Reputation: 3503
I saw the code Here. how does the public void displayPeers(final WifiP2pDeviceList peers) works here. When i run in device it displays in devices in listview , but how it gets device list without initializ method ie. displaypeers() without calling?
After that i have changed the code for my project, Displaypeers method is not working / calling . but when i import it full project it works . How is it working ? please help me . If i made mistakes, can anyone tell me how to call that method ? Displaypeers(final WifiP2pDeviseList peers) in the oncreate function itself. Thanks . Sorry for my bad English.
public void searchForPeers(View view) {
//Discover peers, no call back method given
wifiManager.discoverPeers(wifichannel, null);
.... ....
public void displayPeers(final WifiP2pDeviceList peers)
//Dialog to show errors/status
final AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
dialog.setTitle("WiFi Direct File Transfer");
//Get list view
ListView peerView = (ListView) findViewById(;
//Make array list
ArrayList<String> peersStringArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();
//Fill array list with strings of peer names
for(WifiP2pDevice wd : peers.getDeviceList())
//Set list view as clickable
//Make adapter to connect peer data to list view
ArrayAdapter arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, peersStringArrayList.toArray());
//Show peer data in listview
peerView.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View view, int arg2,long arg3) {
//Get string from textview
TextView tv = (TextView) view;
WifiP2pDevice device = null;
//Search all known peers for matching name
for(WifiP2pDevice wd : peers.getDeviceList())
device = wd;
if(device != null)
//Connect to selected peer
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
EDIT: Oncreate method
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);
wifiManager = (WifiP2pManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_P2P_SERVICE);
wifichannel = wifiManager.initialize(this, getMainLooper(), null);
wifiClientReceiver = new WiFiClientBroadcastReceiver(wifiManager, wifichannel, this);
wifiClientReceiverIntentFilter = new IntentFilter();
connectedAndReadyToSendFile = false;
filePathProvided = false;
fileToSend = null;
transferActive = false;
clientServiceIntent = null;
targetDevice = null;
wifiInfo = null;
registerReceiver(wifiClientReceiver, wifiClientReceiverIntentFilter);
setClientFileTransferStatus("Client is currently idle");
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Views: 1304
Reputation: 3113
You should look at the entire project. There are more classes than just ClientActivity. They all interact to form a working application.
displayPeers() is called from the WiFiClientBroadcastReceiver. I suggest you look through ALL the files here:
Upvotes: 1