Reputation: 140
I'm using a function I found here: Apend2CSV to append changed rows to a CSV file. I've used this process successfully in several different projects now, but this time it is leaving out the first two columns that I'm trying to append. As far as I can tell, everything is set up right, and I'm hoping someone with a better eye for this can point out where my problem is. The code is triggered by a Worksheet_Change event, but it is a separate procedure because it is also called by other parts of the program.
In this case, Range("A4:BB4") is supposed to get appended, but only Range("C4:BB4") actually does. This is a calculated range with formulas that account for the potential weirdness of .csv, such as quotes and commas in text, by replacing every instance of "
with ""
and wrapping all values in quotes before the values get appended.
Here's the code:
Sub Append2CSV()
Dim tmpCSV As String
Dim f As Integer
Const CSVFile As String = "C:\TheCSV\WBCSV.csv"
f = FreeFile
Open CSVFile For Append As #f
tmpCSV = Range2CSV(Sheets("ToCSV").Range("A4:BB4"))
Print #f, tmpCSV
Close #f
ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Private Function Range2CSV(list) As String
Dim tmp As String
Dim cr As Long
Dim r As Range
If TypeName(list) = "Range" Then
cr = 1
For Each r In list.Cells
If r.Row = cr Then
If tmp = vbNullString Then
tmp = r.Value
tmp = tmp & "," & r.Value
End If
cr = cr + 1
If tmp = vbNullString Then
tmp = r.Value
End If
End If
End If
Range2CSV = tmp
End Function
Here's the text from the .csv file:
"","11833300044D","879410002474","ST6284","ST6284","1","1181 HI-RISE 1-1/8""x31.8 STEM","","0","Hawley","","","","","","","","","","9.01","19.99","","","","42277","","42277.5861111111---...---11833300044D","42277.5861111111","","","","ELEVEN81","Parts - Stems - Mountain and Hybrid","","42277.6491435185","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","CHA27625539K","719676285276","60814-0424","60814-0424","1","16 SPEC CHAMONIX HELMET","","2","Specialized Bicycle Components","","","","","","","","","","19.6","49.99","","","","42277","","42277.5841550926---...---CHA27625539K","42277.5841550926","","","","Specialized","Accessories - Helmets - Road - z.Mens","","42277.6491666666","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","CHA27625539K","719676285276","60814-0424","60814-0424","1","16 SPEC CHAMONIX HELMET","","2","Specialized Bicycle Components","","","","","","","","","","19.6","49.99","","","","42277","","42277.5841550926---...---CHA27625539K","42277.5841550926","","","","Specialized","Accessories - Helmets - Road - z.Mens","","42277.6491666666","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","WMS291257455","072774380459","38045","38045","1","WM SOLID RR AXLE SET 3/8x26x126x175","0","0","J & B Importers","","","","","","","","","","1.69","5.99","","","","42041","","42041.6198495370---...---WMS291257455","42041.619849537","","","","WHEEL MASTER","Parts - Hubs - Axles and Nuts and Cones","","42277.6496064815","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","WMS291257455","072774380459","38045","38045","1","WM SOLID RR AXLE SET 3/8x26x126x175","0","0","J & B Importers","","","","","","","","","","1.69","5.99","","","","42041","","42041.6198495370---...---WMS291257455","42041.619849537","","","","WHEEL MASTER","Parts - Hubs - Axles and Nuts and Cones","","42277.6496064815","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","FLS17361201Z","036121700116","FL4050","FL4050","1","FL SHOCK OIL 5WT--.--16OZ GET 2","","0","Bicycle Technologies International","O","","","","","","","","","8.95","19.99","","","","42063","","42063.7094444444---...---FLS17361201Z","42063.7094444444","","","","FINISH LINE","Accessories - Maintenance - Suspension Fluid","","42277.6517939815","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","FLS17361201Z","036121700116","FL4050","FL4050","1","FL SHOCK OIL 5WT--.--16OZ GET 2","","0","Bicycle Technologies International","O","","","","","","","","","8.95","19.99","","","","42063","","42063.7094444444---...---FLS17361201Z","42063.7094444444","","","","FINISH LINE","Accessories - Maintenance - Suspension Fluid","","42277.6552893519","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","FLS17361201Z","036121700116","FL4050","FL4050","1","FL SHOCK OIL 5WT--.--16OZ GET 2","","0","Bicycle Technologies International","O","","","","","","","","","8.95","19.99","","","","42063","","42063.7094444444---...---FLS17361201Z","42063.7094444444","","","","FINISH LINE","Accessories - Maintenance - Suspension Fluid","","42277.6552893519","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","SPE298655664","719676126357","542-3700","542-3700","1","SPEC FLATBOY GLUELESS PATCHKIT '14""","8","18","Specialized Bicycle Components","","","","","","","","","","1.44","2.99","","","","42063","","42063.7109722222---...---SPE298655664","42063.7109722222","","","","Specialized","Accessories - Flat Repair and Prevention - Patch Kits - Glueless","","42277.6569791666","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1852
Reputation: 140
I decided that I wanted to go ahead and try to account for the possibility of an actually blank (null) first cell within a range being appended to a .csv file without wrapping text in quotes, etc. The following is what I came up with. It works regardless of the value or lack thereof in the first cell, or anywhere else within the range being appended.
