Reputation: 1312
I want to draw the X-axis, i.e. a horizontal line at Y = 0, to better see where the positive and negative values of Y are.
I want something like this:
Is this possible in Chart.js
I want to draw the line in the Chart object, so being able to interact with it. For example: points over the X-axis could be drawn green and points under it could be red.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 5022
Reputation: 154
You can Use :
scales: {
xAxes: [{
gridLines: {
zeroLineWidth: 3,
zeroLineColor: "#2C292E",
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 41065
You can extend the chart to do both - draw the line and color the points
name: "LineAlt",
initialize: function (data) {
Chart.types.Line.prototype.initialize.apply(this, arguments);
this.datasets.forEach(function (dataset, i) {
dataset.points.forEach(function (point) {
// color points depending on value
if (point.value < 0) {
// we set the colors from the data argument
point.fillColor = data.datasets[i].pointColor[0];
} else {
point.fillColor = data.datasets[i].pointColor[1];
// we need this so that the points internal color is also updated - otherwise our set colors will disappear after a tooltip hover;
draw: function () {
Chart.types.Line.prototype.draw.apply(this, arguments);
// draw y = 0 line
var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
var scale = this.scale;;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#ff0000';
ctx.moveTo(Math.round(scale.xScalePaddingLeft), scale.calculateY(0));
ctx.lineTo(scale.width, scale.calculateY(0));
var data = {
labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
datasets: [
label: "My First dataset",
fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.2)",
strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
// point color is a an array instead of a string
pointColor: ["rgba(220,0,0,1)", "rgba(0,220,0,1)"],
pointStrokeColor: "#fff",
pointHighlightFill: "#fff",
pointHighlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
data: [65, 59, 80, 81, -56, -55, 40]
var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
// use our new chart type LineAlt
var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).LineAlt(data);
Fiddle -
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