
Reputation: 101

How to add multiple pictures in Python ebay sdk

Here is my setup:

Python 3.4

Using the Trading API

Attempting to call eBay's "VerifyAddItem"

I marked where I get the Error, in PicURL, and I'm trying to post multiple pictures with multiple URLs. I'm currently just trying out two pictures let's say and (I realize that these are not real pictures, but that's not part of the problem I'm having)

The eBay API Documentations states To specify multiple pictures, send each URL in a separate, PictureDetails.PictureURL element. The first URL passed in will be the Gallery image and appears on the View Item page. So I tried passing both of the following lines to no avail:

"PictureDetails": {"PictureURL": ["",


"PictureDetails": [{"PictureURL": ""},
                   {"PictureURL": ""}]

I get the following errors from eBay's connection, respectively:

VerifyAddItem: Class: RequestError, Severity: Error, Code: 37, Input data is invalid. 
Input data for tag <Item.PictureDetails.PictureURL[2]> is invalid or missing. Please 
check API documentation.


VerifyAddItem: Class: RequestError, Severity: Error, Code: 37, Input data is invalid. 
Input data for tag <Item.PictureDetails[2].PictureURL> is invalid or missing. Please 
check API documentation.

Unfortunately, I have run out of ideas. Please help! Here is the full dictionary, don't worry about the logic, as I have verified that everything else works fine.

api = Trading(config_file="ebay.yaml", warnings=False)

    myitem = {
        "Item": {
            "Title": Title,
            "Description": Description,
            "PrimaryCategory": {"CategoryID": p.CategoryValue},
            "StartPrice": str(p.Price_sbox.value()),
            "CategoryMappingAllowed": "true",
            "Country": "US",
            "ConditionID": CatID,
            "ConditionDescription": p.CondDetail_tedit.toPlainText(),
            "Currency": "USD",
            "DispatchTimeMax": "1",
            "ListingDuration": "GTC",
            "ListingType": "FixedPriceItem",
            "PaymentMethods": "PayPal",
            "PayPalEmailAddress": PayPal,
            ###This is where I get the Error
            "PictureDetails": PicURL,
            "PostalCode": ZipCode,
            "Quantity": str(p.Quantity_sbox.value()),
            "ReturnPolicy": {
                "ReturnsAcceptedOption": "ReturnsAccepted",
                "RefundOption": "MoneyBack",
                "Description": "14 days money back, you pay return shipping",
                "ReturnsWithinOption": "Days_14",
                "ShippingCostPaidByOption": "Buyer" },
            "ShippingDetails": {
                "ShippingType": "Calculated",
                "PaymentInstructions": "1 business days of handling time, usually shipped next day. Make sure your address is correct, especially when shipping to foreign countries.",
                "ShippingServiceOptions": {
                    "FreeShipping": FreeShip,
                    "ShippingService": ShipService
                "CalculatedShippingRate": {"OriginatingPostalCode": ZipCode} },
            "ShippingPackageDetails": {
                "MeasurementUnit": "English",
                "WeightMajor": str(p.WeightLbs_sbox.value()),
                "WeightMinor": str(p.WeightOz_sbox.value()),
                "PackageDepth": str(p.DimensionH_sbox.value()),
                "PackageLength": str(p.DimensionL_sbox.value()),
                "PackageWidth": str(p.DimensionW_sbox.value()),
                "ShippingPackage": "PackageThickEnvelope"},
            "ShipToLocations": "Worldwide",
            "Site": "US",
            "SKU": p.ItemID_ledit.text() } }
    IntShip = []
    boolint = False
        boolint = True
        boolint = True
        myitem['Item']['ShippingDetails']['ShippingServiceOptions']['InternationalShippingServiceOption'] = IntShip
        myitem['Item']['BestOfferDetails'] = {'BestOfferEnabled': 'true'}

    api.execute('VerifyAddItem', myitem)
    print("%s" % api.response.content)
except ConnectionError as e:
    for node in api.response.dom().findall('ErrorCode'):
        print("error code: %s" % node.text)
    if 37 in api.response_codes():
        print("Invalid data in request")

Upvotes: 5

Views: 896

Answers (1)


Reputation: 101

Well nevermind... I feel dumb... Since I'm still working in sandbox, I'm passing test photos where some of the URLs in the list PicURL do not point to a valid photo.

If anyone else gets these errors, the first format is the correct one:

"PictureDetails": {"PictureURL": ["",

Upvotes: 5

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