Reputation: 10922
I am trying to animate both the stroke and the fill of a path element (some text). The animation starts with no visible stroke or fill. When the animation finishes I would like the element to be filled in black.
Starting state is an empty circle.
The current end state of the animation is:
The desired end state of the animation is:
I have been able to animate the stroke adequately but not the fill. Apparently the fill animation works in chrome 43, but in chrome 45 and firefox v35 it does not. Find the relevant css and html in the below snippet or on codepen.
#text {
stroke: black !important;
stroke-width: 2;
fill: transparent !important;
stroke-dasharray: 700;
stroke-dashoffset: 700;
animation: dash 3s linear infinite;
@keyframes dash {
to {
stroke-dashoffset: 0;
/* does not work don't know why */
fill: black !important;
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895.59754 329.18744 893.5148 329.1875 891.40625 L 329.1875 891.21875 C 329.18744 890.20503 328.45059 889.54315 327 889.21875 L 326.8125 889.21875 C 319.55918 892.34103 312.84175 893.90625 306.6875 893.90625 C 304.00595 893.90625 300.61942 893.38873 296.53125 892.375 C 283.47534 887.75241 276.93749 878.80013 276.9375 865.5 C 276.93749 861.89116 277.67434 857.75693 279.125 853.09375 C 284.26822 842.06444 292.2485 836.56256 303.0625 836.5625 L 303.59375 836.5625 C 303.85747 836.56256 304.09266 836.4967 304.3125 836.375 C 304.53226 836.49667 304.76746 836.56256 305.03125 836.5625 L 305.96875 836.5625 C 308.47438 836.56256 311.17969 837.04883 314.125 838.0625 C 323.40035 842.07691 328.06245 849.7713 328.0625 861.125 L 328.0625 863.125 C 328.06245 864.01712 327.52371 864.46879 326.46875 864.46875 L 289.8125 864.46875 C 288.71349 864.46879 288.11915 863.90736 288.03125 862.8125 C 288.03123 861.67717 288.68121 861.12504 290 861.125 L 319.34375 861.125 C 320.79435 860.84119 321.53119 860.21391 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836.90631 173.43743 838.0418 173.4375 840.3125 C 173.65723 869.42679 173.74994 886.07346 173.75 890.25 L 173.75 891.78125 C 173.74994 894.74135 174.50533 896.21875 176 896.21875 L 176.40625 896.21875 C 177.06558 896.21875 177.73408 895.83294 178.4375 895.0625 C 178.43743 887.80422 178.29494 869.68014 178.03125 840.6875 C 177.37179 835.33507 174.92023 832.65632 170.65625 832.65625 L 168.9375 832.65625 L 167.09375 832.84375 C 163.40112 834.14139 161.56245 837.03036 161.5625 841.53125 L 161.5625 871.28125 C 161.56245 873.95752 161.00518 877.25426 159.90625 881.1875 C 156.60926 889.17568 151.65634 893.1875 145.0625 893.1875 L 143.75 893.1875 L 143.4375 893.34375 C 143.43747 893.22208 143.35058 893.1875 143.21875 893.1875 L 142.09375 893.1875 C 137.87364 893.1875 133.99816 891.98615 130.4375 889.59375 C 125.73384 885.37665 123.37499 880.53665 123.375 875.0625 C 123.2431 857.86971 123.18747 846.27326 123.1875 840.3125 C 123.18747 839.37992 123.10062 837.24063 122.96875 833.875 C 122.26539 833.14518 121.795 832.73745 121.53125 832.65625 L 120.40625 832.65625 z "
