Reputation: 821
When I use the code below for my swift 2 xcode 7 project using parse 1.8.5 sdk, I get the error "use of undeclared type 'FBRequest' " in the first line. I downloaded the last facebook and parse frameworks. Why am I getting this error?
let request:FBRequest = FBRequest.requestForMe()
request.startWithCompletionHandler { (connection:FBRequestConnection!, result:AnyObject!, error:NSError!) -> Void in
if error == nil{
if let dict = result as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>{
let name:String = dict["name"] as AnyObject? as String
let facebookID:String = dict["id"] as AnyObject? as String
let email:String = dict["email"] as AnyObject? as String
let pictureURL = "\(facebookID)/picture?type=large&return_ssl_resources=1"
var URLRequest = NSURL(string: pictureURL)
var URLRequestNeeded = NSURLRequest(URL: URLRequest!)
NSURLConnection.sendAsynchronousRequest(URLRequestNeeded, queue: NSOperationQueue.mainQueue(), completionHandler: {(response: NSURLResponse!,data: NSData!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if error == nil {
var picture = PFFile(data: data)
PFUser.currentUser().setObject(picture, forKey: "profilePicture")
else {
println("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
PFUser.currentUser().setValue(name, forKey: "username")
PFUser.currentUser().setValue(email, forKey: "email")
I am using the frameworks below:
import FBSDKCoreKit
import FBSDKLoginKit
import FBSDKShareKit
import ParseFacebookUtilsV4
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Views: 1406