
Reputation: 1814

Pheatmap annotation colors and border

Pheatmap library(pheatmap) takes annotation_colorsto add the header ID colors on the top of each heatmap column.

I want to add white as column header color with borders. Border can be added by border_color but this function draws borders also to the whole heatmap.

Below is what I have done so far.

df<-data.frame( matrix(sample(30), ncol = 5))
subj<-c("P1", "P2","P3", "T1", "T2","T3")
aka2 = data.frame(ID = factor(rep(c("Pat","Trea"), each=3)))
aka3 = list(ID = c(Pat = "white", Trea="blue"))
         annotation_col = aka2, 
         annotation_colors = aka3[1],
         annotation_legend = FALSE,
         gaps_col =  3,
         show_colnames = T, show_rownames = T, cluster_rows = F, 
         cluster_cols = F, legend = TRUE, 
         clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", border_color = FALSE)

enter image description here

Upvotes: 17

Views: 48340

Answers (3)


Reputation: 343

Pheatmap annotation_col/annotation_row and borders and annotation_colors

Just to make a few comments that may be a bit off the topic here, but relevant in the context of this question and might save someone some trouble.

  1. If you are interested in having borders for all cells in the heatmap after setting annotation_col or annotation_row you must specify explicitly cellheight and cellwidth above certain levels (I used cellwidth = 3, cellheight=12).

  2. The syntax for annotation_color is somewhat complex and requires a list of named vectors with named components. For example:

    annotation_col = data.frame("Cell_of_Origin"=factor(dta.disc$cell.origin,exclude=NULL,labels=c("GCB","non_GCB","Unclassifiable")))
    annotation_colors = list(Cell_of_Origin=c(GCB="red",non_GCB="green",Unclassifiable="yellow"))[1]

Where Cell_of_Origin is my annotation_col variable and GCB,non_GCB, Unclassifiable are the levels of the factor.

  1. It seems strange to me to add a grid for annotated classes and not grid for the clusters (i.e. the subclasses may be distributed 'weirdly' within the clusters). One option I played with was to generate a dendrogram for each subclass separately and then merge the dendrograms together. In such a case you could add gaps between clusters using the cutree_cols / cutree_row options.The results weren't great but this might be a direction to explore.

    dend_gcb = reorder(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(as.matrix(t(dta.disc[dta.disc$cell.origin=="gcb",vars_reduced]))))),agglo.FUN=mean)
    dend_ngcb = reorder(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(as.matrix(t(dta.disc[dta.disc$cell.origin=="non-gcb",vars_reduced]))))),agglo.FUN=mean)
    dend_uncls =reorder(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(as.matrix(t(dta.disc[$cell.origin),vars_reduced]))))),agglo.FUN=mean)

Upvotes: 6

Sandy Muspratt
Sandy Muspratt

Reputation: 32859

I use grid functions to edit the relevant grob:

df<-data.frame( matrix(sample(30), ncol = 5))
subj<-c("P1", "P2","P3", "T1", "T2","T3")
aka2 = data.frame(ID = factor(rep(c("Pat","Trea"), each=3)))
aka3 = list(ID = c(Pat = "white", Trea="blue"))

         annotation_col = aka2, 
         annotation_colors = aka3[1],
         annotation_legend = FALSE,
         gaps_col =  3,
         show_colnames = T, show_rownames = T, cluster_rows = F, 
         cluster_cols = F, legend = TRUE, 
         clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", border_color = FALSE)

# Edit the relevant grob
library(grid) # "col_annotation" looks like it's the one to edit
grid.gedit("col_annotation", gp = gpar(col="grey70"))

Applying grid.gget("col_annotation")$gp to the original heatmap shows that col_annotation does have a gp slot with fill set but no col. After the edit, both fill and col are set.

enter image description here

Upvotes: 8

Pierre Lapointe
Pierre Lapointe

Reputation: 16277

I tried very hard to edit the grobs to add border color only on the annotations, but I think the only way is to modify the pheatmap function as well as the underlying heatmap_motor. Here is the pheatmap2 and heatmap_motor2 functions. The only changes is that pheatmap2 calls heatmap_motor2 and this line border_color="gray" in heatmap_motor2. You can find it about 2/3 of the way in heatmap_motor2.


