Reputation: 9103
Starting from a previous question here: Reactive Banana: how to use values from a remote API and merge them in the event stream
I have a bit different problem now: How can I use the Behaviour
output as input for an IO operation and finally display the IO operation's result?
Below is the code from the previous answer changed with a second output:
import System.Random
type RemoteValue = Int
-- generate a random value within [0, 10)
getRemoteApiValue :: IO RemoteValue
getRemoteApiValue = (`mod` 10) <$> randomIO
getAnotherRemoteApiValue :: AppState -> IO RemoteValue
getAnotherRemoteApiValue state = (`mod` 10) <$> randomIO + count state
data AppState = AppState { count :: Int } deriving Show
transformState :: RemoteValue -> AppState -> AppState
transformState v (AppState x) = AppState $ x + v
main :: IO ()
main = start $ do
f <- frame [text := "AppState"]
myButton <- button f [text := "Go"]
output <- staticText f []
output2 <- staticText f []
set f [layout := minsize (sz 300 200)
$ margin 10
$ column 5 [widget myButton, widget output, widget output2]]
let networkDescription :: forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()
networkDescription = do
ebt <- event0 myButton command
remoteValueB <- fromPoll getRemoteApiValue
myRemoteValue <- changes remoteValueB
events = transformState <$> remoteValueB <@ ebt
coreOfTheApp :: Behavior t AppState
coreOfTheApp = accumB (AppState 0) events
sink output [text :== show <$> coreOfTheApp]
sink output2 [text :== show <$> reactimate ( getAnotherRemoteApiValue <@> coreOfTheApp)]
network <- compile networkDescription
actuate network
As you can see what I am trying to do it is using the new state of the application -> getAnotherRemoteApiValue
-> show. But it doesn't work.
Is actually possible doing that?
UPDATE Based on the Erik Allik and Heinrich Apfelmus below answers I have the current code situation - that works :) :
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import System.Random
import Graphics.UI.WX hiding (Event, newEvent)
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.WX
data AppState = AppState { count :: Int } deriving Show
initialState :: AppState
initialState = AppState 0
transformState :: RemoteValue -> AppState -> AppState
transformState v (AppState x) = AppState $ x + v
type RemoteValue = Int
main :: IO ()
main = start $ do
f <- frame [text := "AppState"]
myButton <- button f [text := "Go"]
output1 <- staticText f []
output2 <- staticText f []
set f [layout := minsize (sz 300 200)
$ margin 10
$ column 5 [widget myButton, widget output1, widget output2]]
let networkDescription :: forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()
networkDescription = do
ebt <- event0 myButton command
remoteValue1B <- fromPoll getRemoteApiValue
let remoteValue1E = remoteValue1B <@ ebt
appStateE = accumE initialState $ transformState <$> remoteValue1E
appStateB = stepper initialState appStateE
mapIO' :: (a -> IO b) -> Event t a -> Moment t (Event t b)
mapIO' ioFunc e1 = do
(e2, handler) <- newEvent
reactimate $ (\a -> ioFunc a >>= handler) <$> e1
return e2
remoteValue2E <- mapIO' getAnotherRemoteApiValue appStateE
let remoteValue2B = stepper Nothing $ Just <$> remoteValue2E
sink output1 [text :== show <$> appStateB]
sink output2 [text :== show <$> remoteValue2B]
network <- compile networkDescription
actuate network
getRemoteApiValue :: IO RemoteValue
getRemoteApiValue = do
putStrLn "getRemoteApiValue"
(`mod` 10) <$> randomIO
getAnotherRemoteApiValue :: AppState -> IO RemoteValue
getAnotherRemoteApiValue state = do
putStrLn $ "getAnotherRemoteApiValue: state = " ++ show state
return $ count state
Upvotes: 5
Views: 272
Reputation: 11064
The fundamental problem is a conceptual one: FRP Events and Behaviors can only be combined in a pure way. In principle, it is not possible to have a function of type, say
mapIO' :: (a -> IO b) -> Event a -> Event b
because the order in which the corresponding IO actions are to be executed is undefined.
In practice, it may sometimes be useful to perform IO while combining Events and Behaviors. The execute
combinator can do this, as @ErikAllik indicates. Depending on the nature of getAnotherRemoteApiValue
, this may be the right thing to do, in particular if this is function is idempotent, or does a quick lookup from location in RAM.
However, if the computation is more involved, then it is probably better to use reactimate
to perform the IO computation. Using newEvent
to create an AddHandler
, we can give an implementation of the mapIO'
mapIO' :: (a -> IO b) -> Event a -> MomentIO (Event b)
mapIO' f e1 = do
(e2, handler) <- newEvent
reactimate $ (\a -> f a >>= handler) <$> e1
return e2
The key difference to the pure combinator
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b
is that the latter guarantees that the input and result events occur simultaneously, while the former gives absolutely no guarantee about when the result event occurs in relation to other events in the network.
