Reputation: 1008
I'm trying to draw this image:
(without those 2 black triangles at the bottom)
this is 12x16 image. My code:
private function __draw_percent_bar()
if ( $this->program_details['roi'] > 100 ) {
$this->program_details['roi'] = 100;
$this->__tmp_data['bar_image'] = imagecreatetruecolor(12, $this->program_details['roi']);
$this->__tmp_data['bar_bg'] = imagecolorallocate($this->__tmp_data['bar_image'], 136, 183, 5);
$this->__rounded_borders(12, $this->program_details['roi'], 12, $this->program_details['roi'], 3, $this->__tmp_data['bar_bg']);
private function __rounded_borders($x, $y, $cx, $cy, $rad, $col)
imagefilledrectangle($this->__tmp_data['bar_image'], $x, $y + $rad, $cx, $cy - $rad, $col);
imagefilledrectangle($this->__tmp_data['bar_image'], $x + $rad, $y, $cx - $rad, $cy, $col);
$dia = $rad * 2;
imagefilledellipse($this->__tmp_data['bar_image'], $x + $rad, $y + $rad, $rad * 2, $dia, $col);
imagefilledellipse($this->__tmp_data['bar_image'], $x + $rad, $cy - $rad, $rad * 2, $dia, $col);
imagefilledellipse($this->__tmp_data['bar_image'], $cx - $rad, $cy - $rad, $rad * 2, $dia, $col);
imagefilledellipse($this->__tmp_data['bar_image'], $cx - $rad, $y + $rad, $rad * 2, $dia, $col);
but instead of that image, it draws me this:
what is the problem? using this tutorial it should draw perfect rounded image..
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1649
Reputation: 2200
Since I don't know your requirements here are my two cents:
Your proposed solution draws the complete rounded rectangle. But in most situations, you want to have round edges on a given image. (Supposed, your input image is just one color at the moment. But this could change and it could be a photo)
So, you want to add 4 rounded corners to your given image. First of this create an image which holds a complete circle. The circle itself should be transparent and the background is your background color you want.
class YourFancyImage
$img = null;
public function __construct($width, $height)
$this->img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
//takes the radius and the background color as arguments
//radius in pixel
//background color as hex. i.e. "00FFAA"
public function RoundedCorner($radius, $backgroundColor)
//create the temporary circle image
$imgCircle = imagecreate($radius * 2 + 1, $radius * 2 + 1);
//extract the colors
sscanf($backgroundColor, "%2x%2x%2x", $red, $green, $blue);
$redTrans = $red;
//search a transparent color
while($redTrans == $red)
$redTrans = rand(0, 255);
//set the background color
imagecolorallocate($imgCircle, $red, $green, $blue);
//draw the transparent circle
$color = imagecolorallocate($imgCircle, $redTrans, $green, $blue);
imagecolortransparent($imgCircle, $color);
imagefilledellipse($imgCircle, $radius, $radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, $color);
//copy every quarter to the right place
imagecopyresampled($this->img, $imgCircle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $radius, $radius, $radius, $radius);
imagecopyresampled($this->img, $imgCircle, imagesx($this->img)-$radius, 0, $radius+1, 0, $radius, $radius, $radius, $radius);
imagecopyresampled($this->img, $imgCircle, 0, imagesy($this->img)-$radius, 0, $radius+1, $radius, $radius, $radius, $radius);
imagecopyresampled($this->img, $imgCircle, imagesx($this->img)-$radius, imagesy($this->img)-$radius, $radius+1, $radius+1, $radius, $radius, $radius, $radius);
public function Display()
header('Content-Type: image/png');
$test = new YourFancyImage(200, 150);
$test->RoundedCorner(50, "FF00FF");
Upvotes: 1