
Reputation: 6283

Ubuntu: OpenJDK 8 - Unable to locate package

So I just installed Ubuntu, and this is my first time working in a Linux environment, so bear with my noobishness here.

Anyway, I downloaded the Java 8 JDK directly from Oracle, but I understand there's also an OpenJDK for Java 8 as well. I have two questions.

  1. What is the difference between the Oracle version and OpenJDK. Pros/Cons?

  2. When I try and get OpenJDK 8, I can't. I'm pasting the terminal command and the error message I get here, hoping for advice. Again, very new to Linux, been on my first Linux distro ever for less than an hour here at this point.

    user@computer:~/Java$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
    Reading package lists... Done
    Building dependency tree       
    Reading state information... Done
    E: Unable to locate package openjdk-8-jdk

Any help would be appreciated. In the meantime, I'm just gonna use the Oracle package. Thanks.


So, now I have a new problem. I installed OpenJDK 7, it came with Maven and just installed before I realized I was getting a two-for-one deal. Now I have JDK 7, and Eclipse, and Maven, and they're all working, but I'm stuck on JDK 7 rather than 8.

I saw that there's a link below, I intend to check it out in the morning, it's 2am and I'm tired right now. Any other advice for this new issue would be appreciated, otherwise I will definitely be checking out that link first thing in the morning.

Upvotes: 141

Views: 367930

Answers (15)

If you are using Azure VM Try this

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk-headless

This will install java 1.8 version

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 131

openjdk-8 is now out of support so I used AdoptOpenJDK8 instead.

Here is the command:

sudo apt-get update --yes && \
    apt-get install --yes gnupg2 apt-transport-https && \
    apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys A1EAC8B7 && \
    echo 'deb stable main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rpardini-adoptium.list && \
    apt-get update --yes && \
    apt-get install --yes adoptium-8-installer

based on

Upvotes: 2

Sadhvik Chirunomula
Sadhvik Chirunomula

Reputation: 1679

Run the below commands... Issue resovled :)

sudo apt install software-properties-common -y

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk -y

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 9

Personally I tried a bunch of these solutions none of which worked for me, eventually though I found this worked.

sudo apt-add-repository 'deb stretch/updates main'

Then to install openjdk 8.

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk

Upvotes: 0

h ayad
h ayad

Reputation: 1

I had the same problem on windows10 when i installed Ubuntu as Subsystem (terminal) on win10 , I tried many things to fix this issue, but I could download openjdk-8-jdk by installing Kali Linux (terminal) instead of Ubuntu on win10.

Upvotes: -3

Thee Eclipse
Thee Eclipse

Reputation: 1

Try; openjdk-11-jdk and default-jdk

Or :

Update all packages with :

Sudo apt-get install updates

Then go to root , download the java version you want and extract. (If you don't know manual install try the recommended codes in the discussion)

Change the environment libraries (java) with guides for each,long process but magical

Upvotes: -2

Roshan yadav
Roshan yadav

Reputation: 169

i have same problem by installing openjdk-8-jdk on ubuntu and on kali but failed then i found program is not listed in the repository list so i solved it by adding PPA (personal package archive These are unofficial repositories).

sudo apt update

sudo apt install software-properties-common

sudo apt-add-repository 'deb stretch/updates main'

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk

Upvotes: 6

Cedric Ipkiss
Cedric Ipkiss

Reputation: 6347

Probably coming in late, but it saved me a lot:

On Ubuntu, Search and click on Software and Updates. The following page loads. Make sure you check the appropriate boxes under Downloadable from the internet. When these are unchecked, several packages don't get found.

enter image description here

Upvotes: 1

Diviun Ooda
Diviun Ooda

Reputation: 129

I've been searching the internet for an answer on this. I have a Debian 10 server installation.

I had the same problem with installing openjdk-8-jdk. An apt install resulted in package not found.

The other comment here helps you install the oracle jdk 8, but I wanted to use the openjdk 8.

What I discovered is that for Debian 10, by default, only the openjdk-11 packages are installable without adding a ppa, however for Debian 9 (stretch), by default, you can install openjdk-8 packages. Therefore, adding the stretch Debian ppa allowed me to install openjdk-8 packages.

Adding the Debian stretch ppa.

sudo apt-add-repository 'deb stretch/updates main'

Then update and install openjdk-8-jdk

sudo apt update && sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk

Upvotes: 12


Reputation: 31

After adding the JDK repo, before Installing you might want to run an update first so the repo can be added run apt update

an then continue with your installation sudo apt install adoptopenjdk-8-hotspot

Upvotes: 0

Daniel Black
Daniel Black

Reputation: 605

I was having the same issue and tried all of the solutions on this page but none of them did the trick.

