Reputation: 3269
I'm trying to retrieve other web contents / articles from inside another a velocity template.
What I would like to to get is a list with published articles of the latest version with structure name 'Game'. I tried to use search but with no luck at all. At the moment I have something like the following but still I don't have the result I want.
#set ($journalArticleLocalService = $serviceLocator.findService('com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService'))
#set ($languageId = $request.theme-display.language-id)
#set ($companyId = $getterUtil.getLong($
#set ($scopeGroupId = $getterUtil.getLong($request.theme-display.scope-group-id))
#set ($DDMStructureLocalService = $serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatamapping.service.DDMStructureLocalService"))
#set ($structures = $DDMStructureLocalService.getStructures($scopeGroupId))
#set ($obc = $portal.getClass().forName("com.liferay.portlet.journal.util.comparator.ArticleDisplayDateComparator").newInstance())
#foreach ($tmp in $structures)
#if ($tmp.getName($languageId) == 'Game')
#set ($allArticles = $journalArticleLocalService.getStructureArticles($scopeGroupId, $tmp.getStructureKey()))
#foreach ($article in $allArticles)
#if ($article.getStatus() == 0)
<pre> $article </pre>
I'm using Liferay 6.2 sp8 with some extra patches
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1680
Reputation: 5285
Use getLatestArticle method when you want to get latest article from list of articles. Checkout the below link., java.lang.String)
Upvotes: 0