Martin Konicek
Martin Konicek

Reputation: 40954

How to run Jest tests sequentially?

I'm running Jest tests via npm test. Jest runs tests in parallel by default. Is there any way to make the tests run sequentially?

I have some tests calling third-party code which relies on changing the current working directory.

Upvotes: 313

Views: 231329

Answers (13)


Reputation: 21

for me this was the solution and i renamed some directories numerically to ensure the sequence.

some code from jest page:


const Sequencer = require('@jest/test-sequencer').default;

class CustomSequencer extends Sequencer {
   * Select tests for shard requested via --shard=shardIndex/shardCount
   * Sharding is applied before sorting
  shard(tests, {shardIndex, shardCount}) {
    const shardSize = Math.ceil(tests.length / shardCount);
    const shardStart = shardSize * (shardIndex - 1);
    const shardEnd = shardSize * shardIndex;

    return [...tests]
      .sort((a, b) => (a.path > b.path ? 1 : -1))
      .slice(shardStart, shardEnd);

   * Sort test to determine order of execution
   * Sorting is applied after sharding
  sort(tests) {
    // Test structure information
    const copyTests = Array.from(tests);
    return copyTests.sort((testA, testB) => (testA.path > testB.path ? 1 : -1));

module.exports = CustomSequencer;


const config = {
  testSequencer: 'path/to/custom-sequencer.js',

Upvotes: 0

Onur Çevik
Onur Çevik

Reputation: 1590

If you are a newbie in Jest and looking for a complete, step-by-step example on how to make a specific test file ALWAYS run first or last, here it goes:

  1. Create a file called "testSequencer.js" in any path you'd like.
  2. Paste the code below into that file.
const TestSequencer = require('@jest/test-sequencer').default;
const path = require('path');

class CustomSequencer extends TestSequencer {
    sort(tests) {
        const target_test_path = path.join(__dirname, 'target.test.js');

        const target_test_index = tests.findIndex(t => t.path === target_test_path);

        if (target_test_index == -1) {
            return tests;

        const target_test = tests[target_test_index];

        const ordered_tests = tests.slice();

        ordered_tests.splice(target_test_index, 1);
        ordered_tests.push(target_test); // adds to the tail
        // ordered_tests.unshift(target_test); // adds to the head

        return ordered_tests;

module.exports = CustomSequencer;
  1. Set "maxWorkers" option as "1" in your package.json jest configuration. Also, set "testSequencer" option as your newly created "testSequencer.js" file's path.
  "name": "myApp",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "main": "app.js",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "node app.js",
    "dev": "nodemon app.js",
    "test": "jest"
  "author": "Company",
  "license": "MIT",
  "dependencies": {
  "devDependencies": {
    "jest": "^27.5.1",
  "jest": {
    "testSequencer": "./testSequencer.js",
    "maxWorkers": 1
  1. Run npm test and observe that every test file will be run one by one, upon completion of each. You sacrifice some time, but you guarantee the order this way.

Bonus: You can also order your test files alphabetically, by folder name etc. Just modify "testSequencer.js" file to your preference, and return an array that's in the same format as the "tests" array, which is a parameter of your main "sort" function, and you will be good.

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 83

I tried a couple of methods mentioned above, but none of them seems to work. Probably due to I don't get the configuration right. Below is what works for me

  1. I set the sequence of execution in as below
# ./
npm test pretest

node dosomething.js # this call will take a while to finish

npm test posttest
  1. chmod 755
  2. ./

Basically, pretest and posttest are the names of tests. Each of them has a corresponding test file name (pretest.test.js and posttest.test.js) under the __ tests __ directory.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 15599

Jest runs all the tests serially in the order they were encountered in the collection phase

You can leverage that and create special test file alltests.ordered-test.js:

import './first-test'
import './second-test'
// etc.

And add a jest config with testMatch that would run test with that file name.

That will load each file in that order thus execute them in the same order.

Upvotes: 0

Stuart Watt
Stuart Watt

Reputation: 5401

I needed this for handling end-to-end tests alongside regular tests, and the runInBand solution was not enough for me. Yes: it ensures within test suites/files that the order works, but the files themselves run in an order chosen essentially for parallelization by Jest, and it's not easy to control. If you need a stable sequential order for the test suites themselves, this is how you can do it.

So in addition to the --runInBand, I did the following. I'm using separate projects for this, by the way, within a single repository.

  1. My jest.config.js looks like this:

     module.exports = {
       testSequencer: "./__e2e__/jest/customSequencer.js",
       projects: [{
         "rootDir": "<rootDir>/__e2e__",
         "displayName": "end-to-end",

    Here, I explicitly added the displayName to be end-to-end, which I'll use later. You can have as many projects as you like, as usual, but I have two, one for normal unit tests, and one for end-to-end.

    Note that the testSequencer field has to be global. If you attach it to a project, it'll be validated but then ignored silently. That's a Jest decision to make sequencing nice for running multiple projects.

