Reputation: 236
I am trying to write a hybrid MPI/OpenACC code, where the code needs to do 8 different jobs (in this case 8 different sweeps). These 8 jobs are divided to [1-8] processes/nodes using MPI and the calculations that needs to be done within the 8 jobs are parallelized using OpenACC.
After each process is done with its calculations, I reduce the solution and pass the minimum to the process 0 which is the final solution.
Below is a MCVE of the full code (test.c) that produces a .txt output file
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#define min(a,b) (a > b) ? b : a
#define max(a,b) (a < b) ? b : a
#define NPES 8 // max number of PEs allowed
typedef struct {
int order;
int firstLevel, lastLevel, level;
int xDim, yDim, zDim;
int xSweepOff, ySweepOff, zSweepOff;
double dx, dy, dz;
} SweepInfo;
typedef struct {
double dx, dy, dz;
int * location;
double * distance;
} Phi;
typedef struct {
int x, y, z;
} Grid3D;
void calc_dist_field( Phi * p, int totalNodes );
void write_to_file(double * dist);
static SweepInfo make_sweepInfo( Phi * p, int my_rank );
static void fast_sweep( Phi * p, SweepInfo * s );
static double solveEikonal(Phi * p, int index, int max_x, int max_y);
static void update_distance(Phi * p, int totalNodes);
static void set_distance_negative_inside(Phi * p, int totalNodes);
static void adjust_boundary( Phi * p );
// public method declarations
Grid3D make_grid3D(int x, int y, int z);
void vti_get_dimensions(FILE *vti, double *d);
void vti_get_data(FILE *vti, int *l, int b_l, double *d, double b_d, Grid3D g);
// private method declarations
static void move_file_pointer(FILE *file_ptr, int lineNumber, int r);
static void get_location(FILE *vti, int *l, int b_l, Grid3D g);
static void get_distance(FILE *vti, double *d, double b_d, Grid3D g);
static int npes; // Number of PEs
static int my_rank; // Rank of the PE
static char * fileName;
static char * outfileName;
static int NX, NY, NZ, totalNodes;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// MPI startup routine
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &npes);
fileName = argv[1];
outfileName = argv[2];
FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r");
double dims[6];
vti_get_dimensions(f, dims);
NX = dims[0] + 3;
NY = dims[1] + 3;
NZ = dims[2] + 3;
totalNodes = NX * NY * NZ;
Phi *p = (Phi *) malloc(sizeof(Phi));
p->location = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * totalNodes);
p->distance = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * totalNodes);
p->dx = dims[3]; p->dy = dims[4]; p->dz = dims[5];
vti_get_data( f, p->location, DEFAULT_BORDER_LOCATION,
make_grid3D(NX, NY, NZ));
update_distance(p, totalNodes);
calc_dist_field(p, totalNodes);
return 0;
void calc_dist_field( Phi * p, int totalNodes ) {
int sweepNumber = my_rank + 1;
double * tmp_dist;
if(my_rank == 0){
tmp_dist = (double *) malloc( totalNodes * sizeof(double) );
// sn represents the sweep number
for( int sn = sweepNumber; sn <= NPES; sn += npes) {
SweepInfo s = make_sweepInfo(p, sn);
printf("PE: [%d] - performing sweep number ..... [%d/%d]\n", my_rank, sn, NPES);
fast_sweep(p, &s);
printf("PE: [%d] - completed sweep number ...... [%d/%d]\n", my_rank, sn, NPES);
#pragma acc update host(p->distance[0:totalNodes])
MPI_Reduce(p->distance, tmp_dist, totalNodes, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if( my_rank == 0 ) {
free( p->distance );
p->distance = tmp_dist;
set_distance_negative_inside(p, totalNodes);
printf("%s file created\n", outfileName);
static void update_distance(Phi * p, int totalNodes) {
int *l = &p->location[0];