pheatmap2 <-function (mat, color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n = 7,
    name = "RdYlBu")))(100), kmeans_k = NA, breaks = NA, border_color = "grey60",
    cellwidth = NA, cellheight = NA, scale = "none", cluster_rows = TRUE,
    cluster_cols = TRUE, clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean",
    clustering_distance_cols = "euclidean", clustering_method = "complete",
    clustering_callback = identity2, cutree_rows = NA, cutree_cols = NA,
    treeheight_row = ifelse(cluster_rows, 50, 0), treeheight_col = ifelse(cluster_cols,
        50, 0), legend = TRUE, legend_breaks = NA, legend_labels = NA,
    annotation_row = NA, annotation_col = NA, annotation = NA,
    annotation_colors = NA, annotation_legend = TRUE, drop_levels = TRUE,
    show_rownames = T, show_colnames = T, main = NA, fontsize = 10,
    fontsize_row = fontsize, fontsize_col = fontsize, display_numbers = F,
    number_format = "%.2f", number_color = "grey30", fontsize_number = 0.8 *
        fontsize, gaps_row = NULL, gaps_col = NULL, labels_row = NULL,
    labels_col = NULL, filename = NA, width = NA, height = NA,
    silent = FALSE, ...)
    if (is.null(labels_row)) {
        labels_row = rownames(mat)
    if (is.null(labels_col)) {
        labels_col = colnames(mat)
    mat = as.matrix(mat)
    if (scale != "none") {
        mat = scale_mat(mat, scale)
        if (is.na2(breaks)) {
            breaks = generate_breaks(mat, length(color), center = T)
    if (! {
        km = kmeans(mat, kmeans_k, iter.max = 100)
        mat = km$centers
        t = table(km$cluster)
        labels_row = sprintf("Cluster: %s Size: %d", names(t),
    else {
        km = NA
    if (is.matrix(display_numbers) | {
        if (nrow(display_numbers) != nrow(mat) | ncol(display_numbers) !=
            ncol(mat)) {
            stop("If display_numbers provided as matrix, its dimensions have to match with mat")
        display_numbers = as.matrix(display_numbers)
        fmat = matrix(as.character(display_numbers), nrow = nrow(display_numbers),
            ncol = ncol(display_numbers))
        fmat_draw = TRUE
    else {
        if (display_numbers) {
            fmat = matrix(sprintf(number_format, mat), nrow = nrow(mat),
                ncol = ncol(mat))
            fmat_draw = TRUE
        else {
            fmat = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))
            fmat_draw = FALSE
    if (cluster_rows) {
        tree_row = cluster_mat(mat, distance = clustering_distance_rows,
            method = clustering_method)
        tree_row = clustering_callback(tree_row, mat)
        mat = mat[tree_row$order, , drop = FALSE]
        fmat = fmat[tree_row$order, , drop = FALSE]
        labels_row = labels_row[tree_row$order]
        if (! {
            gaps_row = find_gaps(tree_row, cutree_rows)
        else {
            gaps_row = NULL
    else {
        tree_row = NA
        treeheight_row = 0
    if (cluster_cols) {
        tree_col = cluster_mat(t(mat), distance = clustering_distance_cols,
            method = clustering_method)
        tree_col = clustering_callback(tree_col, t(mat))
        mat = mat[, tree_col$order, drop = FALSE]
        fmat = fmat[, tree_col$order, drop = FALSE]
        labels_col = labels_col[tree_col$order]
        if (! {
            gaps_col = find_gaps(tree_col, cutree_cols)
        else {
            gaps_col = NULL
    else {
        tree_col = NA
        treeheight_col = 0
    attr(fmat, "draw") = fmat_draw
    if (!is.na2(legend_breaks) & !is.na2(legend_labels)) {
        if (length(legend_breaks) != length(legend_labels)) {
            stop("Lengths of legend_breaks and legend_labels must be the same")
    if (is.na2(breaks)) {
        breaks = generate_breaks(as.vector(mat), length(color))
    if (legend & is.na2(legend_breaks)) {
        legend = grid.pretty(range(as.vector(breaks)))
        names(legend) = legend
    else if (legend & !is.na2(legend_breaks)) {
        legend = legend_breaks[legend_breaks >= min(breaks) &
            legend_breaks <= max(breaks)]
        if (!is.na2(legend_labels)) {
            legend_labels = legend_labels[legend_breaks >= min(breaks) &
                legend_breaks <= max(breaks)]
            names(legend) = legend_labels
        else {
            names(legend) = legend
    else {
        legend = NA
    mat = scale_colours(mat, col = color, breaks = breaks)
    if (is.na2(annotation_col) & !is.na2(annotation)) {
        annotation_col = annotation
    if (!is.na2(annotation_col)) {
        annotation_col = annotation_col[colnames(mat), , drop = F]
    if (!is.na2(annotation_row)) {
        annotation_row = annotation_row[rownames(mat), , drop = F]
    annotation = c(annotation_row, annotation_col)
    annotation = annotation[unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) !is.na2(x)))]
    if (length(annotation) != 0) {
        annotation_colors = generate_annotation_colours(annotation,
            annotation_colors, drop = drop_levels)
    else {
        annotation_colors = NA
    if (!show_rownames) {
        labels_row = NULL
    if (!show_colnames) {
        labels_col = NULL
    gt = heatmap_motor2(mat, border_color = border_color, cellwidth = cellwidth,
        cellheight = cellheight, treeheight_col = treeheight_col,
        treeheight_row = treeheight_row, tree_col = tree_col,
        tree_row = tree_row, filename = filename, width = width,
        height = height, breaks = breaks, color = color, legend = legend,
        annotation_row = annotation_row, annotation_col = annotation_col,
        annotation_colors = annotation_colors, annotation_legend = annotation_legend,
        main = main, fontsize = fontsize, fontsize_row = fontsize_row,
        fontsize_col = fontsize_col, fmat = fmat, fontsize_number = fontsize_number,
        number_color = number_color, gaps_row = gaps_row, gaps_col = gaps_col,
        labels_row = labels_row, labels_col = labels_col, ...)
    if ( & !silent) {
    invisible(list(tree_row = tree_row, tree_col = tree_col,
        kmeans = km, gtable = gt))


