Reputation: 3018
I have a collection in which I store Email and password of user.
I obviously don't want to require the user to insert his email case sensitive and to be exactly as when he first registered.
I'm using mongodb 2.0 c# driver, I'm repeating it because I saw solutions to queries written with regex but I'm afraid I cant user it in here.
my query looks like
var filter = Builders<ME_User>.Filter.And(
Builders<ME_User>.Filter.Eq(u => u.Email, email),
Builders<ME_User>.Filter.Eq(u => u.Password, password));
ME_User foundUser = null;
var options = new FindOptions<ME_User>
Limit = 1
using (var cursor = await manager.User.FindAsync(filter, options))
while (await cursor.MoveNextAsync())
var batch = cursor.Current;
foreach (ME_User user in batch)
foundUser = user;
I have an issue with disorder, kill me, but I cant allow myself save this data again with lower case and have 2 copies of the same thing. Also, I want the email to be saved EXACTLY like the user inserted it.
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Views: 8084
Reputation: 435
For the c# driver 2.1 (MongoDB 3.0) By default its case-sensitive. To case-insensitive just add of "i" in BsonRegularExpression. please refer below
var filter = Builders<Users>.Filter.Regex(k=>k.Name, new BsonRegularExpression(name, "i"));
var users = await _mongoDbContext.Users.Find(filter).ToListAsync();
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Reputation: 667
I'd prefer using Linq.
var match = theCollection.AsQueryable().SingleOrDefault(x =>
x.Email.ToLower() == emailToSearchFor.ToLower());
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 2923
Filtering on string fields in Mongodb is case sensitive without using regular expressions. Why exactly you cannot use regular expressions?
Your query can be edited like this:
var filter = Builders<ME_User>.Filter.And(
Builders<ME_User>.Filter.Regex(u => u.Email, new BsonRegularExpression("/^" + email + "$/i"),
Builders<ME_User>.Filter.Eq(u => u.Password, password));
Notice the "^" and "$" signs to specify a complete word search and most important the case-insensitive operator at the end of the regular expression ("/i").
Another way vould be the Text search, that requires the creation of a text index and is case insensitive for latin alphabet:
In C#, you will use with the Text Filter:
var filter = Builders<ME_User>.Filter.And(
Builders<ME_User>.Filter.Eq(u => u.Password, password));
With a text index query in an OR clause, you will need to create an index on Password field as well, otherwise the OR query will produce an error:
Other non-TEXT clauses under OR have to be indexed as well
Upvotes: 6