double *d = &p->distance[0];
for(int i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++) {
*d = (*l == 1 && *d == INFINITY) ? -1 : (*d > 0.0 || *d < 0.0) ? *d : DEFAULT_INTERIOR_DISTANCE;
l++; d++;
void write_to_file(double * dist) {
int x = NX;
int y = NY;
int z = NZ;
char fname[255];
sprintf(fname, "%s.txt", outfileName);
FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "w");
int i,j,k;
double *t = &dist[0];
for(i = 0; i < z; i++){
for(j = 0; j < y; j++){
for(k = 0; k < x; k++) {
fprintf(fp, "%f ", *(t++));
fprintf(fp, "\n");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
static SweepInfo make_sweepInfo( Phi * p, int my_rank ) {
SweepInfo s;
s.order = my_rank;
s.firstLevel = 3;
s.lastLevel = (NX + NY + NZ) - 6;
s.xDim = NX-2; s.dx = p->dx;
s.yDim = NY-2; s.dy = p->dy;
s.zDim = NZ-2; = p->dz;
s.xSweepOff = (s.order == 4 || s.order == 8 ) ? s.xDim + 1 : 0;
s.ySweepOff = (s.order == 2 || s.order == 6 ) ? s.yDim + 1 : 0;
s.zSweepOff = (s.order == 3 || s.order == 7 ) ? s.zDim + 1 : 0;
return s;
static void fast_sweep( Phi * p, SweepInfo * s ) {
int start, end, incr;
start = ( s->order == 2 || s->order == 5 || s->order == 7 || s->order == 8 ) ? s->lastLevel : s->firstLevel;
if ( start == s->firstLevel ) {
end = s->lastLevel + 1;
incr = 1;
else {
end = s->firstLevel - 1;
incr = 0;
int max_x = s->xDim + 2;
int max_y = s->yDim + 2;
int max_xy = max_x * max_y;
#pragma acc data create(p[0:1]) copy(p->distance[0:totalNodes])
for(int level = start; level != end; level = (incr) ? level+1 : level-1) {
// s - start, e - end
int xs, xe, ys, ye;
xs = max(1, level-(s->yDim + s->zDim)) , ys = max(1,level-(s->xDim + s->zDim));
xe = min(s->xDim, level-(s->firstLevel-1)), ye = min(s->yDim, level-(s->firstLevel-1));
int x, y, z, i, j, k, index;
#pragma acc parallel
#pragma acc loop independent
for(x = xs; x <= xe; x++) {
#pragma acc loop independent
for(y = ys; y <= ye; y++) {
z = level - (x+y);
if(z > 0 && z <= NZ-2) {
i = abs(z-s->zSweepOff);
j = abs(y-s->ySweepOff);
k = abs(x-s->xSweepOff);
index = i * max_xy + j * max_x + k;
p->distance[index] = solveEikonal(p, index, NX, NY);
} // end of acc parallel
#pragma acc routine seq
static double solveEikonal(Phi * p, int index, int max_x, int max_y) {
int max_xy = max_x * max_y;
double dist_new = 0;
double dist_old = p->distance[index];
double dx = p->dx, dy = p->dy, dz = p->dz;
double minX = min(p->distance[index-1], p->distance[index+1]);
double minY = min(p->distance[abs(index-max_x)], p->distance[abs(index+max_x)]);
double minZ = min(p->distance[abs(index-max_xy)],p->distance[abs(index+max_xy)]);
double m[] = { minX, minY, minZ} ;
double d[] = { dx, dy, dz};
// sort the mins
for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 3-i; j++) {
if(m[j] > m[j+1]) {
double tmp_m = m[j];
double tmp_d = d[j];
m[j] = m[j+1]; d[j] = d[j+1];
m[j+1] = tmp_m; d[j+1] = tmp_d;
// simplifying the variables
double m_0 = m[0], m_1 = m[1], m_2 = m[2];
double d_0 = d[0], d_1 = d[1], d_2 = d[2];
double m2_0 = m_0 * m_0, m2_1 = m_1 * m_1, m2_2 = m_2 * m_2;
double d2_0 = d_0 * d_0, d2_1 = d_1 * d_1, d2_2 = d_2 * d_2;
dist_new = m_0 + d_0;
if(dist_new > m_1) {
double s = sqrt(- m2_0 + 2 * m_0 * m_1 - m2_1 + d2_0 + d2_1);
dist_new = ( m_1 * d2_0 + m_0 * d2_1 + d_0 * d_1 * s) / (d2_0 + d2_1);
if(dist_new > m_2) {
double a = sqrt(- m2_0 * d2_1 - m2_0 * d2_2 + 2 * m_0 * m_1 * d2_2
- m2_1 * d2_0 - m2_1 * d2_2 + 2 * m_0 * m_2 * d2_1
- m2_2 * d2_0 - m2_2 * d2_1 + 2 * m_1 * m_2 * d2_0
+ d2_0 * d2_1 + d2_0 * d2_2 + d2_1 * d2_2);
dist_new = (m_2 * d2_0 * d2_1 + m_1 * d2_0 * d2_2 + m_0 * d2_1 * d2_2 + d_0 * d_1 * d_2 * a) /
