Reputation: 88
I have about 20 years of daily data in a time series. It has columns Date, rainfall and other data. I am trying plot rainfall vs Time. I want to get 20 line plots with different colours and legend is generated that show the years in one graph. I tried the following codes but it is not giving me the desired results. Any suggestion to fix my issue would be most welcome
p+geom_line()+scale_x_date(labels=date_format("%m"),breaks=date_breaks("1 months"))
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Although the given answers are good answers to your questions as it stands, i don't think it will solve your problem. I think you should be looking at a different way to present the data. @Jaap already suggested using facets. Take for example this approach:
#first add a month column to your dataframe
mscdata$month <- format(mscdata$date, "%m")
#then plot it using boxplot with year on the X-axis and month as facet.
p1 <- ggplot(data = mscdata, aes(x = year, y = precip, group=year))
p1 + geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = 3) + facet_wrap(~month)
This will give you a graph per month, showing the rainfall per year next to one each other. Because i use boxplot, the peaks in rainfall show up as dots ('normal' rain events are inside box).
Another possible approach would be to use stat_summary
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While I agree with @Jaap that this may not be the best way to depict these data, try to following:
mscdata$doy <- as.numeric(strftime(mscdata$date, format="%j"))
ggplot(data=mscdata,aes(x=doy,y=precip,group=year)) +
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It doesnt look great but here's a method. We first coerce the data into dates in the same year:
mscdata$dayofyear <- as.Date(format(mscdata$date, "%j"), format = "%j")
Then we plot:
p <- ggplot(data = mscdata, aes(x = dayofyear, y = precip, group = year, color = year))
p + geom_line() +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%m"), breaks = date_breaks("1 months"))
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