As it turns out, this method is actually super inefficient when processing thousands of rows (takes several minutes to complete.) The solution offered by Tim Williams is much faster, taking less than 6 seconds to complete.
Private Function Range2CSV(list) As String
Dim tmp As String
Dim cr As Long
Dim r As Range
Dim St As Integer
St = 1
tmp = vbNullString
If TypeName(list) = "Range" Then
cr = list.Row
For Each r In list.Cells
If r.Row = cr Then
tmp = IIf(St = 1, """" & Replace(r.Value, """", """""") & """", tmp & "," & """" & Replace(r.Value, """", """""") & """")
tmp = IIf(r.Rows.Count Mod r.Row, tmp & vbCrLf & """" & Replace(r.Value, """", """""") & """", tmp & "," & """" & Replace(r.Value, """", """""") & """")
cr = r.Row
End If
St = 2
End If
Range2CSV = tmp
End Function
Thanks to everyone for their input. Paul Bica, your answer got me the closest, but it was having problems with the concept in this line: tmp = IIf(tmp = vbNullString, r.Value2, tmp & "," & r.Value2) By defining St and checking whether the loop was looking at the first cell in the range, I was able to account for that cell having or not having a value to treat the tmp appropriately.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 166391
I'll throw in my 2c
Sub for testing:
Sub Tester()
Dim s, fso
s = getCsvContent(Range("A1").CurrentRegion)
Set fso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
With fso.createtextfile("C:\users\yournamehere\desktop\temp.csv", True)
.write s
End With
End Sub
Function to convert a range to CSV:
Function getCsvContent(rng As Range)
Dim data, r As Long, c As Long, sep, lb, s, tmp
data = rng.Value
s = ""
lb = ""
For r = 1 To UBound(data, 1)
s = s & lb
sep = ""
For c = 1 To UBound(data, 2)
tmp = data(r, c)
If IsError(tmp) Then tmp = "#Error!" '<<handle errors
If InStr(tmp, """") > 0 Then
tmp = Replace(tmp, """", """""")
End If
If InStr(tmp, ",") > 0 Then
tmp = """" & tmp & """"
End If
s = s & sep & tmp
sep = ","
Next c
lb = vbNewLine
Next r
getCsvContent = s
End Function
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2332
Not sure that the Range2CSV function is designed to do, but this will work if you just want to get a range as a CSV string:
Private Function Range2CSV(ByVal list As Range) As String
Dim tmp As String
Dim r As Range
Dim rowNum As Long
rowNum = list.Cells(1, 1).Row
For Each r In list.Cells
If r.Row <> rowNum Then
rowNum = r.Row
tmp = Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1) & vbCrLf 'remove last comma and start new line
End If
tmp = tmp & r.Value & ","
tmp = Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1) & vbCrLf 'remove final comma
Range2CSV = tmp
End Function
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10715
This works with multiple rows as well:
Private Function Range2CSV(list) As String
Dim tmp As String
Dim cr As Long
Dim r As Range
If TypeName(list) = "Range" Then
cr = list.Row
For Each r In list.Cells
If r.Row = cr Then
tmp = IIf(tmp = vbNullString, r.Value2, tmp & "," & r.Value2)
tmp = IIf(r.Rows.Count Mod r.Row, tmp & vbCrLf & r.Value2, tmp & "," & r.Value2)
cr = r.Row
End If
End If
Range2CSV = tmp
End Function
Tested it with row A4:BB4 containing the series 1,2,3,... to 54
"","11833300044D","879410002474","ST6284","ST6284","1","1181 HI-RISE 1-1/8""x31.8 STEM","","0","Hawley","","","","","","","","","","9.01","19.99","","","","42277","","42277.5861111111---...---11833300044D","42277.5861111111","","","","ELEVEN81","Parts - Stems - Mountain and Hybrid","","42277.6491435185","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","CHA27625539K","719676285276","60814-0424","60814-0424","1","16 SPEC CHAMONIX HELMET","","2","Specialized Bicycle Components","","","","","","","","","","19.6","49.99","","","","42277","","42277.5841550926---...---CHA27625539K","42277.5841550926","","","","Specialized","Accessories - Helmets - Road - z.Mens","","42277.6491666666","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","CHA27625539K","719676285276","60814-0424","60814-0424","1","16 SPEC CHAMONIX HELMET","","2","Specialized Bicycle Components","","","","","","","","","","19.6","49.99","","","","42277","","42277.5841550926---...