Reputation: 1513
I am trying to set up tests on an angular controller using jasmine and karma. I can't put all of my code here because it is quite big, but here are some samples of my code:
CompilerController.js (that's the controller I want to test)
(function() {
.controller('CompilerController', ['templateService', 'compilationService', CompilerController] );
function CompilerController(templateService, compilationService) {
var vm = this;
/// Initialization
(function() {
vm.template = 'c_basic.c';
/// Public members
vm.loadTemplate = loadTemplate;
/// Implementation
function loadTemplate() {
templateService.get(vm.template, function(source) {
vm.sourcecode = source;
describe('CompilerController', function() {
var CompilationService, TemplateService, controller;
beforeEach(function() {
beforeEach(function() {
inject(function(_$controller_, _TemplateService_, _CompilationService_) {
CompilationService = _CompilationService_;
TemplateService = _TemplateService_;
spyOn(TemplateService, 'get').and.callFake(function(code, callback) {
controller = _$controller_('CompilerController');
it('starts with default template as source', function() {
describe('loadTemplate function', function() {
it('changes the content of the source area when called', function() {
spyOn(TemplateService, 'get').and.callFake(function(code, callback) { // Does this work ? Changing the spy after injection ?
if(code == 'c_parameters.c') { callback('c_parameters_content'); }
controller.template = 'c_parameters.c';
Despite the fact that I'm not even sure that this works (changing a spy after the controller was created, see my commented line), all of the tests in this file fail with the following error :
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Windows 7 0.0.0) CompilerController loadTemplate function changes the content of the source area when called FAILED Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: TemplateServiceProvider <- TemplateService
Here is a piece of my karma.conf.js :
module.exports = function (config) {
// base path, that will be used to resolve files and exclude
basePath: '../../',
// testing framework to use (jasmine/mocha/qunit/...)
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
// list of files / patterns to load in the browser
files: [
// bower:js
// endbower
'test/javascript/**/*.coffee' // I use coffeescript for the specs. The file I showed in this question are the compiled version.
// Browser on which to test
browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
// Compile coffeescript specs
preprocessors: {
'test/javascript/**/*.coffee': ['coffee']
coffeePreprocessor: {
options: {
bare: true,
sourceMap: false
transformPath: function(path) {
return path.replace(/\.coffee/, '.js')
Upvotes: 1
Views: 391
Reputation: 309
Inside the controller you are injecting the service "templateService" using lowercase but it is injected in uppercase inside beforeEach function. May be it will help.
Upvotes: 2