Reputation: 25
I'm trying to use HTMLAgilityPack to parse some website for the first time. Everything works as expected but only for first iteration. On each iteration I get unique div with its data, but SelectNodes() always gets data from first iteration. The code listed below explains the problem
All the properties for station get values from first iteration.
static void Main(string[] args)
List<Station> stations = new List<Station>();
wClient = new WebClient();
wClient.Proxy = null;
wClient.Encoding = encode;
for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++)
HtmlDocument html = new HtmlDocument();
string link = string.Format("{0}&pageSize=20&q=/powerPlant", i);
var stationList = html.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='items']").First().ChildNodes.Where(x=>x.Name=="div").ToList();//get list of nodes with PowerStation Data
foreach (var item in stationList) //each iteration returns Item with unique InnerHTML
Station st = new Station();
st.Name = item.SelectNodes("//div[@class='col-md-20']").First().SelectNodes("//div[@class='name']").First().ChildNodes["a"].InnerText;//gets name from first iteration
st.Url = item.SelectNodes("//div[@class='col-md-20']").First().SelectNodes("//div[@class='name']").First().ChildNodes["a"].Attributes["href"].Value;//gets url from first iteration and so on
st.Company = item.SelectNodes("//div[@class='col-md-20']").First().SelectNodes("//div[@class='name']").First().ChildNodes["small"].ChildNodes["em"].ChildNodes["a"].InnerText;
Maybe I am not getting some of essentials of OOP?
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Views: 1214
Reputation: 14261
Your code can be greatly simplified by using the full power of XPath.
var stationList = html.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='items']/div");
// XPath-expression may be so: "//div[@class='items'][1]/div"
// where [1] means first node
foreach (var item in stationList)
Station st = new Station();
st.Name = item.SelectSingleNode("div[@class='col-md-20']/div[@class='name']/a").InnerText;
st.Url = item.SelectSingleNode("div[@class='col-md-20']/div[@class='name']/a").Attributes["href"].Value;
string rawText = item.SelectSingleNode("div[@class='col-md-20']/div[@class='name']/small/em").InnerText;
st.Company = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(rawText.Trim());
Your mistake was to use XPath descendants
axis: //div
Even better rewrite code like this:
var divName = item.SelectSingleNode("div[@class='col-md-20']/div[@class='name']");
var nodeA = divName.SelectSingleNode("a");
st.Name = nodeA.InnerText;
st.Url = nodeA.Attributes["href"].Value;
string rawText = divName.SelectSingleNode("small/em").InnerText;
st.Company = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(rawText.Trim());
Upvotes: 4