Reputation: 3376
I tried to change this code to handle std::vector<int>
float accumulate(const std::vector<float>& v)
// copy the length of v and a pointer to the data onto the local stack
const size_t N = v.size();
const float* p = (N > 0) ? &v.front() : NULL;
__m128 mmSum = _mm_setzero_ps();
size_t i = 0;
// unrolled loop that adds up 4 elements at a time
for(; i < ROUND_DOWN(N, 4); i+=4)
mmSum = _mm_add_ps(mmSum, _mm_loadu_ps(p + i));
// add up single values until all elements are covered
for(; i < N; i++)
mmSum = _mm_add_ss(mmSum, _mm_load_ss(p + i));
// add up the four float values from mmSum into a single value and return
mmSum = _mm_hadd_ps(mmSum, mmSum);
mmSum = _mm_hadd_ps(mmSum, mmSum);
return _mm_cvtss_f32(mmSum);
I changed _mm_setzero_ps
to _mm_setzero_si128
, _mm_loadu_ps
to mm_loadl_epi64
and _mm_add_ps
to _mm_add_epi64
I get this error:
error: cannot convert ‘const int*’ to ‘const __m128i* {aka const __vector(2) long long int*}’ for argument ‘1’ to ‘__m128i _mm_loadl_epi64(const __m128i*)’
mmSum = _mm_add_epi64(mmSum, _mm_loadl_epi64(p + i + 0));
I am novice in this field. Is there any good source to learn these things?
Upvotes: 7
Views: 3888
Reputation: 445
static inline int32_t accumulate(const int32_t *data, size_t size) {
constexpr const static size_t batch = 256 / 8 / sizeof(int32_t);
int32_t sum = 0;
size_t pos = 0;
if (size >= batch) {
// 7
__m256i mmSum = _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i *)(data));
pos = batch;
// unrolled loop
for (; pos + batch < size; pos += batch) {
// 1 + 7
mmSum =
_mm256_add_epi32(mmSum, _mm256_loadu_si256((__m256i *)(data + pos)));
mmSum = _mm256_hadd_epi32(mmSum, mmSum);
mmSum = _mm256_hadd_epi32(mmSum, mmSum);
// 2 + 1 + 3 + 0
sum = _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_add_epi32(_mm256_extractf128_si256(mmSum, 1),
// add up remain values
while (pos < size) {
sum += data[pos++];
return sum;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 33659
The ideal way to do this is to let the compiler auto-vectorize your code and keep your code simple and readable. You don't should not need anything more that
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<v.size(); i++) sum += v[i];
The link you pointed to,, does not seem to understand how to make the compiler vectorize the code.
For floating point, which is what that link uses, what you need to know is that floating point arithmetic is not associative and therefore depends on the order that you do the reduction. GCC, MSVC, and Clang will not do auto-vectorization for a reduction unless you tell it to use a different floating point model otherwise your result could depend on your hardware. ICC, however, defaults to associative floating point math so it will vectorize the code with e.g. -O3
Not only will GCC, MSVC, and Clang not vectorize unless associative math is allowed but they won't unroll the loop to allow partial sums in order to overcome the latency of the summation. In this case only Clang and ICC will unroll to partial sums anyway. Clang unrolls four times and ICC twice.
One way to enable associative floating point arithmetic with GCC is with the -Ofast
flag. With MSVC use /fp:fast
I tested the code below with GCC 4.9.2, XeonE5-1620 (IVB) @ 3.60GHz, Ubuntu 15.04.
-O3 -mavx -fopenmp 0.93 s
-Ofast -mavx -fopenmp 0.19 s
-Ofast -mavx -fopenmp -funroll-loops 0.19 s
That's about a five times speed-up. Although, GCC does unroll the loop eight times it does not do independent partial sums (see the assembly below). This is the reason the unrolled version is no better.
I only used OpenMP for its convenient cross-platform/compiler timing function: omp_get_wtime()
Another advantage auto-vectorization has is it works for AVX simply by enabling a compiler switch (e.g. -mavx
). Otherwise, if you wanted AVX, you would have to rewrite your code to use the AVX intrinsics and maybe have to ask another question on SO on how to do this.
So currently the only compiler which will auto-vectorize your loop as well as unroll to four partial sums is Clang. See the code and assembly at the end of this answer.