heatmap_motor2 <-function (matrix, border_color, cellwidth, cellheight, tree_col,
    tree_row, treeheight_col, treeheight_row, filename, width,
    height, breaks, color, legend, annotation_row, annotation_col,
    annotation_colors, annotation_legend, main, fontsize, fontsize_row,
    fontsize_col, fmat, fontsize_number, number_color, gaps_col,
    gaps_row, labels_row, labels_col, ...)
    lo = lo(coln = labels_col, rown = labels_row, nrow = nrow(matrix),
        ncol = ncol(matrix), cellwidth = cellwidth, cellheight = cellheight,
        treeheight_col = treeheight_col, treeheight_row = treeheight_row,
        legend = legend, annotation_col = annotation_col, annotation_row = annotation_row,
        annotation_colors = annotation_colors, annotation_legend = annotation_legend,
        main = main, fontsize = fontsize, fontsize_row = fontsize_row,
        fontsize_col = fontsize_col, gaps_row = gaps_row, gaps_col = gaps_col,
    res = lo$gt
    mindim = lo$mindim
    if (! {
        if ( {
            height = convertHeight(gtable_height(res), "inches",
                valueOnly = T)
        if ( {
            width = convertWidth(gtable_width(res), "inches",
                valueOnly = T)
        r = regexpr("\\.[a-zA-Z]*$", filename)
        if (r == -1)
            stop("Improper filename")
        ending = substr(filename, r + 1, r + attr(r, "match.length"))
        f = switch(ending, pdf = function(x, ...) pdf(x, ...),
            png = function(x, ...) png(x, units = "in", res = 300,
                ...), jpeg = function(x, ...) jpeg(x, units = "in",
                res = 300, ...), jpg = function(x, ...) jpeg(x,
                units = "in", res = 300, ...), tiff = function(x,
                ...) tiff(x, units = "in", res = 300, compression = "lzw",
                ...), bmp = function(x, ...) bmp(x, units = "in",
                res = 300, ...), stop("File type should be: pdf, png, bmp, jpg, tiff"))
        f(filename, height = height, width = width)
        gt = heatmap_motor(matrix, cellwidth = cellwidth, cellheight = cellheight,
            border_color = border_color, tree_col = tree_col,
            tree_row = tree_row, treeheight_col = treeheight_col,
            treeheight_row = treeheight_row, breaks = breaks,
            color = color, legend = legend, annotation_col = annotation_col,
            annotation_row = annotation_row, annotation_colors = annotation_colors,
            annotation_legend = annotation_legend, filename = NA,
            main = main, fontsize = fontsize, fontsize_row = fontsize_row,
            fontsize_col = fontsize_col, fmat = fmat, fontsize_number = fontsize_number,
            number_color = number_color, labels_row = labels_row,
            labels_col = labels_col, gaps_col = gaps_col, gaps_row = gaps_row,
    if (mindim < 3)
        border_color = NA
    if (! {
        elem = draw_main(main, fontsize = 1.3 * fontsize, ...)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 1, l = 3, name = "main")
    if (!is.na2(tree_col) & treeheight_col != 0) {
        elem = draw_dendrogram(tree_col, gaps_col, horizontal = T)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 2, l = 3, name = "col_tree")
    if (!is.na2(tree_row) & treeheight_row != 0) {
        elem = draw_dendrogram(tree_row, gaps_row, horizontal = F)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 1, name = "row_tree")
    elem = draw_matrix(matrix, border_color, gaps_row, gaps_col,