Note that execute
also guarantees that input and result are have simultaneous occurrences, but places informal restrictions on the IO allowed.
With this trick of combining reactimate
with newEvent
a similar combinator can be written for Behaviors in a similar fashion. Keep in mind that the toolbox from Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
is only appropriate if you are dealing with IO actions whose precise order will necessarily be undefined.
(To keep this answer current, I have used the type signatures from the upcoming reactive-banana 1.0. In version 0.9, the type signature for mapIO'
mapIO' :: Frameworks t => (a -> IO b) -> Event t a -> Moment t (Event t b)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 38217
TL;DR: scroll down to the ANSWER: section for a solution along with an explanation.
First of all
getAnotherRemoteApiValue state = (`mod` 10) <$> randomIO + count state
is invalid (i.e. does not typecheck) for reasons completely unrelated to FRP or reactive-banana: you cannot add an Int
to an IO Int
— just as you can't apply mod 10
to an IO Int
directly, which is exactly why, in the answer to your original question, I used <$>
(which is another name for fmap
from Functor
I strongly recommend you look up and understand the purpose/meaning of <$>
, along with <*>
and some other Functor
and Applicative
type class methods — FRP (at least the way it is designed in reactive-banana) builds heavily upon Functors and Applicatives (and sometimes Monads, Arrows and possibly some other more novel foundation), hence if you don't completely understand those, you won't ever become proficient with FRP.
Secondly, I'm not sure why you're using coreOfTheApp
for sink output2 ...
— the coreOfTheApp
value is related to the other API value.
Thirdly, how should the other API value be displayed? Or, more specifically, when should it be displayed? Your first API value is displayed when the button is clicked but there's no button for the second one — do you want the same button to trigger the API call and display update? Do you want another button? Or do you want it to be polled every n
unit of time and simply auto-updated in the UI?
Lastly, reactimate
is meant for converting a Behavior
into an IO
action, which is not what you want, because you already have the show
helper and don't need to setText
or smth on the static label. In other words, what you need for the second API value is the same as before, except you need to pass something from the app state along with the request to the external API, but aside from that difference, you can still just keep showing the (other) API value using show
as normal.
As to how to convert getAnotherRemoteApiValue :: AppState -> IO RemoteValue
into an Event t Int
similar to the original remoteValueE
I first tried to go via IORef
s and using changes
, but that quickly turned out to a dead end (besides being ugly and overly complicated): output2
was always updated one FRP "cycle" too late, so it was always one "version" behind in the UI.
I then, with the help of Oliver Charles (ocharles) on #haskell-game on FreeNode, turned to execute
execute :: Event t (FrameworksMoment a) -> Moment t (Event t a)
which I still don't fully grasp yet, but it works:
let x = fmap (\s -> FrameworksMoment $ liftIO $ getAnotherRemoteApiValue s)
(appStateB <@ ebt)
remoteValue2E <- execute x
so the same button would trigger both actions. But the problem with that quickly turned out to be the same as with the IORef
based solution — since the same button would trigger a pair of events, and one event inside that pair depended on the other, the contents of output2
was still one version behind.
I then realised the events relatede to output2
need to be triggered after any events related to output1
. However, it's impossible to go from Behavior t a -> Event t a
; in other words, once you have a behavior, you can't (easily?) obtain an event from that (except with changes
, but changes
is tied to reactimate
, which is not useful here).
I finally noticed that I was essentially "throwing away" an intermediate Event
at this line:
appStateB = accumB initialState $ transformState <$> remoteValue1E
by replacing it with
appStateE = accumE initialState $ transformState <$> remoteValue1E
appStateB = stepper initialState -- there seems to be no way to eliminate the initialState duplication but that's fine
so I still had the exact same appStateB
, which is used as previously, but I could then also rely on appStateE
to reliably trigger further events that rely on the AppState
let x = fmap (\s -> FrameworksMoment $ liftIO $ getAnotherRemoteApiValue s)
remoteValue2E <- execute x
The final sink output2
line looks like:
sink output2 [text :== show <$> remoteValue2B]
All of the code can be seen at, with debug output still enabled.
Note that the (\s -> FrameworkMoment $ liftIO $ getAnotherRemoteApiValue s)
lambda cannot be converted to point-free style for reasons related to RankN types. I was told this problem will go away in reactive-banana 1.0 because there will be no FrameworkMoment
helper type.
Upvotes: 1