(d2_0 * d2_1 + d2_0 * d2_2 + d2_1 * d2_2);
return min(dist_old, dist_new);
static void set_distance_negative_inside(Phi * p, int totalNodes) {
int *l = &p->location[0];
double *d = &p->distance[0];
for(int i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++) {
if( *l == 1) *d = -1;
l++; d++;
static void adjust_boundary( Phi * p ) {
int x, y, z, xy, i, j, k;
x = NX;
y = NY;
z = NZ;
xy = x * y;
for(i = 0; i < z; i++){
for(j = 0; j < y; j++){
for(k = 0; k < x; k++){
int I = i, J = j, K = k;
I = (i == z-1) ? I-1 : (!i) ? I+1 : I;
J = (j == y-1) ? J-1 : (!j) ? J+1 : J;
K = (k == x-1) ? K-1 : (!k) ? K+1 : K;
if( i != I || j != J || k != K) {
int l_index = i * xy + j * x + k;
int r_index = I * xy + J * x + K;
p->distance[l_index] = p->distance[r_index];
/**************** vti_parser ********************************/
static void move_file_pointer(FILE *file_ptr, int lineNumber, int r) {
char tmpStr[512];
if(r) rewind(file_ptr);
while (lineNumber > 0){
fgets (tmpStr, 511, file_ptr);
void vti_get_dimensions(FILE *vti, double *d) {
char tmpStr[512];
while (1) {
fgets (tmpStr, 511, vti);
if ( strstr(tmpStr, "ImageData WholeExtent") ) {
sscanf(tmpStr, " <ImageData WholeExtent=\"0 %lf 0 %lf 0 %lf\" Spacing=\"%lf %lf %lf\">",
&d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3], &d[4], &d[5]);
void vti_get_data(FILE *vti, int *l, int b_l, double *d, double b_d, Grid3D g) {
// move the file pointer to
// line 6 from beginning
move_file_pointer(vti, 6, 1);
get_location(vti, l, b_l, g);
// move the file pointer 2 lines
// forward from its last position
move_file_pointer(vti, 2, 0);
get_distance(vti, d, b_d, g);
static void get_location(FILE *vti, int *l, int b_l, Grid3D g) {
int i, j, k, *t = &l[0];
for (i = 0; i < g.z; i++){
for (j = 0; j < g.y; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < g.x; k++) {
// Border
if (k == 0 || k == g.x-1 || j == 0 || j == g.y-1 || i == 0 || i == g.z-1 ) {
*(t++) = b_l;
else{ // Interior
fscanf(vti, "%d ", t++);
static void get_distance(FILE *vti, double *d, double b_d, Grid3D g) {
int i, j, k;
double *t = &d[0];
for (i = 0; i < g.z; i++){
for (j = 0; j < g.y; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < g.x; k++) {
// Border distance
if (k == 0 || k == g.x-1 || j == 0 || j == g.y-1 || i == 0 || i == g.z-1 ) {
*(t++) = b_d;
else{ // Interior distance
fscanf(vti, "%lf ", t++);
Grid3D make_grid3D(int x, int y, int z){
Grid3D g;
g.x = x; g.y = y; g.z = z;
return g;
The code works when I discard the openacc directives and run it with [1-8] processes, but when using the open acc compiler I get a cudaError.
call to cuStreamSynchronize returned error 700: Illegal address during kernel execution
MPI compilation:
mpicc -Wall -g -std=c99 -I/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/gcc/64/1.8.5_wocuda/include -L/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/gcc/64/1.8.5_wocuda/lib -lmpi test.c -o mpi_exec.out
OpenACC compilation:
pgcc -acc -ta=tesla:managed -Minfo=accel -g -lm -I/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/gcc/64/1.8.5_wocuda/include -L/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/gcc/64/1.8.5_wocuda/lib -lmpi test.c -o oacc_exec.out
To run the executable you need to pass in an input vti file and the output filename.
mpirun -np <1-8> <executable> input.vti outputName
Link to the input file input.vti
I want this code to be very flexible, i want to make it so that it can run on a single node with 1 GPU while running [1-8] processes and also on [1-8] nodes with each node having [1-2] GPUS. And I am not using CUDA MPS.