  2. The testSequencer field points to a file containing this. This imports a default version of the test sequencer, and then partitions the tests into two sets, one for the tests in the end-to-end project, and all the rest. All the rest are delegated to the inherited sequencer, but those in the end to end set are sorted alphabetically and then concatenated.

     const Sequencer = require('@jest/test-sequencer').default;
     const isEndToEnd = (test) => {
       const contextConfig = test.context.config;
       return === 'end-to-end';
     class CustomSequencer extends Sequencer {
       sort(tests) {
         const copyTests = Array.from(tests);
         const normalTests = copyTests.filter((t) => ! isEndToEnd(t));
         const endToEndTests = copyTests.filter((t) => isEndToEnd(t));
         return super.sort(normalTests).concat(endToEndTests.sort((a, b) => (a.path > b.path ? 1 : -1)));
     module.exports = CustomSequencer;

This combo runs all the regular tests as Jest likes, but always runs the end to end ones at the end in alpha order, giving my end-to-end tests the extra stability for user models the order they need.

Upvotes: 17


Reputation: 4495

Just in case anyone wants to keep all jest configuration in the package.json options.

runInBand does not seem to be a valid config option. This means that you can end up with the setup below which does not seem 100% perfect.

"scripts": {
    "test": "jest  --runInBand"
"jest": {
    "verbose": true,
    "forceExit": true,
    "preset": "ts-jest",
    "testURL": "http://localhost/",
    "testRegex": "\\.test\\.ts$",

However, you can add the runInBand using maxWorkers option like below:

  "scripts": {
        "test": "jest"
    "jest": {
        "verbose": true,
        "maxWorkers": 1,
        "forceExit": true,
        "preset": "ts-jest",
        "testURL": "http://localhost/",
        "testRegex": "\\.test\\.ts$",

Upvotes: 18


Reputation: 1584

From the Jest documentation:

Jest executes all describe handlers in a test file before it executes any of the actual tests. This is another reason to do setup and teardown inside before* and after* handlers rather than inside the describe blocks.

Once the describe blocks are complete, by default Jest runs all the tests serially in the order they were encountered in the collection phase, waiting for each to finish and be tidied up before moving on.

Take a look at the example that the jest site gives.

Upvotes: 4

Chris Halcrow
Chris Halcrow

Reputation: 31980

Yes, and you can also run all tests in a specific order, although generally your tests should be independent so I'd strongly caution against relying on any specific ordering. Having said that, there may be a valid case for controlling the test order, so you could do this:

  • Add --runInBand as an option when running jest, e.g. in package.json. This will run tests in sequence rather than in parallel (asynchronously). Using --runInBand can prevent issues like setup/teardown/cleanup in one set of tests intefering with other tests:

  • "scripts": {"test": "jest --runInBand"}

  • Put all tests into separate folder (e.g. a separate folder under __tests__, named test_suites):





  • Configure jest in package.json to ignore this test_suites folder: "jest": { "testPathIgnorePatterns": ["/test_suites"] }

  • Create a new file under __tests__ e.g. tests.js - this is now the only test file that will actually run.

  • In tests.js, require the individual test files in the order that you want to run them:



Note - this will cause the afterAll() in the tests to be run once all tests have completed. Essentially it's breaking the independence of tests and should be used in very limited scenarios.

Upvotes: 7


Reputation: 15729

CLI options are documented and also accessible by running the command jest --help.

You'll see the option you are looking for : --runInBand.

Upvotes: 400

Joachim Lous
Joachim Lous

Reputation: 1541

Use the serial test runner:

npm install jest-serial-runner --save-dev

Set up jest to use it, e.g. in jest.config.js:

module.exports = {
   runner: 'jest-serial-runner'

You could use the project feature to apply it only to a subset of tests. See

Upvotes: 22

Mor Shemesh
Mor Shemesh

Reputation: 2899

As copied from


import { signuptests } from './signup'
import { logintests } from './login'

describe('Signup', signuptests)
describe('Login', logintests)


export const signuptests = () => {
     it('Should have login elements', () => {});
     it('Should Signup', () => {}});


export const logintests = () => {
    it('Should Login', () => {}});

Upvotes: 17


Reputation: 904

It worked for me ensuring sequential running of nicely separated to modules tests:

1) Keep tests in separated files, but without spec/test in naming.


2) File with test suite also should look like this (testSuite1.js):

export const testSuite1 = () => describe(/*your suite inside*/)

3) Import them to testToRunSequentially.test.js and run with --runInBand:

import { testSuite1, testSuite2 } from './tests'

describe('sequentially run tests', () => {

Upvotes: 45


Reputation: 3144

I'm still getting familiar with Jest, but it appears that describe blocks run synchronously whereas test blocks run asynchronously. I'm running multiple describe blocks within an outer describe that looks something like this:



In this case, test3 does not run until test2 is complete because test3 is in a describe block that follows the describe block that contains test2.

Upvotes: 76

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