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-9.75,-2.125 -2.63758,-1.54086 -4.12981,-2.31249 -4.4375,-2.3125 l -0.53125,0 c -1.01109,10e-6 -1.69813,0.67118 -2.09375,1.96875 -2e-5,0.72989 0.2908,1.36982 0.90625,1.9375 5.01132,3.28448 10.23653,4.90625 15.6875,4.90625 l 3.25,0 c 5.67069,0 11.65128,-2.02955 17.9375,-6.125 8.52803,-7.74487 12.78118,-16.6752 12.78125,-26.8125 l 0,-3.1875 c -7e-5,-4.41982 -0.95357,-9.15006 -2.84375,-14.21875 -5.84664,-11.88083 -14.74918,-17.81243 -26.75,-17.8125 l -1.53125,0 c -6.19829,7e-5 -11.74556,1.55597 -16.625,4.71875 -7.12142,3.73057 -10.65626,13.03408 -10.65625,27.875 l 0,4.1875 c -1e-5,2.02748 0.25372,9.91012 0.78125,23.65625 -2e-5,1.21647 -0.82956,1.9003 -2.5,2.0625 -1.67046,0 -2.67958,-0.91599 -3.03125,-2.78125 -1e-5,-0.12163 0.037,-0.31921 0.125,-0.5625 0.13192,-30.33071 0.18749,-53.84691 0.1875,-70.59375 l 0,-13.375 c -0.17585,-1.66242 -0.8629,-2.4999 -2.09375,-2.5 l -1.125,0 z M 302.875,832.34375 c -7.34121,6e-5 -13.9347,2.53447 -19.78125,7.5625 -6.98953,6.69065 -10.50001,14.80545 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l 0,-0.46875 c -0.30777,-1.25698 -0.95774,-1.87496 -1.96875,-1.875 l -29.75,0 c -3.60468,4e-5 -5.72834,1.94178 -6.34375,5.875 -2e-5,3.40617 2.17927,5.35719 6.53125,5.84375 l 36.46875,0 c 4.08815,-0.68931 6.12494,-2.35498 6.125,-5.03125 l 0,-2.3125 c -6e-5,-6.36617 -1.38688,-11.8554 -4.15625,-16.4375 -5.36307,-8.35306 -12.89734,-12.53119 -22.65625,-12.53125 l -2.90625,0 z m -182.46875,0.3125 c -1.23087,0.24336 -1.84376,0.76088 -1.84375,1.53125 -1e-5,8.23152 0.0556,21.85751 0.1875,40.875 -1e-5,1.74363 0.44602,4.11508 1.28125,7.15625 4.0882,10.13728 11.51121,15.21875 22.28125,15.21875 l 2.375,0 c 3.56065,0 7.1453,-1.02575 10.75,-3.09375 7.1653,-5.47412 10.74995,-13.30021 10.75,-23.4375 l 0,-29.84375 c -5e-5,-2.87893 1.22572,-4.34369 3.6875,-4.34375 l 0,0.1875 c 2.37374,6e-5 3.56243,1.13555 3.5625,3.40625 0.21973,29.11429 0.31244,45.76096 0.3125,49.9375 l 0,1.53125 c -6e-5,2.9601 0.75533,4.4375 2.25,4.4375 l 0.40625,0 c 0.65933,0 1.32783,-0.38581 2.03125,-1.15625 -7e-5,-7.25828 -0.14256,-25.38236 -0.40625,-54.375 -0.65946,-5.35243 -3.11102,-8.03118 -7.375,-8.03125 l -1.71875,0 -1.84375,0.1875 c -3.69263,1.29764 -5.5313,4.18661 -5.53125,8.6875 l 0,29.75 c -5e-5,2.67627 -0.55732,5.97301 -1.65625,9.90625 -3.29699,7.98818 -8.24991,12 -14.84375,12 l -1.3125,0 -0.3125,0.15625 c -3e-5,-0.12167 -0.0869,-0.15625 -0.21875,-0.15625 l -1.125,0 c -4.22011,0 -8.09559,-1.20135 -11.65625,-3.59375 -4.70366,-4.2171 -7.06251,-9.0571 -7.0625,-14.53125 -0.1319,-17.19279 -0.18753,-28.78924 -0.1875,-34.75 -3e-5,-0.93258 -0.0869,-3.07187 -0.21875,-6.4375 -0.70336,-0.72982 -1.17375,-1.13755 -1.4375,-1.21875 l -1.125,0 z"
Upvotes: 3
Views: 6773
Reputation: 124049
You can't use !important in keyframes (well you can but it has no effect). Presumably Chrome 43 had this bug but it's fixed by Chrome 45.
You can make it work by removing the !important from the keyframe and the original fill style and also removing the fill style from the path so you don't need the !important to force the override in the first place.