My specifications
GNU/Linux x86_64
NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan CC: 3.5
pgcc 15.7-0 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux -tp sandybridge
gcc (GCC) 4.8.1
Any help or suggestions on this will be much appreciated.
** Compiling with OpenACC
`$ pgcc -fast -ta=tesla:managed -Minfo=accel - I/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/gcc/64/1.8.5_wocuda/include -L/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/gcc/64/1.8.5_wocuda/lib -lmpi rcrovella.c -o withacc
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (rcrovella.c: 88)
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (rcrovella.c: 142)
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (rcrovella.c: 143)
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (rcrovella.c: 308)
225, Generating copy(p[:1])
228, Loop is parallelizable
230, Loop is parallelizable
Accelerator kernel generated
Generating Tesla code
228, #pragma acc loop gang /* blockIdx.y */
230, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
246, Generating acc routine seq
262, Loop is parallelizable
263, Loop carried dependence of m prevents parallelization
Loop carried backward dependence of m prevents vectorization
Loop carried dependence of d prevents parallelization
Loop carried backward dependence of d prevents vectorization
PGC/x86-64 Linux 15.7-0: compilation completed with warnings`
** Compiling without OpenACC
pgcc -I/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/gcc/64/1.8.5_wocuda/include -L/cm/shared/apps/openmpi/gcc/64/1.8.5_wocuda/lib -lmpi rcrovella.c -o noaccPGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (rcrovella.c: 88)
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (rcrovella.c: 142)
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (rcrovella.c: 143)
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (rcrovella.c: 308)
PGC/x86-64 Linux 15.7-0: compilation completed with warnings
** Running with OpenACC
$ mpirun -n 1 withacc ../my_test/input.vti withacc1
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [1/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [1/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [2/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [2/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [3/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [3/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [4/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [4/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [5/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [5/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [6/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [6/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [7/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [7/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [8/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [8/8]
withacc1 file created
** Running without OpenACC
$ mpirun -n 1 noacc ../my_test/input.vti noacc1
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [1/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [1/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [2/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [2/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [3/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [3/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [4/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [4/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [5/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [5/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [6/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [6/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [7/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [7/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [8/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [8/8]
noacc1 file created
** Compare
$ diff -q noacc1.txt withacc1.txt
Files noacc1.txt and withacc1.txt differ
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1056
Reputation: 41
I believe that this could a bug in pgcc (but not in pgc++).
After some experiments, I came to the conclusion that the numbers of iterations of the x and y loops are probably computed incorrectly probably because the compiler is attempting an illegal optimization (or a stack corruption?).
I was able to get a proper result with 'pgcc -acc' after applying the following transformation to the code given in the 1st Answer.
xs = max(1, level-(s->yDim + s->zDim)) , ys = max(1,level-(s->xDim + s->zDim));
xe = min(s->xDim, level-(s->firstLevel-1)), ye = min(s->yDim, level-(s->firstLevel-1));
if (level != 99999) {
xs = max(1, level-(s->yDim + s->zDim)) , ys = max(1,level-(s->xDim + s->zDim));
xe = min(s->xDim, level-(s->firstLevel-1)), ye = min(s->yDim, level-(s->firstLevel-1));
The additional IF is of course always TRUE but the compiler has no ways to know that so this is enough to prevent most optimization attempts.
PS: I also recommend to replace the comma between the assignments by a semi-column. The comma has higher precedence than the assignment so this is not wrong but just a bit disturbing.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 151799
Also in this version I couldn't get openacc to work at all however solution to this should help me a lot.
