Reputation: 350
I'm trying to write some unit tests for code that uses Dojo 1.10.4 and so far I haven't had any success. I've tried lots of things, but I'm currently trying to use Intern 3.0.5. Here's what I've got in intern.js at the moment:
capabilities: { 'browserstack.selenium_version': '2.45.0' },
environments: [ { browserName: 'firefox', version: '40', platform: ['WINDOWS'] } ],
maxConcurrency: 2,
tunnel: 'NullTunnel',
//loaders: { 'host-browser': 'dojo/dojo.js' },
loaderOptions: {
packages: [
{ name: 'app', location: 'src' },
{ name: 'dojo', location: 'dojo' },
{ name: 'dijit', location: 'dijit' }
map: {
'*': {
'dojo': 'dojo',
'intern': {
'dojo': 'node_modules/intern/node_modules/dojo'
suites: ['tests/unit/ButtonTests'],
excludeInstrumentation: true,
useSauceConnect: false,
proxyPort: 9000,
proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:9000/'
dojoConfig = {
has: { 'dojo-undef-api': true }
My hope is that I can let Intern use the Dojo 2 loader that it ships with, but then point my code at Dojo 1.10.4, so I set up a map in loaderOptions to take care of that. Unfortunately, my code doesn't seem to be picking up the right copy and I'm getting this error:
× firefox 40 on WINDOWS - unit tests - Button tests - icon uses correct class (0.001s)
TypeError: target is null
at on <dojo\on.js:69:6>
at clazz<._initializeEventHandlers <src\Button.js:35:1>
at clazz<.constructor <src\Button.js:29:9>
at singleConstructor/< <dojo\_base\declare.js:440:5>
at< <__intern\lib\Test.js:211:19>
at Promise/this.then/</< <node_modules\intern\node_modules\dojo\Promise.ts:393:15>
at runCallbacks <node_modules\intern\node_modules\dojo\Promise.ts:11:2>
at settle/< <node_modules\intern\node_modules\dojo\Promise.ts:317:4>
at run <node_modules\intern\node_modules\dojo\Promise.ts:237:7>
at CallbackQueue</CallbackQueue.prototype.drain <node_modules\intern\node_modules\dojo\CallbackQueue.ts:39:4>
at nextTick</observer< <node_modules\intern\node_modules\dojo\nextTick.ts:63:4>
I also tried making Intern use the loader that comes with Dojo 1.10 instead of the one it ships with, which is commented out in the config I pasted above. When I do that, I get this error:
Suite firefox 40 on WINDOWS - unit tests FAILED
Error: xhrFailed
at makeError <dojo\dojo.js:106:15>
at req.getText <dojo\dojo.js:331:1>
at injectModule <dojo\dojo.js:1539:8>
at forEach <dojo\dojo.js:93:6>
at injectDependencies/< <dojo\dojo.js:758:5>
at guardCheckComplete <dojo\dojo.js:1277:5>
at injectDependencies <dojo\dojo.js:757:4>
at runDefQ/< <dojo\dojo.js:1621:6>
at forEach <dojo\dojo.js:93:6>
at runDefQ <dojo\dojo.js:1620:5>
at injectModule/xhrCallback <dojo\dojo.js:1488:9>
at req.getText <dojo\dojo.js:328:7>
at injectModule <dojo\dojo.js:1539:8>
at forEach <dojo\dojo.js:93:6>
at injectDependencies/< <dojo\dojo.js:758:5>
at guardCheckComplete <dojo\dojo.js:1277:5>
at injectDependencies <dojo\dojo.js:757:4>
at contextRequire <dojo\dojo.js:821:6>
at req <dojo\dojo.js:124:11>
at PreExecutor.prototype._loadExecutorWithLoader/< <__intern\lib\executors\PreExecutor.js:287:5>
at Promise <__intern\node_modules\dojo\Promise.js:172:17>
at PreExecutor.prototype._loadExecutorWithLoader <__intern\lib\executors\PreExecutor.js:286:1>
at loadExecutorWithLoader <__intern\lib\executors\PreExecutor.js:365:12>
at Promise/this.then/</< <__intern\node_modules\dojo\Promise.js:156:41>
at runCallbacks <__intern\node_modules\dojo\Promise.js:19:13>
at settle/< <__intern\node_modules\dojo\Promise.js:103:21>
at run <__intern\node_modules\dojo\Promise.js:51:33>
at CallbackQueue</CallbackQueue.prototype.drain <__intern\node_modules\dojo\CallbackQueue.js:39:21>
at nextTick</observer< <__intern\node_modules\dojo\nextTick.js:52:21>
I was also getting this error yesterday, but I can't remember exactly how I did it! I was trying to use PhantomJS, so that might have done it:
Error: Repeated sequence for session 08ee5fa0-67a6-11e5-9d1c-49f2f4677a77: 0 last 0 cur
at Proxy._publishInSequence <node_modules\intern\lib\Proxy.js:181:11>
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> <node_modules\intern\lib\Proxy.js:63:39>
at IncomingMessage.emit <events.js:104:17>
at <_stream_readable.js:908:16>
at process._tickCallback <node.js:355:11>
On a side note, should I be able to set dojoConfig at the end of intern.js like I'm doing above? I'd like to enable dojo-undef-api.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Upvotes: 0
Views: 259
Reputation: 18766
The Dojo Boilerplate includes an Intern configuration for Dojo applications, that can be adapted for use in your project.
Upvotes: 1