSurfaceEndian :: [SurfaceFlag] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO Surface
fillRect :: Surface -> Maybe Rect -> Pixel -> IO Bool
blitSurface :: Surface -> Maybe Rect -> Surface -> Maybe Rect -> IO Bool
flip :: Surface -> IO ()
This code type checks, but now I am trying to interface it with SDL for testing
wTestOutput :: (Monoid e) => Wire s e IO () SDL.Surface
wTestOutput = mkGen_ $ \a -> (makeSurf a >>= return . Right)
makeSurf :: a -> IO SDL.Surface
makeSurf _ = do
s <- SDL.createRGBSurfaceEndian [SDL.SWSurface] 800 600 32
SDL.fillRect s (Just testRect) (SDL.Pixel 0xFF000000)
return s
testRect = SDL.Rect 100 100 0 0
Upvotes: 3
Views: 270
Reputation: 1299
Now, after playing around with Arrows, I will answer my own question
using the function putStrLn
. It has type String -> IO ()
, which is
a -> m b
, so the method should generalize to all Kleisli wires. I also illustrate how to drive the wire, and the result is amazingly simple.
The entire code is written in Literate Haskell, so just copy it and run.
First, there are some imports for the Netwire 5 library
import Control.Wire
import Control.Arrow
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
Now, this is the core of making a Kleisli Wire. Assume you have a
function with type a -> m b
that needs to be lifted into a wire. Now,
notice that mkGen_
has type
mkGen_ :: Monad m => (a -> m (Either e b)) -> Wire s e m a b
So, to make a wire out of a -> m b
, we first need to get a function
with type a -> m (Either () b)
. Notice that Left inhibits the wire,
while Right activates it, so the inner part is Either () b
instead of
Either b ()
. Actually, if you try the latter, an obscure compile error
will tell you get this in the wrong way.
To get a -> m (Either () b)
, first consider how to get
m (Either () b)
from m b
, we extract the value from the monad (m
b), lift it to Right, then return to the monad m. In short:
mB >>= return . Right
. Since we don't have the value "mB" here, we
make a lambda expression to get a -> m (Either () b)
liftToEither :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> (a -> m (Either () b))
liftToEither f = \a -> (f a >>= return . Right)
Now, we can make a Kleisli wire:
mkKleisli :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => (a -> m b) -> Wire s e m a b
mkKleisli f = mkGen_ $ \a -> (f a >>= return . Right)
So, let's try the canonical "hello, world" wire!
helloWire :: Wire s () IO () ()
helloWire = pure "hello, world" >>> mkKleisli putStrLn
Now comes the main function to illustrate how to drive the wire. Note
that comparing to the source of testWire
in the Control.Wire.Run
from the Netwire library, there is no use of liftIO: the outer program
knows nothing about how the wires work internally. It merely steps the
wires ignoring what is in it. Maybe
this Just
means better
composition than using Nothing
about Kleisli Wires? (No pun intended!)
main = go clockSession_ helloWire
go s w = do
(ds, s') <- stepSession s
(mx, w') <- stepWire w ds (Right ())
go s' w'
Now here comes the code. Unfortunately StackOverflow does not work quite well with Literate Haskell...
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Control.Wire
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
mkKleisli :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => (a -> m b) -> Wire s e m a b
mkKleisli f = mkGen_ $ \a -> liftM Right $ f a
helloWire :: Wire s () IO () ()
helloWire = pure "hello, world" >>> mkKleisli putStrLn
main = go clockSession_ helloWire
go s w = do
(ds, s') <- stepSession s
(mx, w') <- stepWire w ds (Right ())
go s' w'
Thanks to Cubic's inspiration. liftToEither
can actually be written in, you guess it, liftM
liftToEither f = \a -> liftM Right $ f a
mkKleisli f = mkGen_ $ \a -> liftM Right $ f a
Upvotes: 1