Here's what I've found:
When you use the managed memory facility:
typically we don't include data
directives or clauses in our code. The idea is to let the cuda managed memory runtime manage data movement for us. So I commented out what I thought were two "extraneous" data directives.
I don't believe your parallel
accelerator directive is correctly formed. My compiler (PGI 15.7) barks at me that the independent
directive inside the parallel region is not correct:
PGCC-S-0155-Illegal context(parallel) for independent (t2.c: 228)
changing the #pragma acc parallel
to #pragma acc kernels
is one possible workaround.
Your code spits out some compiler warnings around the use of INFINITY
. Since these are just warnings, I didn't bother to address them.
For some reason, I found that the compiler wasn't handling the SweepInfo
structure (s
) properly on entry into the accelerator region. To work around this, I modified this:
int x, y, z, i, j, k, index;
#pragma acc parallel
#pragma acc loop independent
for(x = xs; x <= xe; x++) {
#pragma acc loop independent
for(y = ys; y <= ye; y++) {
z = level - (x+y);
if(z > 0 && z <= NZ-2) {
i = abs(z-s->zSweepOff);
j = abs(y-s->ySweepOff);
k = abs(x-s->xSweepOff);
to this:
int x, y, z, i, j, k, index;
int xSO = s->xSweepOff;
int ySO = s->ySweepOff;
int zSO = s->zSweepOff;
#pragma acc kernels
#pragma acc loop independent
for(x = xs; x <= xe; x++) {
#pragma acc loop independent
for(y = ys; y <= ye; y++) {
z = level - (x+y);
if(z > 0 && z <= NZ-2) {
i = abs(z-zSO);
j = abs(y-ySO);
k = abs(x-xSO);
I'll probably chew on this some more. I think there is either a limitation here I don't understand or else a compiler bug.
With the above changes, I was able to get your code to run to completion without any obvious issues. Here is my modified code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mpi.h"
#define min(a,b) (a > b) ? b : a
#define max(a,b) (a < b) ? b : a
#define NPES 8 // max number of PEs allowed
typedef struct {
int order;
int firstLevel, lastLevel, level;
int xDim, yDim, zDim;
int xSweepOff, ySweepOff, zSweepOff;
double dx, dy, dz;
} SweepInfo;
typedef struct {
double dx, dy, dz;
int * location;
double * distance;
} Phi;
typedef struct {
int x, y, z;
} Grid3D;
void calc_dist_field( Phi * p, int totalNodes );
void write_to_file(double * dist);
static SweepInfo make_sweepInfo( Phi * p, int my_rank );
static void fast_sweep( Phi * p, SweepInfo * s );
static double solveEikonal(Phi * p, int index, int max_x, int max_y);
static void update_distance(Phi * p, int totalNodes);
static void set_distance_negative_inside(Phi * p, int totalNodes);
static void adjust_boundary( Phi * p );
// public method declarations
Grid3D make_grid3D(int x, int y, int z);
void vti_get_dimensions(FILE *vti, double *d);
void vti_get_data(FILE *vti, int *l, int b_l, double *d, double b_d, Grid3D g);
// private method declarations
static void move_file_pointer(FILE *file_ptr, int lineNumber, int r);
static void get_location(FILE *vti, int *l, int b_l, Grid3D g);
static void get_distance(FILE *vti, double *d, double b_d, Grid3D g);
static int npes; // Number of PEs
static int my_rank; // Rank of the PE
static char * fileName;
static char * outfileName;
static int NX, NY, NZ, totalNodes;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// MPI startup routine
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &my_rank);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &npes);
fileName = argv[1];
outfileName = argv[2];
FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r");
double dims[6];
vti_get_dimensions(f, dims);
NX = dims[0] + 3;
NY = dims[1] + 3;
NZ = dims[2] + 3;
totalNodes = NX * NY * NZ;
Phi *p = (Phi *) malloc(sizeof(Phi));
p->location = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * totalNodes);
p->distance = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * totalNodes);
p->dx = dims[3]; p->dy = dims[4]; p->dz = dims[5];
vti_get_data( f, p->location, DEFAULT_BORDER_LOCATION,
make_grid3D(NX, NY, NZ));
update_distance(p, totalNodes);
calc_dist_field(p, totalNodes);
return 0;
void calc_dist_field( Phi * p, int totalNodes ) {
