
Reputation: 21

Assembly tasm error relative jump out of range

I am very new to Assembly and I am trying to program the task, which requires to divide input up to 80 characters and modify it every 24 bits (3 blocks of 8 bits) by substiting bits in the following order 5 -> 15 -> 20 -> 1-> 6 (5th bit goes to the place of 15 bit, 15 bit goes to the place of 20 bit and so on). However, I get an relative jump out of range error when calling loop after subsituting final bit 5->15. Could somebody please advise what's wrong in this code? I would very appreciate some help here. Thanks in advance.

.model small
   ASSUME CS:kodas, DS:duomenys, SS:stekas
stekas segment word stack 'STACK'
   dw 400h dup (00)               ; stekas -> 2 Kb
stekas ends
duomenys segment para public 'DATA'

   db 'Enter row up to 80 symbols'
   db 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'  ; tekstas ant ekrano
   db 'Entered symbols are grouped every 24 bits: ', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'  
   db '24 bitu bloko bitai sukeiciami pagal schema: 5 -> 15 -> 20 -> 1-> 6: ', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
   db 'Amount of zero bits is:', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'
   db 81, 00, 83 dup (0)  
   db 00
   db 00
   db 00
   dw 0000
   dw 0000
   sk1  db  00
   sk2  db  00      
   sk3  db  00
        db  0Dh, 0Ah,'$'  
duomenys ends



kodas segment para public 'CODE'
spausdinkBaitoDvKoda proc near

   push        dx
   push        ax
   push        cx
   push        bx 

   mov         cx, 0008
   mov dh,     al                                   
   mov bl,     10000000b                            

   mov dl,     dh
   and dl,     bl                                  
   dec cl                                          
   shr dl,     cl                                   
   shr bl,     1                                    
   inc cl                                           
   add dl,     '0'                                 
   mov ah,     02                                   
   int 21h                                          
   loop  @@ciklas_pagal_cx_nuo_8                    

   pop bx
   pop cx
   pop ax
   pop dx                
spausdinkBaitoDvKoda endp
spausdinkTarpa proc near

   push        dx
   push        ax
   mov dl,     ' '                               
   mov ah,     02                                 
   int 21h
   pop ax
   pop dx                
spausdinkTarpa endp
skaiciuokBituSk proc near

   push        dx
   push        ax
   push        cx
   push        bx 

   mov         cx, 0008
   mov dh,     al                                  
   mov bl,     10000000b                            

   mov dl,     dh
   and dl,     bl                                   
   dec cl                                          
   shr dl,     cl                                  
   shr bl,     1                                    
   inc cl                                          
   xor ax,     ax                                   
   mov al,     dl                                      
   add word ptr bit0, ax
   loop  @@ciklas_pagal_cx_8                        

   mov cl,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + 1]        
   mov al,     cl                                  
   mov bl,     8                                    
   mul bl                                           
   sub ax, word ptr bit0                            
   mov word ptr bit1, ax                            

   pop bx
   pop cx
   pop ax
   pop dx                
skaiciuokBituSk endp

   mov ax,     seg duomenys                 
   mov ds,     ax

   mov ah,     09                           
   mov dx,     offset pranesimas1             
   int 21h

   mov ah,     0Ah                            
   mov dx,     offset buferisIvedimui         
   int 21h       

   mov ah,     09                            
   mov dx,     offset naujaEilute             
   int 21h

   mov ah,     09                             
   mov dx,     offset naujaEilute               
   int 21h

   mov ah,     09                            
   mov dx,     offset pranesimas2             
   int 21h

   xor cx,     cx                              
   mov cl,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + 1]   
   xor ax,     ax                              
   mov al,     cl                              
   mov bl,     byte ptr 3                      
   div bl                                      
   mov cl,     al                              
   xor bx,     bx                              
   mov bx,     2                               


   mov al,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx + 2]  
   mov byte ptr c, al                             
   call SpausdinkBaitoDvKoda                       
   call spausdinkTarpa 
   mov al,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx + 1]  
   mov byte ptr b, al
   call SpausdinkBaitoDvKoda                       
   call spausdinkTarpa 
   mov al,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx]      
   mov byte ptr a, al                              
   call SpausdinkBaitoDvKoda                       
   call spausdinkTarpa                             

