
Reputation: 892

D3 Force directed layout + All nodes to original positions

I have created some basic nodes and links to create a force directed graph with D3. I have set some basic logic on my drag functions so that when a node is dragged it returns to its original starting position. This worked nicely until I linked them together. How do I get all of the nodes in the chain to return to their original positions after the dragend?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

        fill: yellow;
        stroke: black;
        stroke-width: 2px;
    .link {
    stroke: #777;
    stroke-width: 2px;

<script src=""></script>
        //Most of these variables are just used to calculate original position
        var width = 960, height = 500, colors = d3.scale.category10();
        var svg = null, force = null;
        var circle = null, path = null;
        var nodes = null, links = null;
        var nodesArray = null, linkArray = null;
        var count = 0;
        var element = "body"; var numEdges = 4, numNodes = 5;
        var i = 0; var L = 16, r = 12, lineLimit = 10;
        var d = 2 * r + L;
        var R = (count - 1) * d;
        var m = width / 2;
        var X;

        svg = d3.selectAll(element).append('svg').attr('width', width).attr('height', height);

        //Load nodes and links original positions
        nodes = d3.range(numNodes).map(function () {
            X = m - (R / 2) + (i * d);
            return {
                x: X,
                y: (height) / 3,
                fx: X,
                fy: height / 3,
                id: i-1,
                reflexive: true,
                r: 12
        for (var i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i) {
  "h3").text("Node " + i + ": " + nodes[i].id);

        i = -1;
        links = d3.range(numEdges).map(function () {
            return {
                source: nodes[i],
                target: nodes[i+1],
                left: false,
                right: true
        for (var i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i) {
  "h3").text("Source: " + links[i] + " Target: " + links[i];

        force = d3.layout.force().size([width, height]).nodes(nodes).links(links).linkDistance(40).linkStrength(0.1).charge(-300);
        var drag = force.drag()
                    .on('dragstart', dragstart)
                    .on('drag', drag)
                    .on('dragend', dragend);
        linkArray = svg.selectAll('.link').data(links).enter().append('line').attr('class', 'link')
            .attr('x1', function (d) {
                return nodes[].x;
            .attr('y1', function (d) { return nodes[].y; })
            .attr('x2', function (d) { return nodes[].x; })
            .attr('y2', function (d) { return nodes[].y; });

        var circleGroup = svg.selectAll("g").data(nodes);
        var groupEnter = circleGroup.enter().append("g").attr("transform", function(d){return "translate("+[d.x,d.y]+")";}).call(drag);
        var circle = groupEnter.append("circle").attr("cx", 0).attr("cy", -4).attr("r", function(d){return d.r;}).attr("class", "Properties");
        var label = circleGroup.append("text").text(function(d){return;}).attr({"alignment-baseline": "middle", "text-anchor": "middle" }).attr("class", "id");    

        force.on('tick', tick);
        var originalPosition = [];
        function dragstart(d) {
            originalPosition[0] = d.x;
            originalPosition[1] = d.y;
            console.log("Start: ", originalPosition[0], originalPosition[1]);
        function drag() {
            var m = d3.mouse(this);
                    .attr('cx', m[0])
                    .attr('cy', m[1]);

        function dragend(d) {
            console.log("End: ", d.x, d.y);
  'cx', originalPosition[0]).attr('cy', originalPosition[1]);

        function tick() {

            circleGroup.attr('transform', function(d) {
                return 'translate(' + d.x + ',' + d.y + ')';

                .attr('x1', function (d) { return d.source.x; })
                .attr('y1', function (d) { return d.source.y; })
                .attr('x2', function (d) { return; })
                .attr('y2', function (d) { return; });



Upvotes: 2

Views: 903

Answers (1)

Cyril Cherian
Cyril Cherian

Reputation: 32327

I did something like this on drag start keep a clone of the original graph data like this:

function dragstart(d) {
    clone1 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(graph));

On drag end I copy the stored clones x/y/px/py attributes back to the graph node so that it returns to old position like this:

function dragend(d) {

Working code here.

Upvotes: 2

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