int sweepNumber = my_rank + 1;
double * tmp_dist;
if(my_rank == 0){
tmp_dist = (double *) malloc( totalNodes * sizeof(double) );
// sn represents the sweep number
for( int sn = sweepNumber; sn <= NPES; sn += npes) {
SweepInfo s = make_sweepInfo(p, sn);
printf("PE: [%d] - performing sweep number ..... [%d/%d]\n", my_rank, sn, NPES);
fast_sweep(p, &s);
printf("PE: [%d] - completed sweep number ...... [%d/%d]\n", my_rank, sn, NPES);
// #pragma acc update host(p->distance[0:totalNodes])
MPI_Reduce(p->distance, tmp_dist, totalNodes, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if( my_rank == 0 ) {
free( p->distance );
p->distance = tmp_dist;
set_distance_negative_inside(p, totalNodes);
printf("%s file created\n", outfileName);
static void update_distance(Phi * p, int totalNodes) {
int *l = &p->location[0];
double *d = &p->distance[0];
for(int i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++) {
*d = (*l == 1 && *d == INFINITY) ? -1 : (*d > 0.0 || *d < 0.0) ? *d : DEFAULT_INTERIOR_DISTANCE;
l++; d++;
void write_to_file(double * dist) {
int x = NX;
int y = NY;
int z = NZ;
char fname[255];
sprintf(fname, "%s.txt", outfileName);
FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "w");
int i,j,k;
double *t = &dist[0];
for(i = 0; i < z; i++){
for(j = 0; j < y; j++){
for(k = 0; k < x; k++) {
fprintf(fp, "%f ", *(t++));
fprintf(fp, "\n");
fprintf(fp, "\n");
static SweepInfo make_sweepInfo( Phi * p, int my_rank ) {
SweepInfo s;
s.order = my_rank;
s.firstLevel = 3;
s.lastLevel = (NX + NY + NZ) - 6;
s.xDim = NX-2; s.dx = p->dx;
s.yDim = NY-2; s.dy = p->dy;
s.zDim = NZ-2; = p->dz;
s.xSweepOff = (s.order == 4 || s.order == 8 ) ? s.xDim + 1 : 0;
s.ySweepOff = (s.order == 2 || s.order == 6 ) ? s.yDim + 1 : 0;
s.zSweepOff = (s.order == 3 || s.order == 7 ) ? s.zDim + 1 : 0;
return s;
static void fast_sweep( Phi * p, SweepInfo * s ) {
int start, end, incr;
start = ( s->order == 2 || s->order == 5 || s->order == 7 || s->order == 8 ) ? s->lastLevel : s->firstLevel;
if ( start == s->firstLevel ) {
end = s->lastLevel + 1;
incr = 1;
else {
end = s->firstLevel - 1;
incr = 0;
int max_x = s->xDim + 2;
int max_y = s->yDim + 2;
int max_xy = max_x * max_y;
//#pragma acc data create(p[0:1]) copy(p->distance[0:totalNodes])
for(int level = start; level != end; level = (incr) ? level+1 : level-1) {
// s - start, e - end
int xs, xe, ys, ye;
xs = max(1, level-(s->yDim + s->zDim)) , ys = max(1,level-(s->xDim + s->zDim));
xe = min(s->xDim, level-(s->firstLevel-1)), ye = min(s->yDim, level-(s->firstLevel-1));
int x, y, z, i, j, k, index;
int xSO = s->xSweepOff;
int ySO = s->ySweepOff;
int zSO = s->zSweepOff;
#pragma acc kernels
#pragma acc loop independent
for(x = xs; x <= xe; x++) {
#pragma acc loop independent
for(y = ys; y <= ye; y++) {
z = level - (x+y);
if(z > 0 && z <= NZ-2) {
i = abs(z-zSO);
j = abs(y-ySO);
k = abs(x-xSO);
index = i * max_xy + j * max_x + k;
p->distance[index] = solveEikonal(p, index, NX, NY);
} // end of acc parallel
#pragma acc routine seq
static double solveEikonal(Phi * p, int index, int max_x, int max_y) {
int max_xy = max_x * max_y;
double dist_new = 0;
double dist_old = p->distance[index];
double dx = p->dx, dy = p->dy, dz = p->dz;
double minX = min(p->distance[index-1], p->distance[index+1]);
double minY = min(p->distance[abs(index-max_x)], p->distance[abs(index+max_x)]);
double minZ = min(p->distance[abs(index-max_xy)],p->distance[abs(index+max_xy)]);
double m[] = { minX, minY, minZ} ;
double d[] = { dx, dy, dz};
// sort the mins
for(int i = 1; i < 3; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 3-i; j++) {
if(m[j] > m[j+1]) {
double tmp_m = m[j];
double tmp_d = d[j];
m[j] = m[j+1]; d[j] = d[j+1];
m[j+1] = tmp_m; d[j+1] = tmp_d;
// simplifying the variables
double m_0 = m[0], m_1 = m[1], m_2 = m[2];
double d_0 = d[0], d_1 = d[1], d_2 = d[2];
double m2_0 = m_0 * m_0, m2_1 = m_1 * m_1, m2_2 = m_2 * m_2;
double d2_0 = d_0 * d_0, d2_1 = d_1 * d_1, d2_2 = d_2 * d_2;
dist_new = m_0 + d_0;
if(dist_new > m_1) {
double s = sqrt(- m2_0 + 2 * m_0 * m_1 - m2_1 + d2_0 + d2_1);
dist_new = ( m_1 * d2_0 + m_0 * d2_1 + d_0 * d_1 * s) / (d2_0 + d2_1);
