Reputation: 89
I am trying to remove carriage return from .tsv file using batch file. This is how my .tsv file looks, the first line is a column line
* **[CR] and [LF] shown in these lines are manually added to get an idea
Class Name & Address Item lbs Value Pickup/Drop off Date: 23 Sep[CR][LF]
Class1 Ben Coha[CR]
2305 E LA st[CR]
932112-4422 Health and beauty product / cologne body wear for men 0.13 19[CR][LF]
Class2 mich marce[CR]
255 rid court[CR]
prince frick, PA[CR]
20442 health and beauty product / cologne body wear for women 1.5 47
I want this file as below [I used notepad to remove('replace' by nothing) occurrences of [CR] only]
Class Name & Address Item lbs Value Pickup/Drop off Date: 23 Sep[LF]
Class1 Ben Coha 2305 E LA st VISIA, PA 932112-4422 Health and beauty product / cologne body wear for men 0.13 19[LF]
Class2 mic marce 255 rid court prince frick, PA 20442 health and beauty product / cologne body wear for women 1.5 47
I tried following batch file. file is being put in one single line. It removes both carriage return and line feed.
@echo off
SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%a in (myFile.tsv) do (
echo/|set /p ="%%a%"
The result looks like..
Class Name & Address Item lbs Value Pickup/Drop off Date: 23 SepClass1 Ben Coha 2305 E LA st VISIA, PA 932112-4422 Health and beauty product / cologne body wear for men 0.13 19 Class2 mic marce 255 rid court prince frick, PA 20442 health and beauty product / cologne body wear for women 1.5 47
I want to modify the .bat file so that it only removes \r instead of removing both \r\n
Update: Somehow I am able to add images, this will give clearer idea.
Similar .tsv file
want it to be like this
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2577
Reputation: 82410
Perhaps something like this works for you, it simply replaces all CR
with nothing.
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
for /F "usebackq" %%C in (`copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul`) DO (
for /F "delims=" %%L in (myFile.tsv) do (
set "line=%%L"
if defined line (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
) ELSE echo(
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 130919
This is trivial if you use the JREPL.BAT regular expression text processing utility
jrepl \r "" /f "myFile.tsv" /o "newMyFile.tsv"
You can overwrite the original file if you use /o -
You must use CALL JREPL
if you put the command within a batch script.
Below is my original answer for when I thought there was a CR/LF at the end of each line in the source file (before the question was edited).
I hate editing text files with batch, as it requires a lot of arcane knowledge, has many restrictions, and the result is slow. However, it is possible to solve this with batch, and I decided I could use the practice :-)
The following works provided that each input line is <= 1021 bytes long, and the output lines are all < ~8191 bytes long.
@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "input=test.txt"
set "output=out.txt"
:: Define LF to contain a linefeed character
set ^"LF=^
^" The empty line above is critical - DO NOT REMOVE
:: Determine how many sets of 4 lines must be read
for /f %%N in ('find /c /v "" ^<"test.txt"') do set /a cnt=%%N/4
<"!input!" >"!output!" (
%= Read and write the first line =%
set "ln="
set /p "ln="
<nul set /p "=!ln!!LF!"
%= Outer loop iterates the 4 line sets =%
for /l %%N in (1 1 !cnt!) do (
%= Initialize out line to empty =%
set "out="
%= Inner loop appends next 4 lines into out =%
for /l %%n in (1 1 4) do (
set "ln="
set /p "ln="
set "out=!out!!ln!"
%= Write the line =%
<nul set /p "=!out!!LF!"
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 56228
Can you live with an empty first line?
@echo off
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "delims=" %%a in (myFile.tsv) do (
set "line=%%a"
if "!line:~0,1!" neq " " (
set "newline=!line!"
) else (
set "newline=!newline!!line!"
Upvotes: 2