---CHA27625539K","42277.5841550926","","","","Specialized","Accessories - Helmets - Road - z.Mens","","42277.6491666666","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","WMS291257455","072774380459","38045","38045","1","WM SOLID RR AXLE SET 3/8x26x126x175","0","0","J & B Importers","","","","","","","","","","1.69","5.99","","","","42041","","42041.6198495370---...---WMS291257455","42041.619849537","","","","WHEEL MASTER","Parts - Hubs - Axles and Nuts and Cones","","42277.6496064815","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","WMS291257455","072774380459","38045","38045","1","WM SOLID RR AXLE SET 3/8x26x126x175","0","0","J & B Importers","","","","","","","","","","1.69","5.99","","","","42041","","42041.6198495370---...---WMS291257455","42041.619849537","","","","WHEEL MASTER","Parts - Hubs - Axles and Nuts and Cones","","42277.6496064815","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","FLS17361201Z","036121700116","FL4050","FL4050","1","FL SHOCK OIL 5WT--.--16OZ GET 2","","0","Bicycle Technologies International","O","","","","","","","","","8.95","19.99","","","","42063","","42063.7094444444---...---FLS17361201Z","42063.7094444444","","","","FINISH LINE","Accessories - Maintenance - Suspension Fluid","","42277.6517939815","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","FLS17361201Z","036121700116","FL4050","FL4050","1","FL SHOCK OIL 5WT--.--16OZ GET 2","","0","Bicycle Technologies International","O","","","","","","","","","8.95","19.99","","","","42063","","42063.7094444444---...---FLS17361201Z","42063.7094444444","","","","FINISH LINE","Accessories - Maintenance - Suspension Fluid","","42277.6552893519","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","FLS17361201Z","036121700116","FL4050","FL4050","1","FL SHOCK OIL 5WT--.--16OZ GET 2","","0","Bicycle Technologies International","O","","","","","","","","","8.95","19.99","","","","42063","","42063.7094444444---...---FLS17361201Z","42063.7094444444","","","","FINISH LINE","Accessories - Maintenance - Suspension Fluid","","42277.6552893519","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
"","SPE298655664","719676126357","542-3700","542-3700","1","SPEC FLATBOY GLUELESS PATCHKIT '14""","8","18","Specialized Bicycle Components","","","","","","","","","","1.44","2.99","","","","42063","","42063.7109722222---...---SPE298655664","42063.7109722222","","","","Specialized","Accessories - Flat Repair and Prevention - Patch Kits - Glueless","","42277.6569791666","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 6433
Try this one, but this only output the last row of data within the list
Private Function Range2CSV(list) As String
Dim sLine As String, sVal As String
Dim cr As Long
Dim r As Range
If TypeName(list) = "Range" Then
cr = 0 ' Current Row
For Each r In list.Cells
' Check row changes
If r.Row <> cr Then
sLine = ""
cr = r.Row
End If
If r.Row = cr Then
' Store cell value
If IsEmpty(r) Then
sVal = """""" ' "" in the string output
sVal = r.Value
End If
' Set or Join the values together
If Len(sLine) = 0 Then
sLine = sVal
sLine = sLine & "," & sVal
End If
End If
End If
Range2CSV = sLine
End Function
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 29332
To deal with the problem of blank first cell, you can add the indicated line below to your code (tested). Eventually, this answer does not address other issues if any.
Private Function Range2CSV(list) As String
Dim tmp As String
Dim cr As Long
Dim r As Range
If TypeName(list) = "Range" Then
cr = 1
For Each r In list.Cells
If r.Row = cr Then
If tmp = vbNullString Then
tmp = r.Value
If tmp = vbNullString Then tmp = "," ' <~~~~ add this line
tmp = tmp & "," & r.Value
End If
cr = cr + 1
tmp = r.Value
End If
End If
Range2CSV = tmp
End Function
Upvotes: 0