Here is the code I used to test the performance
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <vector>
float sumf(float *x, int n)
float sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) sum += x[i];
return sum;
#define N 10000 // the link used this value
int main(void)
std::vector<float> x;
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) x.push_back(1 -2*(i%2==0));
//float x[N]; for(int i=0; i<N; i++) x[i] = 1 -2*(i%2==0);
float sum = 0;
sum += sumf(,N);
double dtime = -omp_get_wtime();
for(int r=0; r<100000; r++) {
sum += sumf(,N);
dtime +=omp_get_wtime();
printf("sum %f time %f\n", sum, dtime);
I should have taken my own advice and looked at the assembly.
The main loop for -O3
. It's clear it only does a scalar sum.
vaddss (%rdi), %xmm0, %xmm0
addq $4, %rdi
cmpq %rax, %rdi
jne .L3
The main loop for -Ofast
. It does a vector sum but no unrolling.
addl $1, %eax
vaddps (%r8), %ymm1, %ymm1
addq $32, %r8
cmpl %eax, %ecx
ja .L8
The main loop for -O3 -funroll-loops
. Vector sum with 8x unroll
vaddps (%rax), %ymm1, %ymm2
addl $8, %ebx
addq $256, %rax
vaddps -224(%rax), %ymm2, %ymm3
vaddps -192(%rax), %ymm3, %ymm4
vaddps -160(%rax), %ymm4, %ymm5
vaddps -128(%rax), %ymm5, %ymm6
vaddps -96(%rax), %ymm6, %ymm7
vaddps -64(%rax), %ymm7, %ymm8
vaddps -32(%rax), %ymm8, %ymm1
cmpl %ebx, %r9d
ja .L8
Putting the following code in Clang 3.7 (-O3 -fverbose-asm -mavx
float sumi(int *x)
x = (int*)__builtin_assume_aligned(x, 64);
int sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<2048; i++) sum += x[i];
return sum;
produces the following assembly. Notice that it's vectorized to four independent partial sums.
sumi(int*): # @sumi(int*)
vpxor xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
xor eax, eax
vpxor xmm1, xmm1, xmm1
vpxor xmm2, xmm2, xmm2
vpxor xmm3, xmm3, xmm3
.LBB0_1: # %vector.body
vpaddd xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [rdi + 4*rax]
vpaddd xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [rdi + 4*rax + 16]
vpaddd xmm2, xmm2, xmmword ptr [rdi + 4*rax + 32]
vpaddd xmm3, xmm3, xmmword ptr [rdi + 4*rax + 48]
vpaddd xmm0, xmm0, xmmword ptr [rdi + 4*rax + 64]
vpaddd xmm1, xmm1, xmmword ptr [rdi + 4*rax + 80]
vpaddd xmm2, xmm2, xmmword ptr [rdi + 4*rax + 96]
vpaddd xmm3, xmm3, xmmword ptr [rdi + 4*rax + 112]
add rax, 32
cmp rax, 2048
jne .LBB0_1
vpaddd xmm0, xmm1, xmm0
vpaddd xmm0, xmm2, xmm0
vpaddd xmm0, xmm3, xmm0
vpshufd xmm1, xmm0, 78 # xmm1 = xmm0[2,3,0,1]
vpaddd xmm0, xmm0, xmm1
vphaddd xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
vmovd eax, xmm0
vxorps xmm0, xmm0, xmm0
vcvtsi2ss xmm0, xmm0, eax
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 212929
Here is an int
version which I just threw together:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <smmintrin.h> // SSE4
#define ROUND_DOWN(m, n) ((m) & ~((n) - 1))
static int accumulate(const std::vector<int>& v)
// copy the length of v and a pointer to the data onto the local stack
const size_t N = v.size();
const int* p = (N > 0) ? &v.front() : NULL;
__m128i mmSum = _mm_setzero_si128();
int sum = 0;
size_t i = 0;
// unrolled loop that adds up 4 elements at a time
for(; i < ROUND_DOWN(N, 4); i+=4)
mmSum = _mm_add_epi32(mmSum, _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(p + i)));
// add up the four int values from mmSum into a single value
mmSum = _mm_hadd_epi32(mmSum, mmSum);
mmSum = _mm_hadd_epi32(mmSum, mmSum);
sum = _mm_extract_epi32(mmSum, 0);
// add up single values until all elements are covered
for(; i < N; i++)
sum += p[i];
return sum;
int main()
std::vector<int> v;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
int sum = accumulate(v);
std::cout << sum << std::endl;
return 0;
Compile and run:
$ g++ -Wall -msse4 -O3 accumulate.cpp && ./a.out
Upvotes: 6