if(dist_new > m_2) {
double a = sqrt(- m2_0 * d2_1 - m2_0 * d2_2 + 2 * m_0 * m_1 * d2_2
- m2_1 * d2_0 - m2_1 * d2_2 + 2 * m_0 * m_2 * d2_1
- m2_2 * d2_0 - m2_2 * d2_1 + 2 * m_1 * m_2 * d2_0
+ d2_0 * d2_1 + d2_0 * d2_2 + d2_1 * d2_2);
dist_new = (m_2 * d2_0 * d2_1 + m_1 * d2_0 * d2_2 + m_0 * d2_1 * d2_2 + d_0 * d_1 * d_2 * a) /
(d2_0 * d2_1 + d2_0 * d2_2 + d2_1 * d2_2);
return min(dist_old, dist_new);
static void set_distance_negative_inside(Phi * p, int totalNodes) {
int *l = &p->location[0];
double *d = &p->distance[0];
for(int i = 0; i < totalNodes; i++) {
if( *l == 1) *d = -1;
l++; d++;
static void adjust_boundary( Phi * p ) {
int x, y, z, xy, i, j, k;
x = NX;
y = NY;
z = NZ;
xy = x * y;
for(i = 0; i < z; i++){
for(j = 0; j < y; j++){
for(k = 0; k < x; k++){
int I = i, J = j, K = k;
I = (i == z-1) ? I-1 : (!i) ? I+1 : I;
J = (j == y-1) ? J-1 : (!j) ? J+1 : J;
K = (k == x-1) ? K-1 : (!k) ? K+1 : K;
if( i != I || j != J || k != K) {
int l_index = i * xy + j * x + k;
int r_index = I * xy + J * x + K;
p->distance[l_index] = p->distance[r_index];
/**************** vti_parser ********************************/
static void move_file_pointer(FILE *file_ptr, int lineNumber, int r) {
char tmpStr[512];
if(r) rewind(file_ptr);
while (lineNumber > 0){
fgets (tmpStr, 511, file_ptr);
void vti_get_dimensions(FILE *vti, double *d) {
char tmpStr[512];
while (1) {
fgets (tmpStr, 511, vti);
if ( strstr(tmpStr, "ImageData WholeExtent") ) {
sscanf(tmpStr, " <ImageData WholeExtent=\"0 %lf 0 %lf 0 %lf\" Spacing=\"%lf %lf %lf\">",
&d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3], &d[4], &d[5]);
void vti_get_data(FILE *vti, int *l, int b_l, double *d, double b_d, Grid3D g) {
// move the file pointer to
// line 6 from beginning
move_file_pointer(vti, 6, 1);
get_location(vti, l, b_l, g);
// move the file pointer 2 lines
// forward from its last position
move_file_pointer(vti, 2, 0);
get_distance(vti, d, b_d, g);
static void get_location(FILE *vti, int *l, int b_l, Grid3D g) {
int i, j, k, *t = &l[0];
for (i = 0; i < g.z; i++){
for (j = 0; j < g.y; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < g.x; k++) {
// Border
if (k == 0 || k == g.x-1 || j == 0 || j == g.y-1 || i == 0 || i == g.z-1 ) {
*(t++) = b_l;
else{ // Interior
fscanf(vti, "%d ", t++);
static void get_distance(FILE *vti, double *d, double b_d, Grid3D g) {
int i, j, k;
double *t = &d[0];
for (i = 0; i < g.z; i++){
for (j = 0; j < g.y; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < g.x; k++) {
// Border distance
if (k == 0 || k == g.x-1 || j == 0 || j == g.y-1 || i == 0 || i == g.z-1 ) {
*(t++) = b_d;
else{ // Interior distance
fscanf(vti, "%lf ", t++);
Grid3D make_grid3D(int x, int y, int z){
Grid3D g;
g.x = x; g.y = y; g.z = z;
return g;
Here is my compile command:
pgc++ -fast -acc -ta=tesla:managed -Minfo=accel -I/opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/include -L/opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/lib -lmpi t2.c -o t2
And this is the output:
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/lib ./t2 input.vti output
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [1/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [1/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [2/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [2/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [3/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [3/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [4/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [4/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [5/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [5/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [6/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [6/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [7/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [7/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [8/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [8/8]
output file created
In my case, it seemed to run faster than the non-OpenACC version (compile without -acc -ta=tesla:managed -Minfo=accel