What finally worked was adding the universe repo to my repo list. To do that run the following command

sudo add-apt-repository universe

After running the above command I was able to run

sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre

without an issue and the package was installed.

Hope this helps someone.

Upvotes: 2

Ahmed Emad
Ahmed Emad

Reputation: 271

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get  install openjdk-8-jdk

this should work

Upvotes: 16

Giuseppe Ricupero
Giuseppe Ricupero

Reputation: 6272

UPDATE: installation without root privileges below

I advise you to not install packages manually on ubuntu system if there is already a (semi-official) repository able to solve your problem. Further, use Oracle JDK for development, just to avoid (very sporadic) compatibility issues (i've tried many years ago, it's surely better now).

Add the webupd8 repo to your system:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update

Install your preferred version of jdk (versions from java-6 to java-9 available):

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

You can also install multiple version of jdk, mixing openjdk and oracle versions. Then you can use the command update-java-alternatives to switch between installed version:

# list available jdk
update-java-alternatives --list

# use jdk7
sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-7-oracle

# use jdk8
sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-8-oracle


If you get add-apt-repository: command not found be sure to have software-properties-common installed:

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

If you're using an older version Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

JDK installation without root privileges

If you haven't administrator rights on your target machine your simplest bet is to use sdkman to install the zulu certified openjdk:

curl -s "" | bash
source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
sdk install java

NOTE: sdkman allow to install also the official Oracle JDK, although it's not a the default option. View available versions with:

sdk ls java

Install the chosen version with:

sdk install java <version>

For example:

sdk install java 9.0.1-oracle

Glossary of commands

  • sudo <command> [command_arguments]: execute a command with the superuser privilege.

  • add-apt-repository <PPA_id>: Ubuntu (just like every Debian derivatives and generally speaking every Linux distribution) has a main repository of packages that handle things like package dependencies and updating. In Ubuntu is possible to extend the main repository using a PPA (Personal Package Archive) that usually contains packages not available in the system (just like oracle jdk) or updated versions of available ones (example: LibreOffice 5 in LTS is available only through this PPA).

  • apt-get [install|update|upgrade|purge|...]: it's "the" command-line package handler used to manipulate the state of every repository on the system (installing / updating / upgrading can be viewed as an alteration of the repository current state).

In our case: with the command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java we inform the system that the next repository update must retrieve packages information also from webupd8 repo.

With sudo apt-get update we actually update the system repository (all this operations requires superuser privileges, so we prepend sudo to the commands).

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

  • update-java-alternatives (a specific java version of update-alternatives): in Ubuntu several packages provides the same functionality (browse the internet, compile mails, edit a text file or provides java/javac executables...). To allows the system to choose the user favourites tool given a specific task a mechanism using symlinks under /etc/alternatives/ is used. Try to update the jdk as indicated above (switch between java 7 and java 8) and view how change the output of this command:

    ls -l /etc/alternatives/java*

In our case: sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-8-oracle update symlinks under /etc/alternatives to point to java-8-oracle executables.


  • man <command>: start using man to read a really well written and detailed help on (almost) every shell command and its options (every command i mention in this little answer has a man page, try man update-java-alternatives).

  • apt-cache search <search_key>: query the APT cache to search for a package related with the search_key provided (can be the package name or some word in package description).

  • apt-cache show <package>: provides APT information for a specific package (package version, installed or not, description).

Upvotes: 149

Hans-Christoph Steiner
Hans-Christoph Steiner

Reputation: 2682

I'm getting OpenJDK 8 from the official Debian repositories, rather than some random PPA or non-free Oracle binary. Here's how I did it:

sudo apt-get install debian-keyring debian-archive-keyring

Make /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian-jessie-backports.list:

deb jessie-backports main

Make /etc/apt/preferences.d/debian-jessie-backports:

Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=jessie-backports
Pin-Priority: -200

Then finally do the install:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -t jessie-backports install openjdk-8-jdk

Upvotes: 14


Reputation: 4750

As you can see I only have java 1.7 installed (on a Ubuntu 14.04 machine).

update-java-alternatives -l
java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64 1071 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64

To install Java 8, I did,

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

Afterwards, now I have java 7 and 8,

update-java-alternatives -l
java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64 1071 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk-amd64
java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 1069 /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64

BONUS ADDED (how to switch between different versions)

  • run the follwing command from the terminal:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

There are 2 choices for the alternative java (providing /usr/bin/java).

  Selection    Path                                            Priority   Status
  0            /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1071      auto mode
  1            /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1071      manual mode
* 2            /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java   1069      manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

As you can see I'm running open jdk 8. To switch to to jdk 7, press 1 and hit the Enter key. Do the same for javac as well with, sudo update-alternatives --config javac.

Check versions to confirm the change: java -version and javac -version.

Upvotes: 133

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