   ; 5 -> 15 -> 20 -> 1-> 6

   mov ah,     byte ptr a                          
   and ah,     00000010b                           
   and byte ptr a,     10111101b                    
   shl ah,     1                                    
   shl ah,     1                                    
   shl ah,     1                                    
   shl ah,     1                                    
   shl ah,     1
   or  byte ptr a,     ah 

   mov dl, byte ptr c
   and dl,     00010000b
   and byte ptr c,     11101111b
   shr dl,     1
   shr dl,     1
   shr dl,     1       
   or  byte ptr a,     dl

   mov ah, byte ptr b
   and ah,     10000000b
   and byte ptr b,     01111111b
   shr ah,     1
   shr ah,     1
   shr ah,     1
   or  byte ptr c,     ah 


   mov ah, byte ptr a
   and ah,     00100000b
   and byte ptr a,     11011111b
   shl ah,     1
   shl ah,     1
   or  byte ptr b,     ah 

   mov al, byte ptr a
   mov byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx], al 

   mov al, byte ptr b
   mov byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx + 1], al 

   mov al, byte ptr c
   mov byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx + 2], al 

   inc bx                                          
   add bx,     2

   loop @@ciklas1_pagal_cx_nuo_baitu_skaiciaus   

   mov ah,     09                                
   mov dx,     offset naujaEilute               
   int 21h

   mov ah,     09                                
   mov dx,     offset naujaEilute               
   int 21h

   mov ah,     09                            
   mov dx,     offset pranesimas3            
   int 21h

   xor cx,     cx                              
   mov cl,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + 1]   
   xor ax,     ax                              
   mov al,     cl                              
   mov bl,     byte ptr 3                     
   div bl                                      
   mov cl,     al                             
   xor bx,     bx                              
   mov bx,     2                               


   mov al,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx + 2]  
   call SpausdinkBaitoDvKoda                      
   call spausdinkTarpa 
   mov al,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx + 1]  
   call SpausdinkBaitoDvKoda                      
   call spausdinkTarpa 
   mov al,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx]      
   call SpausdinkBaitoDvKoda                      
   call spausdinkTarpa                            

   inc bx                                          
   add bx,     2

   loop @@ciklas2_pagal_cx_nuo_baitu_skaiciaus

   ;Calculating total amount of null bits
   xor cx,     cx                                  
   mov cl,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + 1]       
   mov bx,     2                                   


   mov al,     byte ptr[buferisIvedimui + bx]      
   call skaiciuokBituSk                            

   inc bx                                          

   loop @@ciklas1_pagal_cx_nuo_baitu_skaiciaus1   

   mov ax, word ptr bit1                          

   mov dx,     0000
   mov bx,     word ptr 10
   div bx                                          

   add dl, '0'       
   mov byte ptr sk3,  dl

   mov dx,     0000
   div bx

   add dl, '0'       
   mov byte ptr sk2,  dl

   mov dx,     0000
   div bx

   add dl, '0'       
   mov byte ptr sk1,  dl

   mov ah,     09                                
   mov dx,     offset naujaEilute               
   int 21h

   mov ah,     09                               
   mov dx,     offset naujaEilute              
   int 21h

   mov ah,     09                            
   mov dx,     offset pranesimas4          
   int 21h

   mov dx,     offset buferisAtsakymui
   mov ah,     09
   int 21h

   mov ah,     4ch                            
   int 21h

   mov ah, '?'
kodas  ends
end pradzia 

Upvotes: 1

Views: 1749

Answers (1)


Reputation: 14409

loop @@ciklas1_pagal_cx_nuo_baitu_skaiciaus causes the error. LOOP can only perform short jumps (–128 to +127 bytes). In this case you cannot replace it by

dec cx
jne @@ciklas1_pagal_cx_nuo_baitu_skaiciaus

(see, because the jump is yet too wide for a conditional jump (jne). For a remedy look at

You can let TASM do the transformation. Just place a line with JUMPS to the beginning of the text. TASM transforms the invalid loop to (label names added by me):

loop LOOP
jmp @@ciklas1_pagal_cx_nuo_baitu_skaiciaus

Upvotes: 1

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