Reputation: 11
I've followed the instructions on an started a locator and a server. When I try to create a region, I get an error message: ""create region" is not available. Reason: Requires connection.".
Could you please help me with a solution ?
I'm running my locator, my server and the region in 3 separate windows.
Last entry in locator.log: [info 2015/09/30 17:16:51.703 CEST locator tid=0x51] Cluster configuration service start up completed successfully and is now running ....
Last entry in server.log: [info 2015/09/30 17:21:28.046 CEST server tid=0x1] CacheServer Configuration: port=40404 max-connections=800 max-threads=0 notify-by-subscription=true socket-buffer-size=32768 maximum-time-between-pings=60000 maximum-message-count=230000 message-time-to-live=180 eviction-policy=none capacity=1 overflow directory=. groups=[] loadProbe=ConnectionCountProbe loadPollInterval=5000 tcpNoDelay=true
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Views: 2121
Reputation: 116
The reason you're not seeing the same results as described in Geodein5minutes is that you're using three separate windows. Geodein5minutes describes using one single window.
Below shows going through Geodein5minutes with a couple extra commands such as "list members" and "list region" to illustrate.
C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\build\install\apache-geode>.\bin\gfsh.bat _________________________ __ / _____/ ______/ ______/ /____/ / / / __/ /___ /_____ / _____ / / /__/ / ____/ _____/ / / / / /______/_/ /______/_/ /_/ v1.0.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT Monitor and Manage GemFire gfsh>start locator --name=locator Starting a GemFire Locator in C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\build\install\ apache-geode\locator... ............................... Locator in C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\build\install\apache-geode\locato r on[10334] as locator is currently online. Process ID: 1800 Uptime: 16 seconds GemFire Version: 1.0.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT Java Version: 1.8.0_45 Log File: C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\build\install\apache-geode\locator \locator.log JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.enable-cluster-configuration=true -Dgemfire.load-cluste r-configuration-from-dir=false -Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -D java.awt.headless=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=9223372036854775806 Class-Path: C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\build\install\apache-geode\lib\g emfire-core-1.0.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\bu ild\install\apache-geode\lib\gemfire-core-dependencies.jar Successfully connected to: [, port=1099] Cluster configuration service is up and running. gfsh>list members Name | Id ------- | ------------------------------------------ locator | klund-e6420(locator:1800:locator):1987 gfsh>start server --name=server Starting a GemFire Server in C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\build\install\a pache-geode\server... ....... Server in C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\build\install\apache-geode\server on[40404] as server is currently online. Process ID: 5412 Uptime: 4 seconds GemFire Version: 1.0.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT Java Version: 1.8.0_45 Log File: C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\build\install\apache-geode\server\ server.log JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.default.locators=[10334] -Dgemfire.use-clu ster-configuration=true -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=taskkill /F /PID %p -Dgemfire.lau ncher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server. gcInterval=9223372036854775806 Class-Path: C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\build\install\apache-geode\lib\g emfire-core-1.0.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar;C:\geode\gemfire-assembly\bu ild\install\apache-geode\lib\gemfire-core-dependencies.jar gfsh>create region --name=region --type=REPLICATE Member | Status ------ | ------------------------------------ server | Region "/region" created on "server" gfsh>list members Name | Id ------- | ------------------------------------------ locator | klund-e6420(locator:1800:locator):1987 server | klund-e6420(server:5412):65511 gfsh>list regions List of regions --------------- region gfsh>
After I started the locator, I typed "list members" which shows that GFSH autoconnected to the locator I just started. In the same GFSH window, I then proceed to start the server.
If you want to use separate GFSH windows you can, but you'll need to use the connect command in the other windows.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 71
What is the output when you do "list members" in gfsh. gfsh>connect --locator=localhost[10334] list members
are the locator and server are in same host?
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1301
When gfsh starts, you have to point it to a running locator using the connect
command, so that you can create regions etc. The following is an example:
gfsh>connect --locator=localhost[10334]
Upvotes: 1