Reputation: 416
I'm using PHP to create a string filter. I need to replace some words by other words so I'm using the str_replace() function like this :
$phrase = "You should eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber every day.";
$healthy = array("fruits", "vegetables", "fiber");
$yummy = array("pizza", "beer", "ice cream");
$newphrase = str_replace($healthy, $yummy, $phrase);
// echo -> "You should eat pizza, beer, and ice cream every day.";
So far so good but I need to replace words even if they contains several letters like this:
$phrase = "You should eat fruuits, vegetaaables, and fiiibeeer every day.";
I found this example to remove double letters in a string:
$string = preg_replace('/(\w)\1+/', '$1', $phrase);
But if I apply this example to my string, all words with double letters will be changed... For example "Google" will become "Gogle" and I don't want that.
Any ideas ? Thanks!
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Views: 510
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If you want specific words then you can use multiple patterns in the preg_replace
For your example you can use multiple patterns like this:
$phrase = "You should eat fruits, vegetables, and fiber every day.";
$patterns = array("/fru+its/", "/vegeta+bles/", "/fi+be+r/");
$yummy = array("pizza", "beer", "ice cream");
$newphrase = preg_replace($patterns, $yummy, $phrase);
In case you want to detect only fruits
, vegetables
and fiber
, then you could use:
$patterns = array("f+r+u+i+t+s+", "v+e+g+e+t+a+b+l+e+s+", "f+i+b+e+r+");
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Reputation: 539
Working example
$word =array('fiber', 'milk', 'nuts'); // words to scan for
$phrase = "You should eat fibeeer, nuuuuts, and milkkk every day."; //phrase
$filter = array(); // array of dynamicly generated filters
foreach($word as $name){ // loop for filter generating
$temp = str_split($name);
$temp = implode('{1,}', $temp). '{1,}';
$filter[$name] = $temp;
$phraseTable = explode(' ', $phrase); // getting phrase into an array
foreach($phraseTable as &$data){ // scanning phrase
foreach($filter as $name => $value){
if( preg_match( '/'.$value.'[,.]?/', $data)){
$data = $name;
$phraseScanned = implode(' ', $phraseTable); // imploding formatted phrase
echo $phraseScanned; // echo result
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Reputation: 23880
I'd do something like this
$phrase = "You should eat suck, sck, and suuucky every day.";
$healthy = 's+u*c+k+';
$yummy = 'luck';
$newphrase = preg_replace('/' . $healthy . '/', $yummy, $phrase);
echo $newphrase;
You should eat luck, luck, and lucky every day.
The +
is quantifier meaning one or more of the previous character. The *
is a zero or more quantifier meaning the character doesn't have to be present but if it is any number of that character can be present.
Also with ass
word boundaries should be used because you don't want to be replacing class
etc. Kinda becomes a winding road though..
Upvotes: 1