        fmat, fontsize_number, number_color)
    res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 3, clip = "off",
        name = "matrix")
    if (length(labels_col) != 0) {
        pars = list(labels_col, gaps = gaps_col, fontsize = fontsize_col,
        elem =, pars)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 5, l = 3, clip = "off",
            name = "col_names")
    if (length(labels_row) != 0) {
        pars = list(labels_row, gaps = gaps_row, fontsize = fontsize_row,
        elem =, pars)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 4, clip = "off",
            name = "row_names")
    if (!is.na2(annotation_col)) {
        converted_annotation = convert_annotations(annotation_col,
        elem = draw_annotations(converted_annotation, border_color="gray", #Modified here
            gaps_col, fontsize, horizontal = T)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 3, l = 3, clip = "off",
            name = "col_annotation")
        elem = draw_annotation_names(annotation_col, fontsize,
            horizontal = T)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 3, l = 4, clip = "off",
            name = "row_annotation_names")
    if (!is.na2(annotation_row)) {
        converted_annotation = convert_annotations(annotation_row,
        elem = draw_annotations(converted_annotation, border_color,
            gaps_row, fontsize, horizontal = F)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 4, l = 2, clip = "off",
            name = "row_annotation")
        if (length(labels_col) != 0) {
            elem = draw_annotation_names(annotation_row, fontsize,
                horizontal = F)
            res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = 5, l = 2, clip = "off",
                name = "row_annotation_names")
    annotation = c(annotation_col[length(annotation_col):1],
    annotation = annotation[unlist(lapply(annotation, function(x) !is.na2(x)))]
    if (length(annotation) > 0 & annotation_legend) {
        elem = draw_annotation_legend(annotation, annotation_colors,
            border_color, fontsize = fontsize, ...)
        t = ifelse(is.null(labels_row), 4, 3)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = t, l = 6, b = 5,
            clip = "off", name = "annotation_legend")
    if (!is.na2(legend)) {
        elem = draw_legend(color, breaks, legend, fontsize = fontsize,
        t = ifelse(is.null(labels_row), 4, 3)
        res = gtable_add_grob(res, elem, t = t, l = 5, b = 5,
            clip = "off", name = "legend")

It is then important to add these two new functions to the pheatmap environment. pheatmap uses functions that can only be found in it's own environment.

environment(pheatmap2) <- asNamespace('pheatmap')
environment(heatmap_motor2) <- asNamespace('pheatmap')

With the gray borders to the annotations using pheatmap2:

df<-data.frame( matrix(sample(30), ncol = 5))
subj<-c("P1", "P2","P3", "T1", "T2","T3")
aka2 = data.frame(ID = factor(rep(c("Pat","Trea"), each=3)))
aka3 = list(ID = c(Pat = "white", Trea="blue"))
         annotation_col = aka2,
         annotation_colors = aka3[1], #aka3[1]
         annotation_legend = FALSE,
         gaps_col =  3,
         show_colnames = T, show_rownames = T, cluster_rows = F,
         cluster_cols = F, legend = TRUE,
         clustering_distance_rows = "euclidean", border_color = FALSE)

enter image description here

Upvotes: 10

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