Reputation: 9235
columns of ntext
<langF1><a title="English" href="/default.aspx?id=23">English</a></langF1>
<langF1><a title="French" href="/default.aspx?id=56">French</a></langF1>
Staging table (tableStage
Name Gender Language 1
Doctor1 F French
Doctor2 M Spanish
Stored procedure which updates the chtml
column in a table from the value from the staging table:
@ProviderName varchar(200), -- "Doctor1" for example
@genderVal varchar(10),
@langID varchar(10),
@langTitle varchar(60),
@langUrl varchar(255),
@anchorLang varchar(255),
@langLinkXML xml,
DECLARE @xml xml
Select @xml = cast([chtml] as xml) --cast the chtml column which is of ntext type
From [myDb].[dbo].[myTable] --to xml so we can update the nodes
Where [content_title] = @ProviderName
--Update gender val (if exists, update, otherwise insert)
Select @genderVal = t1.[Gender] From [myDb].[dbo].[tableStage] t1 --replace Value2 and table to the table which is updated through SSIS
Where t1.Name = @ProviderName
PRINT @genderVal
Set @xml.modify('replace value of (/root/Physicians/gender/text())[1] with sql:variable("@genderVal")');
/* ERROR for above is: "XQuery: Replacing the value of a node with an empty sequence is allowed only if '()' is used as the new value expression. The new value expression evaluated to an empty sequence but it is not '()'." instead of changing the gender to "F" */
--Update language one field (if exist, delete and add, otherwise just delete)
--get the language id from the temp language table which matches the language for the provider
Select @langID = t1.content_id From [myDb].[dbo].[zTempLanguageTable] t1
INNER JOIN [myDb].[dbo].[tableStage] t2 On t2.[Language 1] = t1.content_title
Where t2.Name = @ProviderName
If @langID != ''
--get the language title from the language id
Select @langTitle = t1.content_title From [myDb].[dbo].[zTempLanguageTable] t1
Where @langID = t1.content_id
--set the Url (which will be part static and part dynamic with the id)
Set @langUrl = '/default.aspx?id=' + @langID + '';
--delete the anchor entry
Set @xml.modify('delete /root/Physicians/langF1/a');
--create the XML for the node
Set @langLinkXML = (
Select @langTitle as 'a/@title',
@langUrl as 'a/@href',
'_blank' as 'a/@target',
@langTitle as 'a'
for xml path(''), type
-- insert the new/updated anchor node
Set @xml.modify('insert sql:variable("@langLinkXML") into (/root/Physicians/langF1)[1]');
--delete the anchor entry
Set @xml.modify('delete /root/Physicians/langF1/a');
/* THE ABOVE CHANGE `chtml` to: "<root><Physicians><name>Doctor1</name><gender>M</gender></langF1></Phys></root>" instead of <root><Physicians><name>Doctor1</name><gender>M</gender><langF1><a title="French" href="/default.aspx?id=67">French</a></langF1></Phys></root> */
/* once all the node has been "temporarily" changed, update the table columns for the provider */
Update [myDb].[dbo].[myTable]
Set [chtml] = cast(cast(@xml as nvarchar(max)) as ntext) //change the type to `ntext` data type for the table.
Where [content_title] = @ProviderName
How can I resolve the two issues I am having:
/* ERROR for above is: "XQuery: Replacing the value of a node with an empty sequence is allowed only if '()' is used as the new value expression. The new value expression evaluated to an empty sequence but it is not '()'." instead of changing the gender to "F" */
instead of
Doctor1MFrench */
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2271
Reputation: 67321
actually I do not know what (and why) you do this. This seems to be quite complicated...
You can solve the error you get as follows:
Just paste this into an empty query window and transfer the idea into your code. The point is the second DECLARE @genderVal
which is commented. Change the comments to the other DECLARE and you can reproduce it. If this is NULL you'll get the error you described. That means: check the value of your variable. It seems to be NULL.
Be aware, that I corrected the wrong closing tags "Phys" and I removed the inner "root"-tags...
declare @xml XML=
<a title="English" href="/default.aspx?id=23">English</a>
<a title="French" href="/default.aspx?id=56">French</a>
select @xml;
--This will search for the physician with the name "Doctor1"... Dont' know if you need this... Your example could be meant with one XML-for each physician...
DECLARE @ProviderName varchar(200)='Doctor1';
--DECLARE @genderVal varchar(10)=NULL;
DECLARE @genderVal varchar(10)='F';
--Update Doctor1 with new @genderVal=NULL --> The error you described
SET @xml.modify('replace value of (/root/Physicians[name=sql:variable("@ProviderName")]/gender/text())[1] with sql:variable("@genderVal")');
select @xml;
EDIT: Change the language
If I understand you correctly you don't have to bother, whether a language exists or not. You just delete it in any case
SET @xml.modify('delete (/root/Physicians[name=sql:variable("@ProviderName")]/langF1/a)[1]');
select @xml;
Now you build your inner xml for "a":
DECLARE @langTitle varchar(100)='French';
DECLARE @langLink varchar(100)='/default.aspx?id=56';
DECLARE @newLang XML='<a title="' + @langTitle + '" href="' + @langLink + '">' + @langTitle + '</a>';
This inner xml can be inserted into an existing node:
SET @xml.modify('insert sql:variable("@newLang") into (/root/Physicians[name=sql:variable("@ProviderName")]/langF1)[1]');
select @xml;
Upvotes: 3