) and I diff
-ed the output files created and they were the same between non-OpenACC and OpenACC versions.
I also tried running this code with 2 MPI ranks. It seemed to run without crashing:
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/lib /opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/bin/mpirun -n 2 ./t2 input.vti output
PE: [1] - performing sweep number ..... [2/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [1/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [1/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [3/8]
PE: [1] - completed sweep number ...... [2/8]
PE: [1] - performing sweep number ..... [4/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [3/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [5/8]
PE: [1] - completed sweep number ...... [4/8]
PE: [1] - performing sweep number ..... [6/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [5/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [7/8]
PE: [1] - completed sweep number ...... [6/8]
PE: [1] - performing sweep number ..... [8/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [7/8]
PE: [1] - completed sweep number ...... [8/8]
output file created
The output data file was different from the single rank version, but it matched the version produced by a two-rank non-OpenACC run. So if there are any remaining issues, I think they are MPI related and not OpenACC related.
To exand on this last point, let's take OpenACC out of the picture, but just use the MPI (MPICH) that comes with the PGI 15.7 toolchain:
$ /opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/bin/mpicc t2.c -o t2 -lmpi
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (t2.c: 88)
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (t2.c: 142)
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (t2.c: 143)
PGC-W-0129-Floating point overflow. Check constants and constant expressions (t2.c: 308)
PGC/x86-64 Linux 15.7-0: compilation completed with warnings
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/lib /opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/bin/mpirun -n 1 ./t2 input.vti output1rank
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [1/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [1/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [2/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [2/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [3/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [3/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [4/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [4/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [5/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [5/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [6/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [6/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [7/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [7/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [8/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [8/8]
output1rank file created
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/lib /opt/pgi/linux86-64/15.7/mpi/mpich/bin/mpirun -n 2 ./t2 input.vti output2rank
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [1/8]
PE: [1] - performing sweep number ..... [2/8]
PE: [1] - completed sweep number ...... [2/8]
PE: [1] - performing sweep number ..... [4/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [1/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [3/8]
PE: [1] - completed sweep number ...... [4/8]
PE: [1] - performing sweep number ..... [6/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [3/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [5/8]
PE: [1] - completed sweep number ...... [6/8]
PE: [1] - performing sweep number ..... [8/8]
PE: [1] - completed sweep number ...... [8/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [5/8]
PE: [0] - performing sweep number ..... [7/8]
PE: [0] - completed sweep number ...... [7/8]
output2rank file created
$ diff -q output1rank.txt output2rank.txt
Files output1rank.txt and output2rank.txt differ
Upvotes: 2