Reputation: 83
I am just starting to learn fortran and I have made a simple program, implementing Eulers method. I noticed that the time used by the do
loop is fairly similar to, for example, the same program in Matlab.
In my Fortran program, I had a write to a file inside this do
loop. When I removed it the speed drastically improved, as expected. Then I added a second do
loop, where I place the writing and measured the time required by both loops combined:
open(unit=1, file='data.dat')
write(1,*) t(1),' ', y(1)
! Calculating
call cpu_time(start)
do i = 2,n
t(i) = t(i-1) + dt
y(i) = y(i-1) + dt*(t(i-1)*(y(i-1)))
!write(1,*) t(i),' ', y(i)
end do
call cpu_time(finish)
print '("Time = ",f7.5," seconds.")',finish-start
call cpu_time(start)
do i = 2,n
write(1,*) t(i),' ',y(i)
end do
call cpu_time(finish)
print '("Time = ",f7.5," seconds.")',finish-start
The time for a given n
would take approximately 10-15 times longer on the last do
loop compared to the first one.
So, my question is, is there a better way to write my data to a file?
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Views: 2087
Reputation: 6989
for completeness I'll post the 2d array copy approach:
integer i
x=[(i, i=0,9)]
0,42 1,43 2,44 3,45 4,46 5,47 6,48 7,49 8,50 9,51
If performance is really critical I'd try both.
Note the best approach of all may be to simply use a 2d array (or a derived type) in the first place.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 7433
Assuming t and y are real and depending on the quality of implementation by the compiler, the size of the arrays, the phase of the moon and the local neutron flux something akin to the following might be quicker
ian-standard@barleybarber ~
$ cat t.f90
Program test
! Corrected program
Implicit None
Real, Dimension( 1:10 ) :: t, y
Integer :: i
Call Random_number( t )
Call Random_number( y )
Do i = 1, 3
Write( *, * ) t( i ), y( i )
End Do
Write( *, * )
Write( *, '( f0.9, 1x, f0.9 )' ) ( t( i ), y( i ), i = 1, 3 )
Open( 1, file = 'stuff.dat' )
Write( 1, '( f0.9, 1x, f0.9 )' ) ( t( i ), y( i ), i = 1, &
Min( Size( t ), Size( y ) ) )
End Program test
ian-standard@barleybarber ~
$ gfortran -O -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=f95 t.f90 -o test
ian-standard@barleybarber ~
$ ./test
0.997559547 0.217951715
0.566824675 0.133160353
0.965915322 0.900524497
.997559547 .217951715
.566824675 .133160353
.965915322 .900524497
ian-standard@barleybarber ~
$ head stuff.dat
.997559547 .217951715
.566824675 .133160353
.965915322 .900524497
.747927666 .386765957
.367390871 .445482254
.480636895 .661932170
.073754251 .016108274
.005355179 .650854826
.347081244 .646408796
.342243791 .322987258
as the compiler might be clever enough to turn this all into one I/O transaction instead of many. But you can't be sure. Also to give it a better chance if you don't need all those decimal places adjust the format appropriately.
Upvotes: 2