#text {
stroke: black !important;
stroke-width: 2;
fill: transparent;
stroke-dasharray: 700;
stroke-dashoffset: 700;
animation: dash 3s linear infinite;
@keyframes dash {
to {
stroke-dashoffset: 0;
/* works, know why */
fill: black;
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c -4e-5,-1.74353 -3.80134,-2.90097 -11.40625,-3.46875 l -2.84375,0 z m 102.21875,0 c -1.01107,0.52723 -1.53126,1.16716 -1.53125,1.9375 l 0,29.25 c -1e-5,14.15168 -0.0556,33.1791 -0.1875,57.0625 0.13192,0.20275 0.18749,0.43492 0.1875,0.71875 1.40668,3.52778 3.82116,5.3125 7.25,5.3125 l 2.3125,-0.375 c 3.4288,-1.29757 5.15623,-3.24861 5.15625,-5.84375 -0.52752,-13.74613 -0.78127,-21.60683 -0.78125,-23.59375 l 0,-4.5625 c -2e-5,-10.42107 1.7147,-17.57598 5.1875,-21.46875 4.61569,-4.46034 10.34253,-6.68745 17.15625,-6.6875 l 2.09375,0 c 4.87943,5e-5 9.56006,1.52137 14,4.5625 6.98945,6.00132 10.46868,13.564 10.46875,22.6875 l 0,0.90625 c -7e-5,0.24334 0.0868,0.47549 0.21875,0.71875 -0.13192,0.20278 -0.21882,0.44423 -0.21875,0.6875 l 0,1.03125 c -7e-5,7.54216 -2.75515,14.52146 -8.25,20.96875 -5.53891,5.1903 -11.43263,7.78125 -17.71875,7.78125 l -0.78125,0 c -0.26379,0 -0.53024,0.0439 -0.75,0.125 -0.21984,-0.0811 -0.47358,-0.125 -0.78125,-0.125 l -0.71875,0 c -3.12114,0 -6.36517,-0.70578 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-10.5,24.375 l 0,3.03125 c -10e-6,8.39369 3.24402,15.70225 9.75,21.90625 7.16533,5.79852 14.81772,8.6875 22.90625,8.6875 l 3.09375,0 c 1.67041,0 3.14992,-0.0785 4.46875,-0.28125 10.90183,-2.02746 16.37494,-4.1102 16.375,-6.21875 l 0,-0.1875 c -6e-5,-1.01372 -0.73691,-1.6756 -2.1875,-2 l -0.1875,0 c -7.25332,3.12228 -13.97075,4.6875 -20.125,4.6875 -2.68155,0 -6.06808,-0.51752 -10.15625,-1.53125 -13.05591,-4.62259 -19.59376,-13.57487 -19.59375,-26.875 -10e-6,-3.60884 0.73684,-7.74307 2.1875,-12.40625 5.14322,-11.02931 13.1235,-16.53119 23.9375,-16.53125 l 0.53125,0 c 0.26372,6e-5 0.49891,-0.0658 0.71875,-0.1875 0.21976,0.12167 0.45496,0.18756 0.71875,0.1875 l 0.9375,0 c 2.50563,6e-5 5.21094,0.48633 8.15625,1.5 9.27535,4.01441 13.93745,11.7088 13.9375,23.0625 l 0,2 c -5e-5,0.89212 -0.53879,1.34379 -1.59375,1.34375 l -36.65625,0 c -1.09901,4e-5 -1.69335,-0.56139 -1.78125,-1.65625 -2e-5,-1.13533 0.64996,-1.68746 1.96875,-1.6875 l 29.34375,0 c 1.4506,-0.28381 2.18744,-0.91109 2.1875,-1.84375 l 0,-0.46875 c -0.30777,-1.25698 -0.95774,-1.87496 -1.96875,-1.875 l -29.75,0 c -3.60468,4e-5 -5.72834,1.94178 -6.34375,5.875 -2e-5,3.40617 2.17927,5.35719 6.53125,5.84375 l 36.46875,0 c 4.08815,-0.68931 6.12494,-2.35498 6.125,-5.03125 l 0,-2.3125 c -6e-5,-6.36617 -1.38688,-11.8554 -4.15625,-16.4375 -5.36307,-8.35306 -12.89734,-12.53119 -22.65625,-12.53125 l -2.90625,0 z m -182.46875,0.3125 c -1.23087,0.24336 -1.84376,0.76088 -1.84375,1.53125 -1e-5,8.23152 0.0556,21.85751 0.1875,40.875 -1e-5,1.74363 0.44602,4.11508 1.28125,7.15625 4.0882,10.13728 11.51121,15.21875 22.28125,15.21875 l 2.375,0 c 3.56065,0 7.1453,-1.02575 10.75,-3.09375 7.1653,-5.47412 10.74995,-13.30021 10.75,-23.4375 l 0,-29.84375 c -5e-5,-2.87893 1.22572,-4.34369 3.6875,-4.34375 l 0,0.1875 c 2.37374,6e-5 3.56243,1.13555 3.5625,3.40625 0.21973,29.11429 0.31244,45.76096 0.3125,49.9375 l 0,1.53125 c -6e-5,2.9601 0.75533,4.4375 2.25,4.4375 l 0.40625,0 c 0.65933,0 1.32783,-0.38581 2.03125,-1.15625 -7e-5,-7.25828 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