Reputation: 11
I am using jqcharts. I have data from database and the value is getting updated continuously. I want the same thing to be display on my gauge. Pls help me with this code. This is my code to display my gauage. And in needles --> values.v1 is the live data to be updated.
var values = { v1: 0};
$(document).ready(function () {
var background = {
type: 'linearGradient',
x0: 1,
y0: 1,
x1: 1,
y1: 0.5,
colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: '#C4C4C4' },
{ offset:0.3,color:'black'}
var gradient1 = {
type: 'linearGradient',
x0: 0,
y0: 0.5,
x1: 1,
y1: 0.5,
colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: '#C5F80B' },
{ offset: 1, color: '#6B8901'}]
var gradient2 = {
type: 'linearGradient',
x0: 0.5,
y0: 0,
x1: 0.5,
y1: 1,
colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: '#FF3366' },
{ offset: 1, color: '#B2183E'}]
var anchorGradient = {
type: 'radialGradient',
x0: 0.5,
y0: 0.8,
r0: 0,
x1: 0.5,
y1: 0.8,
r1: 1,
colorStops: [{ offset: 0, color: '#797981' },
{ offset: 1, color: '#1C1D22'},
{offset:0.5, color:'#58575C'}
background: anchorGradient,
border: {
lineWidth: 3,
strokeStyle: '#595959',
padding: 16
shadows: {
enabled: true
anchor: {
visible: true,
fillStyle: anchorGradient,
radius: 0.10
tooltips: {
disabled: true,
highlighting: false
scales: [
minimum: 0,
maximum: 140,
startAngle: 140,
endAngle: 400,
majorTickMarks: {
length: 7,
lineWidth: 2,
interval: 20,
offset: 1,
strokeStyle: '#B9BDC0'
minorTickMarks: {
visible: false,
length: 8,
lineWidth: 2,
interval: 2,
offset: 0.84,
strokeStyle: 'white'
labels: {
orientation: 'horizontal',
interval: 10,
offset: 1.00,
needles: [
value: values.v1,
type: 'triangle',
outerOffset: 1.5,
mediumOffset: 0.7,
width: 7,
fillStyle: '#C01211'
This the updateGauge function where live data is fed.
function updateGauge() {
v1 :readLoop
duration: 10,
step: function () {
var scales = $('#jqRadialGauge').jqLinearGauge('option', 'scales');
scales[0].needles[0].value = this.v1;
complete: function () {
setTimeout('updateGauge()', 2000);
Value for v1 is given using readLoop variable. That uses following function which fetches value from database:
var readLoop ;
function read() {
$.get('http://localhost:7777/smist-test/get.php', function(data) {
readLoop =setInterval(read,1000);
In the below picture you can see needle is not updated according the value displayed below.
This is where my problem lies.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 152