Reputation: 993
A plugin defines a function named HLMarks():
hi Marks term=reverse ctermfg=0 ctermbg=40 guibg=Grey40
function! HLMarks(group)
call clearmatches()
let index = char2nr('a')
while index < char2nr('z')
call matchadd( a:group, '\%'.line( "'".nr2char(index)).'l')
let index = index + 1
I want the HLMarks() function to run automatically every time vim opens a file. It works when I call the function manually:
:call HLMarks("Marks")
Adding this line to the end of the plugin didn't do anything:
call HLMarks("Marks")
Calling the function from vimrc got this error:
E117: Unknown function: HLMarks
How to automatically call the HLMarks("Marks") function when a file is opened?
The plugin is described on and down loaded from
The plugin's markHL.vim file is in my ~/.vim/plugin/ directory.
The ":function" command lists:
function HLMarks(group)
Upvotes: 8
Views: 9416
Reputation: 2921
If you define the function in .vimrc
function! yourFunc()
" ...
call yourFunc()
simply adding the call yourFunc()
after the definition will work.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 993
The solution is to add this line to vimrc:
autocmd BufReadPost * call HLMarks("Marks")
Details are at!topic/vim_use/i2HWD_9V-28
Upvotes: 4