
Reputation: 1319

Stoping jquery .then chain via user input

This is probably a simple question, but i'm totally lost.

I have this function.

m.util.genericSwipeVertFunc = function (
) {
    var stage1, stage2, failStage, dfd = $.Deferred(), finalStage, functionPromise;

    // Swipe of screen wait for ajax request
    stage1 = function () {
        return $.when(
            ajaxRequest, // Returns $.Deferred()
            m.util.animateDeffered(swipeOutTarget, "fadeOutDown", true) // Returns $.Deferred()

    // Swipe and Show
    stage2 = function () {;

        return m.util.animateDeffered(swipeInTarget, "fadeInDown"); // Returns $.Deferred()

    finalStage = function () {

    failStage = function () {

    functionPromise = stage1()


    return dfd;

Basically it does some fancy animations to fade in and out different response outputs from ajax functions. This all works fine, except when the user tries to change between targets very fast(before one chain finishes they start another) I get crazy animation all over the place.

I want to be able to reject the chain at any point by doing something like this.

// called on script load.
var currentAction = $.Deferred();

// Called everytime someone starts animation chain.
currentAction = m.util.genericSwipeVertFunc(dfd, swipeOutTarget, swipeInTarget);

With my current code the failFunction is hit correctly but it doesn't stop the execution of stage2. So it hides then shows it and continues breaking things.

So to the question. How do I put a deferred in a chain that i can reject at any time during the chains execution ? :)

Example fiddle

Update for clarification

I am using animate.css for my animations. Not jquery animation. I am more interested in how to stop the chain from starting the next stage at any point from user input.

Answer fiddle

Upvotes: 2

Views: 288

Answers (2)


Reputation: 19288

OP's own solution here can fail after several clicks. In particular, if button is clicked while a section is flying in, then the latest demanded section may fly in, then disappear.

This solution is completely different.

Instead of using jQuery's queue/dequeue, it uses a regular stage1().then(stage2) promise chain, and stops progress down that chain by removing the CSS animation classes from the animated element and detaching its animationend handler, thus ensuring the promise associated with completion never resolves.

As you will see, much of the functionality is factored as jQuery plugins, which makes for convenient, compact syntax.

$(function () {
    // **************************
    // *** Various outer vars ***
    // **************************
    var $sections = $('#TabSection>div').hide();
    var ajaxPromise;
    var str = {
        //various strings
        'animationend': 'webkitAnimationEnd mozAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oanimationend animationend',
        'fadeOutClasses': 'fadeOutDown animated',
        'fadeInClasses': 'fadeInDown animated',
        'allClasses': 'fadeOutDown fadeInDown animated'

    // ***********************************************
    // *** Utilities in the form of jQuery plugins ***
    // ***********************************************
    jQuery.fn.killAnim = function(animation) {
        /* jQuery plugin :
         * Remove all the animation classes from all possible targets, and
         * detach any currently attached animationend handlers.
         * Depends on: str (object).
    jQuery.fn.cssAnimate = function (animation) {
        /* jQuery plugin :
         * Perform CSS animation and return promise.
         * Depends on: str (object); killAnim (plugin).
        var that = this;
        return $.Deferred(function(dfd) {
            // if no target or target not visible, resolve;
            if(that.length == 0 || !':visible')) {
            that.addClass(animation).one(str.animationend, dfd.resolve);
        }).then(function() {
    jQuery.fn.genericSwipeVertFunc = function () {
        /* jQuery plugin :
         * Sequence two CSS animations - fadeOut then fadeIn.
         * Depends on: str (object); killAnim (plugin); cssAnimate (plugin).
        var that = this; // swipeInTarget
        var swipeOutTarget = $sections.filter(':visible()').eq(0);
        function stage1() {
            return swipeOutTarget.cssAnimate(str.fadeOutClasses).then(function() {
        function stage2() {
        return stage1().then(stage2);

    // **********************
    // *** Event handlers ***
    // **********************
    $('button').on('click', function (event) {
        var inTarget = $($(this).data('tar'));
        if(ajaxPromise) {
        // *** start: emulate AJAX ***
        ajaxPromise = $.Deferred(function(dfrd) {
            setTimeout(dfrd.resolve, 1000);
        ajaxPromise.abort = ajaxPromise.reject;
        // *** end: emulate AJAX ***
        ajaxPromise.then(function() {
            return inTarget.genericSwipeVertFunc();
        }).fail(function(e) {

I believe this solution to be more reliable. Even with lots of manic clicking, I could not defeat it.

Try it here

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1

Try using .queue() , .promise()

// array of functions to add to queue
var arr = [];

var swipeInTarget = $("#stage1");

var swipeOutTarget = $("#stage2");

// pseudo `ajax` call
var ajaxRequest = function ajaxRequest(next) {
  return $.Deferred(function(d) {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, Math.random() * 5000)
  // Note `.then(function() {console.log(this)})` for example , 
  // can be removed
  .then(function(data) {

var stage1 = function stage1(next) {
  return swipeOutTarget.fadeTo(Math.random() * 5000, Math.random())
        // Note `.then(function() {console.log(this)})` for example , 
        // can be removed
        .then(function() {

var stage2 = function stage2(next) {
  return swipeInTarget
    .show(Math.random() * 5000, function() {
      return $(this).fadeTo(Math.random() * 2000, Math.random())
     // Note `.then(function() {console.log(this)})` for example , 
     // can be removed
    .then(function() {
// do stuff when queue cleared
var failStage = function failStage() {
  return swipeInTarget.hide(Math.random() * 2000)
    .promise().then(function() {
      console.log("m processes stopped")
// always do stuff when queue cleared,
// or all functions in queue complete
var finalStage = function finalStage() {
  console.log("complete", this)
// create jQuery object
var m = $({
  m: arr
// add function to `"stages"` queue
m.queue("stages", [stage1, stage2, finalStage]);
// do stuff when all functions complete , or queue cleared
// dequque `"stages"` queue
// clear `"stages"` queue
$("button").click(function() {
  m.queue("stages", [])
#stage2 {
  display: none;
<script src="">
<button>stop m processes</button>
<div id="stage1">stage1</div>
<div id="stage2">stage2</div>

Upvotes: 1

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