Reputation: 17431
I've got a recursion-schemes style structure and I'd like to obtain a list of all substructures including the full structure - i.e. the equivalent of what the tails
function does on a List
. I think it would be possible to implement this by calling para
, mapping back to the original structure at each step, and then sticking the original structure on the front separately, but that seems very cumbersome: (untested, apologies if the Haskell is incorrect; written in terms of Mu
as I haven't really understood the Base
construct yet)
gtails :: Functor f => Mu f -> [Mu f]
gtails = para (\a -> (fmap fst a) : (foldMap snd a))
(i.e. in the case f=Prim
this is tails
, for other f
it's a generalization)
Is there a nicer way? I realise this isn't so bad, but the fmap fst a
to recover the "original" structure at that step feels quite cumbersome, and the foldMap snd a
is something I find myself repeating a lot when using para
(likewise fold a
when using cata
which again feels like it should be unnecessary).
Upvotes: 7
Views: 174
Reputation: 12123
is indeed the right function to use here. I have put everything in a self-contained gist augmented with examples if you want to play with it.
We start with the definition of the fixpoint Mu
and the usual fold
and para
module Tails where
import Data.Function
newtype Mu f = In { out :: f (Mu f) }
fold :: Functor f => (f a -> a) -> Mu f -> a
fold alg = alg . fmap (fold alg) . out
para :: Functor f => (f (a, Mu f) -> a) -> Mu f -> a
para alg = alg . fmap (\m -> (para alg m, m)). out
We can then implement tails
using para
and an additional Foldable
constraint allowing us to use foldMap
to collect the intermediate result in the list monoid:
tails :: (Functor f, Foldable f) => Mu f -> [Mu f]
tails m = m : para (foldMap $ uncurry $ flip (:)) m
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 30103
I don't see any issue with para
. Just cons back the head and the tail at each Cons
import Data.Functor.Foldable
tails :: [a] -> [[a]]
tails = para (\case Nil -> [[]]; Cons a (as, res) -> (a : as) : res)
For clarity, specialized to lists and without recursion-schemes
para :: (a -> [a] -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
para f z [] = z
para f z (a:as) = f a as (para f z as)
tails :: [a] -> [[a]]
tails = para (\a as res -> (a : as) : res) [[]]
However, if you'd like to be more general, the less nice para
formulation comes handy:
import qualified Data.Functor.Foldable as Rec (Foldable)
tails :: (Rec.Foldable t, Base t ~ Prim [a]) => t -> [t]
tails as = as : para (\case Nil -> []; Cons a (as, res) -> as : res) as
This works for lists as usual, but you can also give type instance Base t = Prim [a]
for other t
-s, along with the Foldable
instance, and use them as well.
Alternatively, we can keep the first tails
definition at the cost of introducing an Unfoldable
tails' :: (Unfoldable t, Rec.Foldable t, Base t ~ Prim [a]) => t -> [t]
tails' = para (\case Nil -> [embed Nil]; Cons a (as, res) -> embed (Cons a as) : res)
This isn't too bad, since for each project
there should be an inverse embed
for fixpoints of functors anyway, so the Foldable
and Unfoldable
instances naturally come in pairs.
Upvotes: 10